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Everybody that thinks Exit is a piece of shit...please reply...

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Exit sucks!! Ok, it is a nice club in terms of appearance, but than you look further and see that the music sucks and the people there just don't know what is going on!!! It is so cheesy and it drives me crazy...The people that go there probably don't even know of dj's like Paul Van Dyke or Sasha and Digweed...I don't get it!

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Ok now,whats up with you people thinking you know what other people should like or not like. Mabye all those so called loosers at exit like that shit or they would not be there. Thats why there's other clubs, like twilow.I'm so sick of people in this board bashing people because they like djs like Tsettos,JP,Boris and not PVD,S@D,and DT,. The fact that you like them make you a true music lover. These are the same people saying that NJ juicehead gudios dont know shit about music they just go to a club to take off there shirts,and they should stay the fuck out, not that I'm one but who the fuck are you. If people like vocal house does that mean there dumb because they dont like Euro trance. I personaly heard PVD,and S@D, and they were great but I dont like that style of music,but they had the crowd moving and I may not like that style but I was impressed with there mixing skills and actually liked the change of music.AS for me I like more of that tribal,proggrasive,hard,vocal house,that's why I like djs like Tsettos,Boris,A-Z,JP,and J'O. I've been to clubs like Exit,Tunnel,SF,LL,Twilow,Roxy,cheeta,and CF. Heard djs like Tenaglia,Junior,JV,JP,Boris,EB,PVD,S@D,and Tsettos and they are all good to there type of crowd and thats what matters. So the point is that Exit is still going to get packed every night because of a bunch of dumb ass idiots like myself from jersey that dont no shit about real music, and I know how awful it is espechialy how it looks like what a great time we are having at these clubs not knowing what real music is. Just my opinion

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hmm...this is definitely a much-argued about subject...i'm not hot-headed about this but i do have a strong opinion with plenty of backup.. i have to say that exit is a beautiful club (compliments to the designers) but there are plenty of things that strike me as disappointing to say the least... exit is too money hungry, so they overpack it as well as charge too much to get in (but hey, maybe they'll limit their capacities--like Webster Hall does-- after exit's been open for a while and they're satisfied/ stabilized) Another point i'd like to make--i hate generalizing but most of the people i talk to that go to exit are not there for the music; they go bc they love a big crowd (which signifies that the place is popular) with people that dress/talk/dance/drink like they do.. Yet another point-- exit hires rookie djs to spin there so that they don't have to pay them as much as, say, twilo pays pvd or sasha and digweed.. i love music, and i go to clubs For the music, and even tho i'm no expert at spinnin, i've personally heard many of the djs at exit screw up on the decks (and i've only been there a handleful of times.) My last point-- exit is highly segregated.. you got the buffed guys and scantilly clad women on one side of the dancefloor, the asians on the other side of the dancefloor, the hiphop crowd on the roof.. it kind of upsets me.. i love peaceful diversity and i love good music.. and exit doesn't fulfill either of my expectations. once again, i'm just stating what i've seen/heard there, but for all of u who like it there, it's whatever floats ur boat. Peace --- daniela


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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hey tempkid.. i think most would appreciate keeping the swear words and generalizations/stereotypes out of posts, bc it just causes more violence (for example, the crack about jersey-- yes i kno u're from jersey also and so am i). i'm not tryin to dis you, but using curses left and right like you did in your post make you seem weak, as if you don't know how to get your point across without cursing at people. (it's just constructive criticism.) if you are true music lover, then you would have respect for anyone who loves a beat and perhaps teach people about all the different kinds of music there are.. it's all about opening your mind.. yes, there are people who don't kno anything about music and go to clubs bc they hear it's "hot" but like i said, it's all about respecting eacother and sharing knowledge... and don't forget-- different people make the world go round.

peace! smile.gif ---daniela


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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To tell you the truth I just read this post and what got me going was have these people heard of PVD and S@D. I have not been to Exit since late april,I actually also like SF better and JP has been with that place along time.AT exit when I went Tsettos and EB were the djs witch were on saturdays. I've been at the jersey shore all summer at Tempts but will make my come back to the city next week at SF. I just got a little mad in how people think there liking of music should be the only. People in this board always bash on Denny but he gets the job done for his followers. He is also a lot better dj at Tempts because the crowd appreciates him more and its like his home. I've been to all the clubs in the city and heard PVD and S@D at Twilow but I must say the vibe at Tempts in my opinion is the best I've witness by far, sometimes I would get in that place like 11:30 and the crowd would all be moving and ready to go like it was 3am. This past sunday it was the most fun I had at a club ever. The crowd was fucking great and the vibe was just off the hook because of Denny, I hope it continues at The WORLD another cheesey NJ club in NYC were the crowd is a bunch of morons is that right.I know thats what you true music heads want to hear.

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Hmm... I don't know, I was at Exit on Sunday, Labor Day weekend. Yes, it was a bit overpacked, but I could still move, the music was great, all trance all night... Exit has its moments.

I did hate the damn lights coming on so early. They kept teasing the crowd at about 4:30 or so by turning them out for a second, the crowd would go nuts then they would put the lights back on for the crowd to thin out. Overall I loved the music, that's what I was there for. They don't always play trance there, a tune here and there on most nights... so I'm only there when they do.

For the most part every club is there for one reason only, profits, otherwise why bother. As long as they still pack them in at a price that people are still willing to pay, they'll keep charging it. Obviously there's no money in alcohol anymore and they know it. Matter of fact, I bet Budweiser, Michelob and just about every other company wants to crack down on your favorite mind bender because of it. Notice the weak attempt at a crackdown lately? Politics maybe?

BTW great music is whatever you love. One person's garbage is another's person's treasure. A cliche that fits rather nicely here.


Dream a little dream...

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ezdreamer... exit played trance all nite??? are you sure?? cuz they have that trance room upstairs, right before you go to the roof, but on the main dancefloor it's usually progressive and progressive house... just wondering..


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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ya they kept the lights on sunday for a while =(

but what can you do i heard someone was stabbed thats why the lights where on. like you said the music was nice. =)

even though i captured some pics that night that are now on my site plus some house mp3s and more, take a look!


well exit is a nice place to go but idunno about the music this summer, when i started it was during winter time and it was defitnally much better, so lets wait till the winter and see how things turn out! =)


alamo - http://www.alamohq.com

[This message has been edited by alamo (edited 09-11-2000).]

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I used to defend that place but not anymore. It thouroughly blew. They should have kept Magz in the main room, his style fits that space perfectly. Do they even check Ids anymore or do you only have to be only 15 to get in now. At least the lighting in there used to be good, but that even sucked Sat. Enough bitching from me now, at least the SF made up for the mess Exit made that night for me.

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My My My Funkysoulbro

How you have changed your tune on exit.

What happened to my friend's uncle cousin is an owner, blah blah.

If you were in the city this weekend, why did ya go there stedda PVD@ Twilo on Friday or Gatecrasher@ Limelight on Sat? My peeps hit both parties, I was at GC on Sat. You missed a good time.

Hope you were more careful with the Vicks Inhaler this time around smile.gif

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mareluna , im not sure what you mean by exit hires rookie dj's so they dont have to pay them much", sorry but what a stupid comment to make, seriously. Denny Tsettos, Eddie Baez, Boris? Rookie dj's. Not tryin to start any shit here but Tsettos holds down like all of Jersy, Baez is one of the lords of after hours who held down tunnel for a couple years and Boris held down the Roxy and the Limelight well. Magz may be some what of a rookie dj but he's sick. And what club charges less than 25 to get in? Everybody has different tastes in music, I went to twilo once and the music almost put me to sleep. Not putting down twilo in the least but everyone has diff tastes. Just count the number of clubs that play the style of music they spin at Exit, now look how many worth while clubs that play the euro-trance that twilo spins. Twilo's like the only one. It may sound like i'm defending exit but believe me i'm not, they need to make alot of improvement or their done. I just had to respond in general to that post.

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het tempkid im with you bro. ive never had a bad nighjt at exit and people do go to clubs for other reasons other then to hear the LORD pvd. what a joke. ill admit that i dont know everything there is to know about music but i know what i like. and tony draper holds his own on fridays. just cause the promoters get screwed thats there fault. if you fill your list then you wont get screwed. no offense rob. i haven tbeen to exit in a few months, but maybe its different now, but the size amazes me and i think its great. and ive been to twilo the likelyhood of me going back is slim to non


i only speak the truth


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Yes, they certainly did on Sunday, Labor Day weekend. I know that they mostly play house on the main floor on regular weekends. I remember one time Exit had George Acosta playing there, that was awesome and it was the time that my friend broke his foot from dancing so hard. His foot healed, but no longer dances for seven hours straight smile.gif So yes, Exit does have its moments once in a blue moon.

Now, I heard about the Trance room upstairs, but since I usually go only when they play trance in the main floor I don't bother going to the trance room. I did go to the rooftop to see the pool. Where is this pool at? The bathroom or something? They advertised the hell out of it and didn't so much as find a spit on the ground that resembles a pool.

Originally posted by mareluna:

ezdreamer... exit played trance all nite??? are you sure?? cuz they have that trance room upstairs, right before you go to the roof, but on the main dancefloor it's usually progressive and progressive house... just wondering..


Dream a little dream...

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gotta agree with djchris...different strokes for different folks. me personally i go to all the clubs depending on my mood. if i want to see a ton of people in a big place, i go to exit. if i want some serious clubbers with a different type of music, then i go to twilo. if i want to stay out till the wee hours i go to SF...even though im not a huge fan of JP, i still appreciate what he does cause no one else is like him. each dj has his own style, and each club has their own crowd.

lets not start blowing up on people cause they think denny tsetsos sucks (he doesnt btw), or they think PVD is the best thing since the wheel (he's not, he's just a DJ for pete's sake).

i went to OHM last friday (damn!!! i missed PVD!!!), but i still had fun. sure, the dj wasnt that great, sure the place wasnt that filled, but the people (girls and guys) that were there, were really cool and all really good-looking. i still had fun cause i didnt throw a sissy fit because i didnt like the music, i was there to entertain my boss from work and i still had fun.

i know whatever club i go to i always have a good time. i dont get upset at the roid boys for taking their shirts off, i could care less if some teeny boppers are playing with glowsticks, we're all there for one reason...to have fun.

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Amen to that. Besides, without a few glowsticks going around it just wouldn't feel right...

Originally posted by petp:

i know whatever club i go to i always have a good time. i dont get upset at the roid boys for taking their shirts off, i could care less if some teeny boppers are playing with glowsticks, we're all there for one reason...to have fun.


Dream a little dream...

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