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Giving money to the Homeless


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I am not sympathetic at all, I rarely give bumbs money. If I am in a really good mood I will give them money but on average it pisses me off. I think if they have enough energy to put on a show and beg for change, than they can sit infront of a counter at McDonalds and take orders for minimum wage.

Just my $.02.



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I agree 100% with you. They can get jobs, theyre just too lazy too. I bet they pull in a killing of money each day. How many of them do you think really arnet homeless? I use to know these kids back in High school who would go get nasty clothes on and look dirty to pretend they were homeless in the city! Sad right. Well they would bring home sometimes up to $50. Not bad for pretending to be homeless huh.



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I totally agree with you. If people really wanted to work they would get a job anywhere for now just to bring some money home.

I was watching a tv program once and this guy was put in jail and fined alot of money because he was a billionaire going out everyday begging for money. How horrible is that? I didn't know you can get arrested for asking for money. But what a cheap bastard!!


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The homeless guys / gals that I see have the dedication to go to the same corner on a regular basis. Some of them are innovative enough to have a distinctive "jingle" -- maybe they open a door for you, or maybe they just say "hi, how are you", etc. These are all marks of not only sentience, but intelligence -- I refuse to believe that the mass of indigent people who beg are so much less intelligent than the rest of the working populace. Maybe less motivated, or less fortunate, but that's no excuse.

So, if they're motivated and dedicated, they need to get a job, and stop bugging peeps. If they're disabled or unable / unqualified to work, they need to seek the assistance of the public works that have been set up solely to help people like them. There's always money to be made somewhere -- it might not be much, it might not be fun, but it's more than they'll get from me.

My $0.02......



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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You think they can get jobs? you know what that means? They have to shower, they have to get new clothes to look somewhat presentable...many of them have substance abuse problems...it's a shame that you people don't help the needy...sometimes things happen to people that are out of their control...people aren't just "homeless" ... Who knows maybe in the next few years 1 of you will enjoy 1 of life's travesty's and end up on the street and none of us will stop to give you a quarter, which really effects your wallet...wooooa hold on nelly...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Its not an issue of Money, its the principal, the money you give them goes to the bottle or the pipe!!! There are over 90 organizations in NYC alone that will give these people Food, Clothing and a warm place to sleep. THey help people get back on their feet. And our hard earned tax dollars pay for most of this. So why dont they go there?? thats all they need, but no they beg for change to spend on their vices!



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I am glad you brought this up.....I was watching a segment a couple of months ago about some homeless man who opens doors for people for a living.. No, the building owner does not pay him, people tip him for opening the door..

The most disturbing part of this whole story was when they asked the guy how much money he made in a year, on average... My man was making $30,000 a year, now that may not be a lot, but I am talking about $30,000-tax-free $'s a year.. That is appalling...

Speaking of which, yesterday a.m. I bought two packages of those Entenmann's Little Bites (Donut Holes-Glazed, as if you care), they were 2 for a dollar, one would have been 85 cents. I don't usually eat these but I was craving something sweet.. So anyway, As I am walking to work on 5th ave. from the subway to the office, I see the same homeless man I see every morning chilling by the church. So I said to myself, "Self, since I only intend on eating one of the packages why not give this man the other.. " Well when I walked over to give them to him, he was like offended, kep tsaying no even after I explained to him that I ..I see this guy eating from the trash every f**king morning, and here I am giving him packaged food and this jackass doesn't want it.. acting like I am going to poison his stupid ass or something.. Never again ...Also one time I gave a guy a dollar and he yells back , "this isn't enough for a cheeseburger!"

I GIVE UP !!!!!!!!! cwm14.gif





"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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It really bothers me when I see a homeless person sleeping on the street on the coldest day of the winter. But I, too, am guilty of just walking by. Very ocassionally do I stop and give them couple of bucks and that's only if I see children which just breaks my heart.

I think the reason why I walk by is the same as everyone else on this post. I'm afraid that couple of bucks is going to be wasted on alcohol or drugs. And THAT wouldn't really be helping them out, right?

I just keep saying to myself that if they REALLY need help then there are organizations out there that are there to help them. The only reason why they don't go to them is because they can get their liquor or drugs from them but then can from us.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Originally posted by spreewell:

I am not sympathetic at all, I rarely give bumbs money. If I am in a really good mood I will give them money but on average it pisses me off. I think if they have enough energy to put on a show and beg for change, than they can sit infront of a counter at McDonalds and take orders for minimum wage.

Just my $.02.

...if they piss you off then don't give them money but don't judge them either ...you don't know what caused them to be in the streets ...you never know where you might end up one day



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Most of the "shelters" Spreewell are crack dens, that most of the homeless would rather not stay at in fear of their life, they are not controlled properly at all...there's more drugs in there exit or sf...People look down on the homeless, like it's the black spot on society, it's not like those people decided thats what they wanted with their life, look how many of the homeless are ex vietnam vets, who fought for our country for a stupid war, and came back and had no jobs or nothing...instead they've been on the streets for the past 30 years, 30 years on the streets does a lot to a person im sure, and you call them loony tunes, what the fuck do you expect...Just remember your not in their place and you should be grateful, look at it that way, if you were ever in a position like that and heavens forbid it never happens you'd want someone to help you out, most of the time they never get the help they need...so many people just write them off, just because they are "homeless" and often they can't help their situation...people so quickly forget sometimes...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Well, I have to agree with you guys, they should get jobs. After all, if you idiots can - and it looks like most of you haven't passed your GEDs - then they should be able to right? It's cool if you don't want to give them money, I usually don't either, but don't be such a self righteous prick to assume that the same could never happen to you. It shows an incredible lack of class to talk shit about people who have so much less than you.

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Ill House- you are partially correct in that the shelters are crackdens, there are quite a few that are in excellent shape and run well, some are privatly owned by wealthy philanthropests. THe bollom line is that most if not all homeless people choose to be homeless. There are some sad stories out there but on average its their perogative. And for this I geve no $$$. And for homeless veterans there is a tremendously large organization called the VA. And VA hospitals all over the country gladly take on Homeless Veterans!!!!



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This reminds me of something long forgotten.

It was a cold, freezing night, brrr... I was a teen and used to live in a building where the basement wasn't locked, that's where you threw the trash out. Me and my bud walked down there to throw out the garbage and there was this guy, homeless I suppose, who immediately got up, looked at us, and apologized for being there.

Me and my friend looked at each other, then back to the guy and asked him if he wanted some soup or a nibble to eat or something. He said he just needed a place to sleep for one night and that he was headed to Boston shortly after.

Right then, the super walks in, my friend's father. We explain to him and instead of kicking the guy out, he opens one of the storage rooms and tells him he can sleep in there, nice ol' couch. We brough him some food which he proceeded to swallow it whole.

Make a long story short. The next day, sure enough, the man had left, I guess for Boston.

A week later, a cop knocks on my door. Shows me a picture, the man from the basement, and asks me if I know him. I said, yeah, I know him.

The cop told me there were investigating his murder. He had been killed in Boston. I died a little that day and so did my friend.

As you grow older you become a bit more cynical regarding them, you become detached, a flood of them and they become totally invisible.

I visited DC last year. The irony is that a block away from the most powerful house in America, there were homeless peeps sleeping in cardboard boxes.

Ah, the invisible people, what are you gonna do with them...


Dream a little dream...

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Im not trying to be mean or nething....I feel bad for the homeless and stuff but I saw this 20/20 special or something like that on tv and they were walking around talking to homeless people and whatever. Neway Dianne Sawyer goes up to this one homeless dude and shes like why dont you get a job at Mcdonalds? Like she had the job lined up for him and everything, he would be a janitor and you know what he said? No....he doesnt want to work in Mcdonalds...this dude is poor off his ass and hes discriminating on where to work. Can you believe that? Oh and another thing...alot of homeless people can get jobs. There are places they can go where people will help them for free....showers and thrift store clothes for an interview. The whole thing with society is that everyone is appalled in our culture when we dont hand out money to the needy but the thing is it would be more valuable to help a person help themselves....giving them money is going to keep them where they are. Give them pamphlets and shit or tell them where they can get help to get on their feet....alot of them have mental instablilty and this probably wouldnt work but they too should not be left in the streets...they could be a harm to themselves and a harm to others. Like I said dont get me wrong...its great to be charitable but think about where your money is going. Giving money to certain organizations would be a better investment guaranteed. Take the time to help out not hand out.





~*A bad little kiddie doing bad little things*~

[This message has been edited by Calyandra (edited 09-21-2000).]

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You know, everyone has different opinions on homeless people.

Dont think I dont feel bad that they are living out in the streets, sleeping on cold cement with their torn blankets. Rummaging through garbage buckets for food. But what can we really do? Hold their hands and walk them through?

I do feel that these people can get jobs. They can speak, walk, and use their hands. What could prevent them from getting a job. I think making $5.25 an hour in McD's is better than begging for money and maybe getting .50 p/h that way.

America is an equal opportunity country when it comes to employment. Many of the homeless shelters in the winter are open for these unfortunate people yet they wont even go thee for whatever reasons.

I have done many hours doing community service in Newark for homeless shelters. I have even gotten up early some years on Holidays to help feed them. I enjoyed bringing a smile to their faces. The children mostly.

These people, maybe something incredibly horrible happened to them to put them in this situation but when there is a WILL there is a WAY! They can make a difference. It is possible. Nothing is stopping them except their own laziness or loss in hope even.

Why should I give my money to these people when I work for it myself. I get up everyday and drive all the way to work and deal with pain in the ass customers. I dont want to but I have to do it. I dont want to be on the street like that so Im making sure I avoid it. My money goes to my bills, to foundations for cancer and AIDS. I do my part in service and donations but Im not going to give my money to people who CAN get a job if they so desire. Im not being mean but they can do something and I help in my own way...maybe not through donating money but my time!



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I think many of us are forgeting that most of the people that are homeless-have some sort of mental illness. Our city system of rehabilitaing the mentally ill-SUCKS. We keep them in a center for a year or so-then we run out of money so we through then out on the street. Many of them have no place to go and no family. Most of these mental patients don't want to leave-but they are forced too.

I agree giving money to bums on the street could be wrong, because they could be doing drugs, drunking etc.

But people be a little more understanding. There is nothing wrong with donating $ to services that will help these people whether they have mental illness, drug addiction, or depression.

The key is to not ignore what may affect someone you love someday, maybe even you!


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Spreewell you sound like a real fucking prick...People don't choose to be homeless, sometimes you cannot control where life goes...I've 2 friends who have been in homeless situations, 1 of them because he was in a car accident and had no insurance at the time because he was working some shit job that didn't give him medical coverage...and he had to pay these huge medical bills and it sucked him dry, he sold everything he owned just to survive, you think every homeless person is a nut job or drug addict or alcoholic your gravely mistaken...luckily for him he had friends around him who helped him back on his feet, and gave him a place to stay, not everyone is that fortunate...obviously you don't see how easy it is to loose everything...It's amazing how classless and ungrateful people are...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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I would rather donate money to homeless organizations than give it directly to a homeless person on the street. You never know how they are going to use the money.

I once knew this guy who got really bad into drugs and was living on the street. Since I knew him before all this and he was always a nice guy, I used to give him money. One day as I was handing him the $, his needles fell out of his pocket. It made me think that maybe my dollar might be the dollar that helps him overdose. What do you do in a case like that? Well, I continued giving him $, he didn't OD and he cleaned up his act. He was one of the lucky ones.

Then there's the psycho homeless that start saying nasty shit to you on the street or train. I'm coming home from work on the train one day and some fuckin' smelly dirt bag is cursing and saying all this racial shit to the black, asian and indian people on the train...saying they should go back to where they came from and saying that he wanted to put a bullet in their heads. Then he turns to me and my friend and says that WE should get jobs and get off welfare. It was kind of funny because I'm standing their in my work clothes and this piece of shit is telling me to get a job. It's sad, but because of someone like him, I don't give to homeless anymore.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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