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Triple X Anyone??

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Can anyone give me some infos on these pills called Triple X? Good? Bad? Speedy? Dopey?

All I wanna know is are they like the zorros? Cause I DID NOT like them at all!!



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

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enyce, so they ARE speedy like the zorros?? worried.gif Shit, I don't like MDA!

I checked the site Dancesafe.org but found no info on Triple X. Is there another site that I could go to?



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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XXX's are VERY speedy...best pills I took this summer...but I like the speed so maybe that's why...although I hear the zorro's are nice too...haven't tried them yet!!

Why not post over on bluelight.nu

Those kids know a lot about their pills!


Originally posted by blueangel:

enyce, so they ARE speedy like the zorros?? worried.gif Shit, I don't like MDA!

I checked the site Dancesafe.org but found no info on Triple X. Is there another site that I could go to?


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They are soooooo speedy. I had them this saturday - dnaced all night long at Exit and went to SF for after party - came out at 10am and had enough energy to drive everybody home to Brooklyn and drive back to Philly. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goood



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I was with about 15 people on Sun who were all on them...they were all real banged up (couldn't dance, move, talk, etc) yet they were up for like 18hrs...one of my friends described it as a real intense acid trip.

Its hard to believe that there's no info on them on dancesafe (they've been floating around here for at least 3 weeks)....did you try bluelight??

IMO- If you didn't like zorros I don't think you'll like xxx

Hope this helps!




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XXX...very speedy. They are like a rollercoaster...one moment ur a high and running around...then u are sober and looking for more but not for a long time though. all in all it was one of the best pills I took this summer after zoros, 3mitsu, musical notes and etc....

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the tripple XXX is the same shit as the zorros..

but the tripple XXX is stronger alot better role but about 2 hours into the role start the halucinations.. BIG TIME .. just like the zorros.. fucks wit your head alot but the role is good it is after that is hard

both zorros and tripple XXX are MDA

u can tell they taste different almost like tylenol


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DAVE!!! I know! I know!! That's why I wanted to get info on them cause of my BAD . . VERY BAD experience with the zorros.

Now I know AND knowing is half the battle!!



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Guest crystalmethodny

I was under the same thoughts as Eggmok

Wasnt that a porno store on 42nd street? wink.gif


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Just be carefull and dont beleive everything you read.

I got some Euro's that were very good, now there are Euro's around with some real shit in the PMA and other stuff!

You know the score, so i will shut up. icon7.gif


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Does anybody remember pills that were around philly about a year ago. They were little blue triangles with rounded corners. I'm 6' and 195lb in shape; but the 2 girls i was with were tiny. The pills knocked them out they couldn't do anything... Can anyone tell me more about'em?

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Now I'm REALLY confused cause I went to pillreport.com and more than one report says that it's MDMA and NOT MDA.

Hmmmmmm . . . .. I hate being confused. hrmph.gif



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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vamp, I checked out that site and it did not list the Triple X at all. Then I went to the pillreport.com and it said that it was MDMA.



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Did 2.5 xxx at tunnel, saw the club rotate like a door knob back and forth for the whole night, and people were dissapearing and reappearing. No love, just the fucked up feeling. Next day i was cracked out worse than ever before. Very Trippy. MDA has a very mild taste, smoother and less bitter/tangy than mdma.


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Forgot to mention, also did 1.5 Zorros at Exit. Same feeling. Very interesting night. Ask oasis about his heart attack, lol. "i'm dying bro i swear, call the ambulance, dmx that's some good shit...lol lol." Then the next day i watched my carpet move for a couple hours. Cracked out real bad too, had to smoke a joint to get to bed.

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