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Paul Van Dyk is GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's right you heard me...GOD!

It was beautiful...the whole night was absolute bliss.

I met up with some of you guys last night and I gotta say you are some the coolest people I met up in a long long time. smile.gifsmile.gif

I'll write more later, now I need sleep...

See y'all tonite @ GateCrasher. cool.gif


scrambles.gif "I dream in digital, because it's better than nothing."- Orgy


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I must admit that this was my first time ever hearing PVD and he definitely lived up to his hype. I got there at 5am thinking that I would only stay an hour or so and we stayed till the very end, dancing non-stop...SOBER mind you!!! PVD=OMG!!! But what did you guys think about the $35 cover???


Not everybody understands house music. It's a spiritual thing...

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They have to make up the money they lose on alcohol some how. Since they know so many people are on drugs and will only be buying water, also some people dont drink at all. They need to make up the money they use for improvements somehow. Plus we all know for most clubs it's a money game. Then you have to pay staff, the djs and everything else.



Four Simple Words To Live By....

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with all the amazing things and incredible achievers in the world you call a freaking Disc jockey 'GOD'?? it's not like he wrote those songs, he's just mixing it with a mixer and turntables.. you need to appreciate those annoymous composers who actually wrote the songs instead.

honestly i think calling a DJ "GOD" is a sign of you not having a life.

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I think the "God" part in dj'ing relates to the track selection, programming, and overall working of the set that the Dj does.

Not as easy as it looks. Otherwise you would have so many great djs out there.

I think that you could give the same record crate with the same records that PVD used last night to antother DJ and it wouldn't be the same. Though I do agree, producers of the tracks deserve a lot of credit.

It's definitely a complicated subject.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Originally posted by souvlaki:

with all the amazing things and incredible achievers in the world you call a freaking Disc jockey 'GOD'?? it's not like he wrote those songs, he's just mixing it with a mixer and turntables.. you need to appreciate those annoymous composers who actually wrote the songs instead.

honestly i think calling a DJ "GOD" is a sign of you not having a life.

It was a form of an expression.

What's the matter, mommy wouldn't let you go out and play?

It seems like you're the one who doesn't have a life...reading posts by people you don't know and put people down for having a great night and just expressing the way they felt about their favorite DJ.


scrambles.gif "I dream in digital, because it's better than nothing."- Orgy


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 09-09-2000).]

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fuckin pricks wouldnt let me it at 5 lastnite. bitch was like, u need 1 girl for every guy you have. we were 4 guys, and other friends of mine got in without girls no problem. anyway i heard he was nothing special, same tracks he drops everytime.


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

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pOOH, on the contrary he was absolutely freakin' great!!!!

Although I did hear him try a lot of experimental stuff also. Plus one or two tracks that I thought were just too layed back for my taste. But PVD IS PVD and he will NEVER let me down!!

Luis Diaz sucked the BIG ONE!! I know he's just a warm up and stuff but can we say . . . SLEEPY as all HELL?? God, I couldn't stop yawning even if my life depended on it!! ALSO, did anybody get a chance to go up to the VIP room?? WHAT WAS THAT?? They had a DJ in there playing some . . . some . . . I don't even know how to categorize it!!! But it was not pretty AT ALL!! As I told trancenergy and shadowcaster, I felt like I was at a high school dance or something. He didn't even MIX the songs in!!! Just played one track to another!! Urgh! Bad move with getting a second DJ for the VIP room . . . they should of just left it alone and played the same music upstairs.

Overall, I had a blast!!!! Met more clubNYC members (NOT Brandie and ROB!! Where were you guys??) and it was great!! Hopefully, we'll meet up again tonight at Gatecrasher!!!



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Originally posted by souvlaki:

with all the amazing things and incredible achievers in the world you call a freaking Disc jockey 'GOD'?? it's not like he wrote those songs, he's just mixing it with a mixer and turntables.. you need to appreciate those annoymous composers who actually wrote the songs instead.

honestly i think calling a DJ "GOD" is a sign of you not having a life.

Actually let's put in as the Faithless track goes

"GOD is a DJ"




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That man is unbelieveable!!! It was an incredible journey marked by overwhelming energy. And the people in that place were and always are sooooooo chill. Met some mad cool peoples. DAMN, I love Twilo!!!!

BTW, how was it after 6?? (that's the time I left)

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He really was incredible. What a crowd that showed up for that one! Another memorable night at Twilo, I was pretty surprised at how many people showed up at the Power Bar. Won't be around for Plastikman. See you all at SnD!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

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Pure bliss is what I call last Friday. Stayed until 8:45 am and the place was still jumping. I must've been one of the last to move from the steps, the cleaning guys moved everyone outta there... I was glued to the steps just trancing my head off.

What time did they close?

Anyway PVD never lets me down, although I did like his track seletions on July 24 a little bit better, but he still impresses. I wanted to go to Gatecrasher pretty badly..., but my friend was passed out from PVD and had no one to go with... boo hoo. Damn, I gotta find me some new friends with lots more energy.

Plastikman, anyone going to that one?


Dream a little dream...

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I was amazing-what talent PVD has.

I agree that for me it didn't compare to what he gave us in July, but that could have been my state as well.

Love the crowd-it seemed as if everywhere I went I ran into someone I knew, or have met there before. Everyone is so nice and that in itself makes the night special!

Did anyone party upstairs in the VIP room. At one point there was this huge DICK dancing around-I thought I was crazy for I just started rolling-but no he was there-Party animal-then two Aliens came out-what fun.

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honesty, it was great, but, IMO, his july performance was better. he played longer with more encores. but this time, more breakbeats and vocals. it's never the same with him! it was amazing.

missed everybody at the meet-up spots....i knew i'd do that. i have no brain left.

can we try a meet-up again for s+d.

as for the vip room, wtf was that! total buzz-kill. sat down for a few minutes and then got the fuck outta dodge. that's another thing, in july, vip was playing pvd, not some random dude.

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Whassssaup!!!! Twilo was so fun. I ran into a couple of people from CLubplanet. I went to the powerbar at 6 but it wasnt as big as i thought it would be. I guess people were people still trying to get there. If any of you guys so a tall asian wearing a Transformer-Autobot-tshirt and Khaki Caffeine pants, that was me. The vibe was soo goooood. woo woo.

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