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Who woulda thought Thursday's dinner meet-up woulda been so fun?


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I had a great time last night---- err tonight... ummm however you wanna look at it...

Yo, ezdreamer is full of shit though....

He said stuff to the effect of "When I go to a club I don't do anything but stand around... I got two left feet.. I can't dance"

Yo, ezdreamer, shut the fuck up!!

You shoulda seen this guy get open at Centrofly!! I was like oh shit!! Wanted to be like "Yo, stop that. You can't do that. Stop dancing. You said you can't dance. Yo, you lied to me!!!"

ezdreamer was dancing his ass off...

He's like miracle whip on bread... "A sandwhich just isn't a sandwhich without Miracle Whip"

Well a party just ain't a party without ezdreamer...

Yo, ezdreamer when are you gonna come hang out again?


I'm still fucking amazed that so many people are so fucking cool on this little electronic post-it we got goin' on here...

The only negative thing, if there was such a thing, was that there's no fucking way I could remember everyone's name & screen name... I'm just happy I remember anybody's stuff at all..


It's a shame that some people had to break out early------some right after dinner.....


It's taking me too long to write this damn thing--------too tired I guess.... already fucked shit up.. I was like... "how do I spell that person's screen name?" went back to check and ooops had to write this thing all over...

so I'll cut this short and come back to it later...


You guys missed some funny shit though....

Sinem is bugged the fuck out.. haha!!!!!

Home-bound we get in a cab and the shit smells like the cabby's underarms....

Don't ya know Sinem busted out her perfume and sprayed up the cab.. haha!!!

I thought she was gonna have the cabby raise up his arms and give em one a those granny-style perfume showers... haha!!!!!!


Yo, Sineal... (prolly spelled wrong), wouldn't you know I forgot your damn Screen name again.. fuck...!! Dammit.. I just realized(is that with an s or z.. oh well fuck it)------- I shoulda been writing people's screen names down next to their names so I would remember.. oh well...


I think Rachel1997 has the honor of being the first person to break out!!


Yo, I had a blast though... So many cool people---- who woulda figured...?


Yo, Micky, you get home okay? Don't ya know I forgot your screen name too...


Mistress sleep calleth,

And I must make haste,

Lest she saddle me with a dreary day,

Devoid of energy.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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Yeah, it was pretty kickass. Wish more of you could of stayed longer. We headed to Centro-fly after the main gathering to get a groove on and boy did we!

Sorry I had to leave early guys, I would love to have stayed all night but playing til 5am on a 'school' nite isn't kosher for me the next day. Again, I promise I'm not that lame on weekends.

By the way, thanks for the trip to Centro-fly Steve, it was awesome. Not only was the music killer but so was the atmosphere.

Anyway, great hangin w/you guys! Not awake yet and I can't think of anything crazy to chat about, so I'm out...SH


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Okay!! Here we go!!

CM & PFloyd!! My two hunks on this board. It's always a great pleasure to see you two cuties again! Steve, next time don't forget we're doing Mexican!!

Jamjimvin & Sgbrooklyn. You guys looked GREAT last night!! Love you gals! So, you think I should stay light . . . don't go dark?? I dunno!!

rachel1997, sorry we didn't get to talk much. Bad set-up job of the tables. Why did you leave so early??

Shannah, you're just that cosmo girl! Seriously .. . from head to toe. You just look like you belong in cosmo . . . err . .. not the drink!

dmgreen, offshoot, xs . . . are you guys even reading this??

artful!! Don't forget!! You MUST come to S&D with us! It's a sin that you're committing, I tell ya!! An absolute SIN!!

ezdreamer, awwwwwwww man!! I would of given anything to see you rip the dance floor a new hole!! Okay, next time! I promise I won't leave so early!!

apothesis & resident, I didn't get the chance to talk to you guys too much either, but both of you guys are a definate HOTTIES! Very nice in deed!!

vejita and bressler, I swear you guys look like the type of guys I could totally party with! You are coming to S&D with us, right?? bressler!! You GOT my shit, or what?? hehe. j/k

Overall, it was so much fun getting together with all of you . . talking about everything from music to culture to the difference between Britney Spear and Christine A!! And of course IBIZA!! Woo! Hoo!!

Don't forget guys, every second Thrusday!! Next one is Mexican! Who's in?

BlueAngel aka Casey


"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Thanks for the compliment Casey!

I don't know how you did it but you managed to remember everyone's names and handles. Much respect!

You did miss quite a circle @Centro-fly. Ezdreamer wasn't the only one tearing up the floor. Sorry you weren't there to see it...this time. You'll catch it the next time around (that goes for any of you who skipped out early too)...

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I'm in Casey, I am there! But I dunno if we would want to head to a club or to the bathroom after some Mexican! smile.gif

I'll be really quick and short. I had fun hanging out with everyone that was there and thanks Steve for hooking us up wink.gif at Centro. And most of all, we must do it again!

Now does everyone know who I am?



Per me e arabo!

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Hey guys!

Hey Artful.. (cutie!)

Remember I was sitting there me u, my friend and jmjavin, (is that her name?) I was saying.. ha ha, I we are the only people going to show for this thing. smile.gif Then suddenly in comes CM with like 5 people, we change tables and then suddenldy more people showed and we totally got lost from sitting next to each other.

Oh well, next time!

I had to leave early cuz I was due back in Brooklyn, I promised I was going to do something with her and I didn't want to take the train back so late at night if I wouldv'e stayed longer.

I know I met CM, BlueAngel and her BF, Shanna, PFloyd, jmjavin? (sp?) Alexz, sgbrooklyn, dammint, I can't remember all the names. Don't kill me! But it was nice seeing all of you guys! There were about 30 of us guys! And resevations for 20 only! smile.gif

Artful had walked in with those post-it notes and wrote his name on it and then it kinda didn't work out.. kept on falling off.. LoL... that was cute. Next time we bring those tags saying "Hello MY NAME IS _____" (fill in the blank) We'll look like some support group.. lol...

OK, time to stop typing and get to work..



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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

I'm in Casey, I am there! But I dunno if we would want to head to a club or to the bathroom after some Mexican! smile.gif

I'll be really quick and short. I had fun hanging out with everyone that was there and thanks Steve for hooking us up wink.gif at Centro. And most of all, we must do it again!

Now does everyone know who I am?


JAM! Now I know how to spell your name! smile.gif NICE TO see you babe!!

** WHISPER **** and this is a very cute girl, not a guy. smile.gif

Mexican.... don't know.... Any other ideas people?



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Guest crystalmethodny

Just want to say

Whats up, had a great time

I have a friggin headache, and, my boss sucks. smile.gif

Centro kicked ass last night.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Oh yeah...We have yet to hear from Steve, Sinem! I was soo soaked when I got home...Artful, admit it! you have a fun time dancin' to that music (at least with me wink.gif)

Charlie, we gotta hang out again! You were so into the music last night.

Steve, wake the fuck up!!!

Sorry, excuse my language, Sinem's energy is passing through the computer

Rachel, too bad you left soo early. I keep pondering on changing my screename but I am choosing to keep it. Too much hassle! It was nice meeting your friend (non ClubNYCer) too.



Per me e arabo!

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Guest crystalmethodny

Trust me *yawn*

Im trying.

I still cant get over how good Centro was, its been too long. Purrrfect music...

Yo Artful, damn are you one wise ass mofo, son. smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest crystalmethodny

I think every other Thursday we're going to do a thing, Risa smile.gif

Hey Casey! - Luv ya smile.gif (You too Mitchell)

Rob - How many Corona's? Was that yours? wink.gif

Lee - Its all about being Floridian... LOL

Shannah(Sarah) - You are one sexy bunny! Rip that floor!

Resident - Disappeared last night wink.gif Its all good.

There are mad heads to remember, screw remembering, "Hi" to everyone smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Hey all!

It was great meeting everyone! ...now can we do it again? :-p

Casey, we'll have to chat more next time. Save me a seat next to ya!

Sorry for being a no-show for Centro-Fly. Went to Ja and split a bottle of champagne... then turned in. Do promise to be a better sport next time.

On that note: anyone up for Body & Soul? This morning it occurred to me that I've kind of had it with standard-issue club music for a while, some garage and vocals would be nice. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Come one, Jami, I know you wanna go!

Off to Miami today...


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Damn..sounds like you guys had a blast, I'm definitely in for next time...

I'm moving today..so my thursday night was spent in a crazy frenzy attempting to pack up my entire apt.

I actually found some flyers from 97' from the real d-tour party with Danny...I'm almost scared to see what else I find... wink.gif



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by resident:

Hey all!

It was great meeting everyone! ...now can we do it again? :-p

Casey, we'll have to chat more next time. Save me a seat next to ya!

Sorry for being a no-show for Centro-Fly. Went to Ja and split a bottle of champagne... then turned in. Do promise to be a better sport next time.

On that note: anyone up for Body & Soul? This morning it occurred to me that I've kind of had it with standard-issue club music for a while, some garage and vocals would be nice. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Come one, Jami, I know you wanna go!

Off to Miami today...


You missed a lot of garage music last night. Centro was really nice...Body n' Soul? Thats sounding very tempting...Have fun in Miami and see ya when you get back!



Per me e arabo!

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Jilly - Just went through the same thing three weeks ago. Catch it next time, you won't regret it.

CM - Hey drugdealer!! J/K...Had an f'in blast. Thanks for the comp sweets! wink.gif If this is how awesome the dinner meetups are, I'm there!

Got caught in the rain last night too. If I wasn't exhausted and didn't have to get up early I probably would've played in it all night...add that to your list of things to do @3am. biggrin.gif

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Guest crystalmethodny

Yes people, Im NOT a drugdealer...

Just clarifying. smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest crystalmethodny


Dont sweat it smile.gif

Some people just get the wrong idea.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Hey artful!! I didn't scare you last night, did I?? I just got off the phone with my baby. I don't scare people . . . at least I don't THINK I do. tongue.gif


Scare me how? Were you trying to kill me last night and like suddenly change your mind? Wondering if I saw the knife and got scared? Scare me? What do you mean by scare me? What are you trying to say? Am I easily scared by you? Am I a fuzzy bunny sitting in the corner all scared by you, put here for your amusement?


(Just saw "The Goodfeathers" cartoon on Cartoon network on Thursday--- I forget, that a spoof off the Goodfellas (haven't seen it)... I know they're spoofing a Joe Pessi monologue)

Why would you think that you 'scared' me?

Oh yeah... why's S&D so cool again? I TOTALLY forgot why I was supposed to go.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-15-2000).]

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Sorry, ya'll -- just got onto the board.... had to run some errands and eek.gif do some work this morning....

CrystalMeth -- Yeah, dude, I think I could party with just about anybody at that meetup -- you included! I had a great time.... I just wanted to try and find out a little bit about as many peeps as I could there, but you were off in the other chunk of the room for a while... didn't get a lot of face time there!

Re: S&D -- I'm totally there! It was sorta funny last night -- everyone from my little posse bailed! Two of them (incl. h0nus) went to go see Pavarotti (Italian tenor), one just got a job and was busy celebrating, the other two (incl. Crommy) had work to do and couldn't attend. But I would love to reunite at S&D..... one of the non-boarders I met last night @ the meetup (Yvonne) is probably gonna come out as well. It's gonna be her birthday, so that should be fun, too!

Artful -- Great to finally put a face to your screen. Sorta funny, tho -- you remind me of somebody famous? Maybe a clean-shaven version of Agassi or Richard Grecko (Full House)? I dunno, I can't put my finger on it.....

Lbressler (Lee) -- Send me yer resume (tekboy23@hotmail.com) so I can toss it into the HR queue over here..... good meeting you, too.

Ok, I'm gonna go ahead and be a putz here -- I talked with a tall, 23yr old black girl / woman / whatever-the-PC-term is last night, but I forgot both screen name and real name. Anybody gonna haul my ass outta the fire on this one? smile.gif Plus, who was the guy to the left of Casey? Sat next to him, but his name escapes me as well......

Resident -- glad you came out, in light of the fact that your ass seems to be perpetually overworked. Like you said, hope it pays off in bullion..... smile.gif

Sinem, apothesis, pfloyd -- cool to meet all you guys as well. Rachel1997 -- you were the gal with the open-back pink/red top, right? Didn't get to meet peeps in yer neck of the table, as I was at the opposite end... there's always next time, tho.

Aight, I gotta go make myself useful for a bit, hopefully to prove to my superiors that I deserve to be paid again in two weeks. Btw, ideas for the meetup next time? That Italian place was good, but pricey and a bit confusing.... ezdreamer and sinem had me cracking up with their salad situation!

There's a great place called Harry's Burritos up by Lincoln Center..... a bit uptown, yea, but great Mexican food, good drinks. Wish we were all 21+ (at least our IDs said so), so we could hit some silly-ass bars (like Brother Jimmy's up at 93rd/1st Ave)..... (Crommy -- I loved that place!).

Aight, outtie for now..... PLUR.....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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