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Question for ex-smokers


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I quit smoking in '97 for 2 1/2 yrs and like a jackass I picked it back up again this past January. I want to quit again for 2 reasons

1) I watched my Mother die a slow death for 8 months from cancer (not lung but it's all the same)

2) Since I started again I've had asthmatic bronchitis 2 x's and pneumonia once (guess I'm not meant to smoke)

Here's my dilemma, I know it sounds vain as hell and it's a stupid reason but...I don't want to gain 80 lbs. When I started again I lost 30 lbs and look better now than I have in 8 years. But, I also separated from my husband and started clubbing at that same time so I'm sure that had a lot to do w/ the weight loss too.

There are so many things out there that claim to help you quit w/o weight gain, has anyone tried them?

I know this has nothing to do with clubbing but if anyone has any suggestions, please.



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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two things cathyo-one-some one once said this to me and it never left...

you will never achieve what you want in life until you quit smoking because every day you are willfully undermining yourself....god i love that saying....the other is this....i still smoke but when i quit for long periods of time the way i dont get fat is i constantly carry a glass or bottle of water with me. i am always sipping the water, holding it, drinking it...it cures the hand to mouth fixation and keeps you from eating all the time...good luck-and when you get the zittzys-take a deep breath-they pass....

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Hey cathyo!! I started smoking when I was 16 and continued to smoke for 12 years. It was bad at one point that I was smoking close to two packs a day!! eek.gif

Then I met my bf (who doesn't smoke) and he gave me the strength to stop. So, I stopped smoking since last December. I didn't use a patch or anything that helped me do it. Just PURE will power. ALSO, at the same time I started taking the pill (birth control) and I'm sure you being a girl . . . you know that adds a few pounds on ya too!! I maintained my original weight by doing two things. Working out harder then I use to. I use to only work out maybe three times a week. Now, try to do it at least four or five times a week. I also run longer than before. I run 6 miles now compared to 3 miles before. My appetite has grown A LOT!! And I seem to LOVE sweets which I never touched before. But what I try to do is that when I need to snack . . . I snack on fruits and veges. Also, I chewed a lot of gum in the beginning, but slowly it got better with time. Sugarless gum of course.

The weight only comes on because you feel the need to eat. Don't deprive yourself. Eat but eat wisely. Snack on veges and fruits!! And work out! Believe me, you won't gain that much. And if you feel the need to eat and not snack then eat HALF a portion. It's better to eat little SIX times a day then to eat THREE LARGE portions a day.

Hope this helps . . . GOOD LUCK!!



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Smoking is bad, hmm-kay. Seriously though, i quit about 5 months ago. I was a pack and a half a day smoker, and was smoking for about 9 years. Started by taking my fathers Chesterfield Non-Filtered. Yuck! Anyway, I quit for a few reasons, but mainly for health. Like most smokers, you're really not addicted to the nicotine, but more so to the habit of bringing your hand to your mouth. You will eat more for that reason alone. The best tip I can give you for keeping the weight gain down is...

1) instead of eating junk when your craving food, pick up a carrot or an apple. Always keep fruit at you desk at work.

2) PRETZELS. Fat free. Snack on them.

3) Last but not least, tooth picks. Helps with the sensation of smoking.

You will gain a little weight, but it is healthy weight. Smoking steals an aweful lot of oxegyn from your body, which slows down muscle growth. Also try to start walking for 20 mins a day. That'll help keep any unwanted weight off. Good luck...


You know everything will flow...

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here's some tough love 4 u:

dont lose sight of the basic fact that u choose to be a smoker, even if you *say* u want to quit and you choose to be an over-eater, even if u blame it on the cigarettes.

if u smoke, u can say "oh, im addicted" but really you *want* to smoke. same with overeating. everyone has willpower. not everyone chooses to use it.


i love music!

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hey cathy

after 7 years of being a chimney, i quit cold turkey almost 3 years ago and have absolutely no desire to start up again!

i also didn't gain any weight. tell me please, who says that you gain weight? i ate the same as i did when i smoked, the only difference was, food did have more flavor!

sweetie, maybe your "dilemma" is an excuse for putting off what you need to do - quit killing yourself with the cancer sticks! i'm sure that your weight loss had everything to do with your new found freedom from your husband, and clubbing and dancing (great cardio). please don't give cigs credit for that.

ok, i'm done preaching now. smile.gif

good luck! biggrin.gif



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When I quit, I had a couple of things motivating me. I had just moved to Syracuse, NY in November, and I had to smoke outside. No smoking in the apartment or in the building at work. When the high temp outside is 12 degrees, it makes it painful.

The second thing was that i did not like the way I felt with the craving and the cough. I slowed down over about 2 weeks and then quit.

Altoids saved me. It gave me the replacement for the cigarette that I needed. It has been 2-1/2 years and I still carry the altoids with me but I have no desire to smoke again.

Good Luck!



Loving Miami, while it lasts!

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I quit smoking three times and the first two forays had easily put 10-15 pounds on me. Funny how that happens...

I've actually seen scientific papers that show that nicotine increases metabolic rate while decreasing appetite. With that in mind, I quit for the third time using the nicotine patch. The rationale was that the nicotine pfrom the patch would keep metabolism up and appetite down, and since I won't inhale crap like carbon monoxide, I'll be able to exercise better and ramp up the workout intensity to where I don't need the nicotine to do it for me. Whether this is exactly how it all worked, don't know, but it's been over a year since I quit and I'm in better shape than ever. I rolled off the patch in about three months and altogether did gain about 5 pounds, but they're all muscle as opposed to fat.

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Thanks for all your suggestions guys! The first time I quit it wasn't even a conscious decision, it was when my son was in the hospital and I was so consumed with that, that I essentially forgot to smoke! After a couple of days it seemed like a good idea to stop all together.

My b/f and I are going to try on Saturday, unfortunately he'll be at the fireman's convention and I'll be alone and bored.

Bored = smoking

I'm so nervous!! 19.gif



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 09-12-2000).]

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Guest hotinli

i have only one thing to say...get some willpower and realize that what your doing is killing you. then when you have found that willpower put your fat ass on a diet, and join a gym w/ the money you save from buying butts!! eventually you'll be skinny, and with the rest of the money you save you can go on vacation.

the easiest diet to go on is atkins in the beginning when you first wuit, b/c you can eat certain foods non stop...and you will lose weight. but then taper off, and i swear to god this works, buy Mary-lou Henners book, and follow her diet. you can thank me later smile.gif

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Originally posted by jdogg:

When I quit, I had a couple of things motivating me. I had just moved to Syracuse, NY in November, and I had to smoke outside. No smoking in the apartment or in the building at work. When the high temp outside is 12 degrees, it makes it painful.

The second thing was that i did not like the way I felt with the craving and the cough. I slowed down over about 2 weeks and then quit.

Altoids saved me. It gave me the replacement for the cigarette that I needed. It has been 2-1/2 years and I still carry the altoids with me but I have no desire to smoke again.

Good Luck!


i agree always have altoids on me, though i don't smoke they definelty still come in handy biggrin.gif


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-12-2000).]

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All this talk about quitting smoking makes me wanna light another one up and I just had one.

Eventually I'll use my Nicotrol Inhaler that I got sitting on my drawer waiting to come out. One day tomorrow will be here and I'll be a nonsmoker... brrr... stress level's rising already...

Good luck and I do hope you quit... I'll never quit trying to quit...


Dream a little dream...

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Originally posted by hotinli:

i have only one thing to say...get some willpower and realize that what your doing is killing you. then when you have found that willpower put your fat ass on a diet, and join a gym w/ the money you save from buying butts!! eventually you'll be skinny, and with the rest of the money you save you can go on vacation.

the easiest diet to go on is atkins in the beginning when you first wuit, b/c you can eat certain foods non stop...and you will lose weight. but then taper off, and i swear to god this works, buy Mary-lou Henners book, and follow her diet. you can thank me later smile.gif

Are you kidding!!?? I hope that all came out wrong because that was out of line. My fat ass? Eventually I'll be skinny? You don't even know me.

Like I said, maybe that just came out all wrong and exceptionally cocky with the "you can thank me later" so I won't get all bent about it.


BTW - I'm 5'8" and weigh 117 lbs, ummmm, that's not fat by any stretch.

Are you a guy or girl?



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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I know it's really hard to quit. I just decided one day (5yrs ago) that I didn't want to be a smoker anymore. It was a slow (very hard) process but after a while I started to hate the taste, the smell of it, the lines around my mouth - (very bad for your skin), heavy feeling in my chest..etc. People who knew I quit, I would be embarrassed to light up in front of them. When I get the craving (still do), I just repeat to myself I don't smoke anymore and try to distract myself. Guys have said to me how unattractive it is to see a girl with a cigarette in her mouth. Working out has also helped, I can workout longer and I feel better!

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Originally posted by cathyo:

I quit smoking in '97 for 2 1/2 yrs and like a jackass I picked it back up again this past January. I want to quit again for 2 reasons

1) I watched my Mother die a slow death for 8 months from cancer (not lung but it's all the same)

2) Since I started again I've had asthmatic bronchitis 2 x's and pneumonia once (guess I'm not meant to smoke)

Here's my dilemma, I know it sounds vain as hell and it's a stupid reason but...I don't want to gain 80 lbs. When I started again I lost 30 lbs and look better now than I have in 8 years. But, I also separated from my husband and started clubbing at that same time so I'm sure that had a lot to do w/ the weight loss too.

There are so many things out there that claim to help you quit w/o weight gain, has anyone tried them?

I know this has nothing to do with clubbing but if anyone has any suggestions, please.

Well frankly i just qiut cold turkey. i got fed up with it one day and stoped..havent had one since and i really hate the smell...One time i punched some kid in the face after i asked him not to blow the smoke in my face and he did it anyway...LOL that was funny


Check out http://www.nitefaces.com/mad_productions.htm for club info.

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