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Physical/Intellectual Attraction


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Heres a few interesting thoughts.

There are certain things which attract/digust people from members of the opposite sex (or same, whateve floats your boat)

The hook up for example usually deals with physical attraction and a little intellectual(sometimes)

The longer dating scheme usually compromises a good combination of both

Then a relationsship constitutes a whole lot of both.

So, in clubs, on the street or anywhere else there are certain things which can attract/disgust you to people and whether or not you wishto talk to them and/or other.

Here are a few

1)The obvious one Looks. Not to be confused with the others. Looks constitute the body and the face. No explanations needed


I, for one, cant stand talking to people who arent interesting regardless of how good looking they are. I just simply cannot see myself with a person like this because I would go crazy. Maybe duting my college years but definately not now.


Since I am short (5'3") I have a different view of things. Most people, regarding height are either "Doesnt matter" or "Definately matters" there usually isnt an in between. Always curious to see views


I, for one, like women who dress with style. Nothing overly specific really but with "flair". Hard to explain for me, in particular, but others have set views/types. I love a girl in jeans in a shirt but I also love one who wears something fancy..hehe

Theres many more involved with this but these 4 are probably the first few you see when you decide about whether or not to approach or continue talking to a person.





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There's sometimes that intangible that's thrown in there.. sometimes you'll like someone a lot and you just don't fucking know why.....

Maybe they've got "The Glow" (Last Dragon)



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Also-what about chemical attraction?

We are animals, even though we forget it sometimes the smell of someone may make you crazy.

Perhaps we are also attracted to people because we can feel the energy from them-like possitive vibes or negative.

Sometimes you may meet a person and just not like them and you really don't know why-you just sense something. I think the same think happens when you meet someone and suddenly feel passionate about them-you are sensing there energy.

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I think you have something there too. That actually can be easily at the top of the list. Sometimes, for whatever reason, you just "click" with someone. Its as if there are forces around. Sometimes I hope there are because otherwise life would be mundane.




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in past relationships that I've had i never liked them right off the bat.. it was after i got to know their personality that i started to like them. its rare for me to see a hot guy and want to be with them, cause once i start talking to them they turn out to be asshole's / players...its hard to find a good man these days...

But other then the looks he has to have a sense of humor!!!i dont like miserable people.. biggrin.gif


~Music Is The Answer~

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the package is key! Admittedly it is quite easy for me to physically attracted to someone and have fun, but to go beyond that is another thing altogether....bimboes need not apply for long term positions wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Right on neptune! There were plenty of guys I have met this summer that was sooo hot, but once the start talking to me, I start to feel like everything is about them. What about me?? frown.gif I know of couple of guys that are the exception.

But as to the topic at hand, I think its a combination of physical, chemical, and even how you are feeling emotionally at the moment you meet eyes with someone you find attractive. Some days I feel some guys are not as attractive than when I see them at another point in time. I mean one day some guys can look like the hottest thing on earth while on other day he isn't hot shit to me.

Just my opinion smile.gif


Per me e arabo!

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Fascinating survey! But I think you also need to look at what kind of people you're dealing with (i.e., who's submitting responses). Let's not turn this into an exhilirating quest into our private lives, but at the least you probably need to know people's age and social preferences, don't you think?

My ex-roommate, for example (he was 26), dug the dorkiest, most asexual-looking girls I've ever seen. If he were to post to this forum (which I nearly guarantee you he does not because he's purely anti-club scene), his answers would scare most of us away for good. Hey, what can I say, I really needed a roommate at that moment...

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the theories on pheremones suggest that subtle scent recognition helps us discern between close cousins and distant relatives. i like these theories. they go a long way in explaining certain attractions. did u ever wonder why u view certain friends more like siblings than fuck-mates despite how much u love them?


i love music!

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What I want to know is where are the fellas who know how to make me laugh? Funny men are hard to come by, and a good sense of humor is an awesome quality... I once met a guy who, initially, was so not my type but he had me in stitches by the end of the night and we ended up in a five year relationship. I haven't found anyone quite that funny since!



angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Originally posted by sirdante:

the theories on pheremones suggest that subtle scent recognition helps us discern between close cousins and distant relatives. i like these theories. they go a long way in explaining certain attractions. did u ever wonder why u view certain friends more like siblings than fuck-mates despite how much u love them?

I don't buy that, you can't smell a relative.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by artful:

Funny men?

Fuck that!!

Where are the funny women?

Now THAT's a challenge!!

I see what you mean- I am a woman I think I am funny when I want to be, but I haven't met many funny women-I think it is hard for a woman to relax and be funny. Most woman I know are always worried about their weight or how they look (comparing themsleves to other women). I don't blame them though-it's hard to be funny when half the women today are running out and getting boob jobs, and we all know most men LOVE big boobs and good looks.

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

What I want to know is where are the fellas who know how to make me laugh? Funny men are hard to come by, and a good sense of humor is an awesome quality... I once met a guy who, initially, was so not my type but he had me in stitches by the end of the night and we ended up in a five year relationship. I haven't found anyone quite that funny since!


Ha, I make everyone laugh, where are the women that appreciate it!!! :P. And oh yeah, are honest too.

Hrmph. I forgot what a pain in the butt trying to date was in the real world.




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I suppose the results do skew from person to person. I am 27, male, in the computer industry who likes to go out on the weekends. 11 till 3/4 is my usual time unless Ive made other plans.

My opinions I stated in the original post. It would be nice to see comments to each of the 4 points with a synopsis of background.

Waiting to hear!




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Well I was thinking about your original post.

1) Looks

2) Brains

3) Height

4) Dress

I think we all look for in someone else things that reflect who we are, what we want from life. We look for someone that compliments us and "mirrors us", allows us to see ourselves through them.

I beleive it is important for someone to compliment you in all four areas you described in your original post.

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