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Is this good or not! Help please:)


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I just started to take E about 2 months ago and I usually take this one. It's round, blue with little white and dark blue dots. On the top there is something like cirkle or half cirkle which is intersect with two little lines. It's called something like EURO.... I don't know. It was always cool but this time I felt high for 10 min and than it made me so slow for the rest of the night.. I didn't wanna dance... . The same my friend. I know it wasn't fake I got it from my good friend. Can anybody tell me anything about them? Could you recommend something better I mean something what gives me speed smile.gif I had mitsubishi Turbo but it was too much. Something between?

Thx for every advice.

Love Amalka

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If it doesn't make you feel good, try getting some from another batch..... it might not be fake, but it also might have some crap in it that's producing some less-than-desired effects.... and unless your friend is also the chemist who whipped up this batch, I'd say you really can't trust anybody's word (short of having a full-blown chemical analysis done on the pill).



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Guest crystalmethodny


Sometimes what you get is not what you pay for. You see, a real brief summary of E.

E is called MDMA, its checmical form.

Sometimes you get other variations of the same form such as MDA or MDE... which usually is sloooowwwwwwww and bring you way down like that. Sometimes you might even get DXM which makes you rather ill, that's not E at all...

Its best to get from someone you really know.


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well, can't really recommend something because though the logos may be the same, it may come from different batches.

your best bet is to order a EZ test kit and test your stuff. even that is not going to tell you the difference between MDMA, MDA or MDEA.

anyways, you can also go to dancesafe.org and erowid.org for more info on pills.

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amal, they are called EURO DOLLARS...shit pills...i had pills from two different batches...i took two pills ina matter of 3 minutes and all they did was diolate my eyes and give me a headache....an di have an EZ test kit and the test said there was a "XTC LIKE SUBSTANCE" in the pills but they were shit....

even though they are rumored to be MDA formed, i think the best pills right now are ZORROS and XXX. i have not taken a XXX but have heard rave reviews about them....now ZORROS i can confirm are the shit...more energy than you knwo what to do with....but then again that is just my experience and my $0.02



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I just dropped one for PVD on Friday and I gotta agree Triple XXX is the bomb !!! I had a double stacked pill and it made me roll like crazy. Gotta watch out though cause Triple XXX are MDA and some people can't handle that. Personally it made me roll harder and the visuals I got very fuckin crazy...not to mention PVD is GOD and the feeling I had was close to Euphoria.


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The first time I took E (only about 2 months ago) it was the Eurodollar....I didn't get a headache but I did roll very hard for about 6 hours. Compared to what I've had since then the euro wasn't worth it. The Zorro's are great though!

Still, my advice to you is just to order a test kit because I had a friend who got e with DXM in it and was sick for 3 days....

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i took 2 euro pills sat night, and i felt GREAT!!! they gave me so much energy and i danced all night....and when i came down i didnt feel the e hangover as bad as i usually do.. but maybe thats b/c i havent done e in a while too...i guess pills hit people differently.. the only bad part was that it mad my mouth SO dry it was disgusting.


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Testing kits only require you to take a scraping from the pill so you can still take it.

I would strongly sugest you do some research. Dont take risks with your life. There are loads of web sites that give you information on MDA, MDMA, MDEA etc. Some also have pill reports. But as you have found out dont rely on the reports too much because as soon as a good pill is released there will be hundreds of "copies" going round that are maybe not as good and some can be dangerous.

Stay away from pills that say they have PMA in them, there are a disturbing number of people dying on them.

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Oh boy... so it means I got some shit because my head is still burning frown.gif But my friend didn't have these problems. And another questions.. What's the difference betw. MDA and MDMA and what's bad about DXM? Why some people can't handle MDA? If you buy E-test it means that the pill which is gonna be tested is gone after process? Sorry for stupid questions but I think is better to know more than less..

Thx for any suggestion and advice

Love Amalka

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