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twilo my butt


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I don't think I can add anything that has not already been said. The bottom line being great music.

However, being asian myself (even though I'm not 18) I must say . . . souvlaki, that was the most ignorant comment that I have ever read thus far on this board. "twilo might be the best club for those 18year old asian kids though"?? What does THAT mean?? Someone already said this but if your gonna go to clubs to grade on the venue more than the music that it provides then go to your international clubs and stay there!! But please don't insult anyone's intelligence by saying that the club is no good cause it has what?? Too many asian teens?? That's just plain stupid. rolleyes.gif

I always knew there were ignorant people in this world but people like you never cease to amaze me.



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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I have to agree with all the twiloheads on this message board. Twilo is Awesome. There may be little things about it that I can gripe about but overall you can't beat the vibe at twilo. Whether your a clubber or raver or whatever, people are there for a reason. Is not Paul Van Dyk a good reason for being there? I for one thing love the Cirle of lights and the cold blast of air that comes out? Simply awesome.

Word up to all the peeps at twilo that made it a great nite

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Just another reason to implement a "Squelch" feature on this board. Some of the drivel leaking out of the orifices here isn't worth the computer monitor real estate that it occupies......



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Steve Dash is one of the best sound system designer's in the world. My understanding is he builds sound systems inside Twilo and ships them out. I will find the article and post it about Steve Dash. It mentions his work done at Exit, SF, and Twilo. Also other Mega clubs around the world. Rumor has it that when Junior Vasquez spins the system has to be right or he flips out and breaks shit. He did it at the old Sound Factory bar years ago. Just sharing what I've read. smile.gif


It's all in the music

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Everyone is so mad with this post huh??

Now remember all the weeks of bashing the Sound Factory..

He stated his opinion on Twilo.. What's wrong with that??

So it's ok to smash Sound Factory, but when someone does it to Twilo, it's wrong??


You Want Some, Come Get Some..

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Originally posted by tranza:


Everyone is so mad with this post huh??

Now remember all the weeks of bashing the Sound Factory..

He stated his opinion on Twilo.. What's wrong with that??

So it's ok to smash Sound Factory, but when someone does it to Twilo, it's wrong??

He/she just comes on everyday and says stupid things. It's ok to say you don't like a place but give it a serious opinion and back it up. Not make stupid racist comments and other things that make no sence. That's all.

By the way - Factory SUCKS! wink.gif



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ok...i have to respond to this post even though it's an old topic and i'll probably be bashed by somebody or made fun of.

i haven't been to twilo since the groove party back in may. now that i'm living in los angeles, I'M ITCHING TO MOVE BACK TO NEW YORK...ITCHING TO GO BACK TO TWILO. i don't post much but i read the board often. i know a lot of people here get that feeling when they know it's a few hours even a few days til twilo time. your heart starts beating quickly, you get all jittery, can't concentrate on anything, you feel like you're about to explode with joy and all you can think about is that "feeling" you get when you're at twilo. what is it about twilo that makes us feel that way? definitely the music and the vibe you get off of the other people. who cares that twilo gets packed like sardines, bathrooms are overflowing with kaka, you get burned by someone's cigarette, or come out of the club in the morning with that twilo stank... most of the time you come out of there and all you can say is "damn"...and you can still hear the music in your head when you're trying to sleep.

i went to twilo cos of s&d but the two hour trip from my college was even more worthwhile cos of the incredible vibe i got from all the people.

and as for those 18 year old asian kids...i'm way past 18 but i'm asian...like that really matters. all i can say though is that those 18 year old asian kids KNOW HOW TO DANCE...they blow me away.

that's all. i need to get my unemployed ass back to nyc in time for the next s&d night!!!

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lemme guess . . . you think exit is the hotspot. they don't rip you off or anything there. it's not like 5 bazillion degrees in there. rolleyes.gif

some of us go out for the *music*.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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