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I just don't get it with ya. I know that we're from two different worlds and will never come to a complete understanding, but?? Why is it that when a women meets an honest man with good intentions, they dwell and don't know what the hell to do? Phrases like, "it's too good to be true" usually come out of their mouths. I just don't get it. I understand that perhaps due to past experiences with us men, you can't trust us, but damn!! C'mon now. Not every man is a dog. Some of us are actually pretty decent if given the opportunity. Why can't ya just forget about your past and work on the present. I don't see the point in that. You can't change what already occured. Then again, who knows? Next time ya run into a man, don't be so quick to judge. Never know who may be knocking. He just might be "THE ONE."

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In the PERFECT world . . . people will enter into a new relationship with a clean mind. However, this being not a PERFECT world, we are made of the experiences that we faced in our past.

Why are women so skeptical of men?? Cause a good man is truly VERY HARD to find. And believe me that's no understatement. Just like how you guys wish you can find a girl who is honest, down to earth and not such a money grubbing superficial bitch. Right? The only difference between men and women is that (I believe) it's harder for women to forget. Don't know why. Maybe because we're more emotional then men . . . and therefore, have gotten hurt more badly? Don't know.

My only advice to you GOOD men out there is that when you meet a girl and you really like her and she is skeptical of you . . . just give her a lil' time and patience. Stick around and don't let her chase you away . . . TRUST ME when she does come to her senses the reward is very, VERY GREAT!! wink.gif



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Guest crystalmethodny

Perhaps the person you seek is known to you, but, for whatever reason it hasn't been revealed to your eyes as of yet.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by djrman:

I just don't get it with ya. I know that we're from two different worlds and will never come to a complete understanding, but?? Why is it that when a women meets an honest man with good intentions, they dwell and don't know what the hell to do? Phrases like, "it's too good to be true" usually come out of their mouths. I just don't get it. I understand that perhaps due to past experiences with us men, you can't trust us, but damn!! C'mon now. Not every man is a dog. Some of us are actually pretty decent if given the opportunity. Why can't ya just forget about your past and work on the present. I don't see the point in that. You can't change what already occured. Then again, who knows? Next time ya run into a man, don't be so quick to judge. Never know who may be knocking. He just might be "THE ONE."

Umm........... Who else agrees with this guy? I'd like to see EVERY guy on this board saying the same thing as you. I have guys coming up to me and saying ooooh give me a chance .. I'm the best for you ...... bla bla... and they are absoulute assholes!

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Originally posted by djrman:

I just don't get it with ya. I know that we're from two different worlds and will never come to a complete understanding, but?? Why is it that when a women meets an honest man with good intentions, they dwell and don't know what the hell to do? Phrases like, "it's too good to be true" usually come out of their mouths. I just don't get it. I understand that perhaps due to past experiences with us men, you can't trust us, but damn!! C'mon now. Not every man is a dog. Some of us are actually pretty decent if given the opportunity. Why can't ya just forget about your past and work on the present. I don't see the point in that. You can't change what already occured. Then again, who knows? Next time ya run into a man, don't be so quick to judge. Never know who may be knocking. He just might be "THE ONE."

I know exactly what you're talking about!!

I guess it's an uphill battle untill we finally meet someone who doesn't dwell on the past!...Women they're nice guys left!!...I'm one of them!!!

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You know the sad thing...Well I dont judge anyone from the beginning. I always give the benefit of the doubt yet I still get, well, screwed. I trust every guy from the get go and then they wind up screwing me over. So now what? Ive been hurt by way to many men yet when a new one comes along, I think he will be different. I believe that there is a great possibility that he wont do what others prior to him have done. But, as usual, they always turn out to be like the rest. I still give every guy a chance but theres only so much I myself can take. I cant find one of those "good guys" that everyone says is out there. Only lowlife jerks flock to me. So now what do you have to say?? We dont all dweel on past experiences. We use them as learning experiences annd move forward. But when we keep getting hurt, its not that easy to want to continue on this quest that has been placed before us.

Id rather die old with my dog at this rate. I dont have anything left in me to keep going. All my poker chips seem to have been stolen.



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Originally posted by misskittie:

I dont hear any knocks on my door. Not even my bell ring. Myabe its broken.

Let me go check...........

Same here too Kitty Kat! I think my bell is in silent mode wink.gif. Why do some guys not like eye contact? I am starting to think that they have something to hide. I would look at someone and then they look back then look down quickly as if I am about to harm them. If you are a guy there is no reason to be shy to women.

djrman...Well maybe you are hooking up with the wrong women. smile.gif



Per me e arabo!

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Originally posted by misskittie:

You know the sad thing...Well I dont judge anyone from the beginning. I always give the benefit of the doubt yet I still get, well, screwed. I trust every guy from the get go and then they wind up screwing me over. So now what? Ive been hurt by way to many men yet when a new one comes along, I think he will be different. I believe that there is a great possibility that he wont do what others prior to him have done. But, as usual, they always turn out to be like the rest. I still give every guy a chance but theres only so much I myself can take. I cant find one of those "good guys" that everyone says is out there. Only lowlife jerks flock to me. So now what do you have to say?? We dont all dweel on past experiences. We use them as learning experiences annd move forward. But when we keep getting hurt, its not that easy to want to continue on this quest that has been placed before us.

Id rather die old with my dog at this rate. I dont have anything left in me to keep going. All my poker chips seem to have been stolen.

Hey it's tough for you girls as well, don't get me wrong! I find it increasingly hard to trust anybody because of similar disasters that I've had.....It's a mission for all of us, but we will OVERCOME!!!........And I know you will sweetie!!

And one day while viciously throwing down, Jack rolled and declared "LET THEIR BE HOUSE"

and House Music was born!!!

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I will have to agree with misskitty. As much as past experiences might hurt, I too use them as a learning experience. It's not fair to let the past experiences ruin a chance at a good relationship. And it's not fair that this new person has to suffer from what other people have done to you. Just be optimistic and VERY patient smile.gif Sooner or later someone will enter your life and then you will definitely forget all the pain from your past and move on. (lets just hope it's rather sooner than later).

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hmmm, i don't know... i know that people say that there are nice guys left, but for some reason i only meet up with guys playing the asshole role.

most of the time all they want is to get at my goodies. don't they realize that behind this pretty face and inside of this nice body, lives an intelligent, out-going, ambitious, passionate, sexy, free-spirited young woman?!

no! they usually can't even be bothered to scratch the surface of my being. and G-d forbid if i try to get to know the persons they are!

no, you guys say that you're nice, but when you are presented with a woman like me who is not going to try to change you and who will take you for who you are and not punish you for the mistakes of others, what do you do?? you turn into an asshole!!



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Originally posted by divalicious:

hmmm, i don't know... i know that people say that there are nice guys left, but for some reason i only meet up with guys playing the asshole role.

most of the time all they want is to get at my goodies. don't they realize that behind this pretty face and inside of this nice body, lives an intelligent, out-going, ambitious, passionate, sexy, free-spirited young woman?!

no! they usually can't even be bothered to scratch the surface of my being. and G-d forbid if i try to get to know the persons they are!

no, you guys say that you're nice, but when you are presented with a woman like me who is not going to try to change you and who will take you for who you are and not punish you for the mistakes of others, what do you do?? you turn into an asshole!!

diva, I'm with you on that too. I have varying tastes on men. I mean I have an idea of what kinda guy I want but I am not shooting people down based on their looks. Either way if the guy is fine as hell or not. I have to get to know him first before I would consider dating him. I don't want it to be a waste of time on both our parts. And BTW I may have been in a few relationships but I don't carry excess baggage from one relationship to the next. Not worth it, and you don't get to enjoy the person you are with at the moment!

My $0.50 worth



Per me e arabo!

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If you are still feeling the sting of a previous burn it is very difficult to enter a meaningful relationship with someone. Usually the person that follows a hurtful situation is the "rebound" person. Once all the pain is gone you can open yourself up to a new relationship. It honestly IS tough in this day and age to date and find someone. Even though I've been burned in the past I know there's someone out there in the future for me somewhere. I'm not actively looking for him but I feel there's someone out there somewhere for me.....WHERE THE HELL IS HE???????? hee hee, NO, seriously I'm finding that the older I get, the more difficult it is but my attitude now is if I'm meant to be with someone I will be and if not, oh well. Right now I'm just having a good time and going with the flow. You've got to kiss a lot of toads b/f you find your prince, or princess or whatever. Just don't settle for less than you deserve. I'm so wise in my old age......


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Well, I hear all the time men with good intentions comlaining that when they treat women with respect, women lose their interest. Yet most women complain that the men they are with turn out to be assholes. Could this be because women USUALLY are not attracted to "nice guys"? I think this is very close to what's happening, natural selection is the driving force.


May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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OK I understand what everyone is saying about finding a "good" person and all that. But you know what I have observed with friends both men and women. It seems to me that alot of people find themselves in bad relationships. The relationship may end they may move on to another relationship-but what has now happened is this person is addicted to the drama-addicted to the bad relationship. They don't know or understand anything else and will cause the drama to accur so that they can "feel". Without the negative drama-their is no relationship. I don't know if any of you are following me. It is something that I realized about myself along time ago-and got over. It is possible, but that means you have to see the problem for what it is-and many people are too wrapped up in the "rush" of things to notice.

Just something for all to think about

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Guest crystalmethodny

I just have to say...

I think you kats are somewhat silly.

One of the main problems in this world is that people give into temptation, gluttony, and never seemingly be satisfied. The old world of honor and romance are gone and replaced with this sense of 'image is everything' phase.

I suppose its hard to explain on the way I see it.

Humans are just that, Human. They are susceptible(sp?) to the negative, to the sin, to whatever you want to call it. The majority of us just do not seem to want to learn from mistakes, learn to accept, and learn to be satisfied... WE TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED. Nobodys perfect, that's for sure. But people who strive to learn and admit their mistakes in the past are a hell of a lot closer then people who just sit their in a vat of falsehood.

Me for example... I'm farrrrrrrrr from perfect in everyway. The one thing I have though, which I can say is... when my life is involved with a single woman, its not just mine, but ours. Loyalty and honor is key. Several times in my past have I been stabbed in the back and thus nowadays... I'm single, for awhile now (Heh, Casey... wondering why?) ... This whole taking for granted things comes into play because of my ex's tried coming back, twice... and both times I just turned her away. If you can't trust someone you love/loved... who can you trust?


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Had a 9 hour delayed flight.

Ending up talking with this girl, very casual, very friendly like...

I thought she was cool.

TOrwards the end I just asked her if she wanted to hang sometime..

Well I got an earful on how she doesn't hook up in airports and such and such,,,

Well I went off, First I was like your assuming something, second have I given any indication of any sort of sexual interest? Geez, I talk with you and you jump to conclusions, I thought you were cool, so I thought I'd offer to continue the conversation at another point in time,

THen theres always ythe fact that she is limiting herself...

Who says the MR. Right for her is NOT to be found in an airport?!?

If you start limiting yourself, you'll NEVER find him.

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

I just have to say...

I think you kats are somewhat silly.

One of the main problems in this world is that people give into temptation, gluttony, and never seemingly be satisfied. The old world of honor and romance are gone and replaced with this sense of 'image is everything' phase.

I suppose its hard to explain on the way I see it.

Humans are just that, Human. They are susceptible(sp?) to the negative, to the sin, to whatever you want to call it. The majority of us just do not seem to want to learn from mistakes, learn to accept, and learn to be satisfied... WE TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED. Nobodys perfect, that's for sure. But people who strive to learn and admit their mistakes in the past are a hell of a lot closer then people who just sit their in a vat of falsehood.

Me for example... I'm farrrrrrrrr from perfect in everyway. The one thing I have though, which I can say is... when my life is involved with a single woman, its not just mine, but ours. Loyalty and honor is key. Several times in my past have I been stabbed in the back and thus nowadays... I'm single, for awhile now (Heh, Casey... wondering why?) ... This whole taking for granted things comes into play because of my ex's tried coming back, twice... and both times I just turned her away. If you can't trust someone you love/loved... who can you trust?

very well said.


May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Why are women so skeptical of men?? Cause a good man is truly VERY HARD to find. And believe me that's no understatement. Just like how you guys wish you can find a girl who is honest, down to earth and not such a money grubbing superficial bitch. Right?

No offense, but living on South Beach has taught me: when I meet girls, I automatically assume that she is a money grubbing superficial bitch, and let her prove otherwise. It's more pleasant that way, compared to assuming that she is honest and down to earth.

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