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clubber vs. raver


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do you guys consider yourself a clubber or raver?

do you think there is a difference?

if not, would you rather go a to a rave or a club? and why?

(reason i ask is because there seems to be a lot more cross-over than meets the eye even though it is a "club"NYC message board. i'm interested to know.)

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I tend to think there's fewer pretenses at raves -- nobody's as concerned about dress, or whose a badass dancer. It seems to be less of a meat market, although raves also have a tendency to be heavily drugged out as well.

I feel more comfortable in a rave-like atmosphere (Tsunami is the most commercial example), although I definitely love clubbing as well.



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Personally, I've never understood the difference between the two. I may dress like a semi-raver, but I go to more clubs then raves. Does that make sense?? I dunno . . . maybe if someone can list the difference between the two.

All I know is that I love the music!! AND I love to DANCE!! dance.gif



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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well, i'm still trying to figure this out but from what i understand (this is generalizing ofcourse)...

clubbers = individuals going to a place to dance

ravers = individuals going to a place to dance with the mindset of unity

i believe dress is just one form of expression. some clubbers may be disguised under raver styles and similarly some clubbers may be disguised under non-raver styles.

so though clubbers and ravers differ slightly in attitude, the compounded effect of a mass of clubbers and a mass of ravers gives rise to either the "club scene" or the "rave scene."

so i guess i prefer raves to clubs (though i go to both) because though there are ravers at clubs the added effect is over-powered by clubbers. though at raves you often find clubbers i would hope the added effect is dominated by ravers. i guess i seek for that one night when all go to hear music and dance but bring with them only good vibes.

LOL... i answered my own question. from what i see lots of clubNYC people are madd friendly and from their actions of wanting to reach out and meet others already qualifies them as ravers. well, we can always argue about definitions...

don't know why i needed to clarify all this. guess, i needed to understand my obsession with going out dancing at places like raves or clubs. i love the music! i love dancing! but then there is also something else about those nights...

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good point lbressler!

that just adds another factor into the equation and will change what i define as clubber/clubbing vs. raver/raving. though i do believe that ravers are more attracted to raves if there is a good line-up.

anyone else with good points? i'm still working on this idea so it will be evolving.

[This message has been edited by nineeyes (edited 09-11-2000).]

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Music and the vibe is good, don't much care where the event is held. Club, house, garage, beach... listening to the music, chill, dance a bit, look at some people making great dance moves and not so great moves. I enjoy it all...

I don't dress like a raver or a clubber, but I feel I could blend in both and look sorta out of touch from both...

So what does that make me? Don't know, don't care as long as I'm having fun...


Dream a little dream...

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