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Anyone ever tried taking Prozac after rolling?


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Apparently studies in rats showed that it stopped the neurotoxic effects of E....

I wonder what the street value for that is? I would imagine it would be easier to goto a bunch of psychiatrists until one of them prescribed it for you!


I have never tried it but I am a little curious. If it could eliminate the "bleached" feeling in my head the day after a good roll, I would be a much happier party kid.

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i heard about this too and a friend of mine does take it (definitely go the prescription route - it's easy). recently i read that while it prevents seratonin re-uptake, it encourages dopamine re-uptake and is hence more likely to give you parkinson's disease (the shakes etc). i think the article was on salon.com



he he he he ha ha - but this is no laughing matter

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Reminds me of Spaceballs..

"We can't stop!! We have to slow down first!"

I don't think you should be puttin the breaks on your system like that.... but I don't know the effects either..



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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Yah, I would be a little scared about putting prozac in my body 6 hours after I started rolling.

5-HTP and Vitamin C are my E hangover remedies.

Has anyone else noticed that you can't find 5-HTP in the city that easily? I went to 4 places yesterday and they were all sold out....

Also has anyone noticed that drug stores seem to store the vicks inhalers, tiger balm, face masks, and teethers all in the same section?? Too weird...

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prozac is a ssri, which means that it will protect your seratonin system when it's been over used. xanax is the shit to just mellow out and crash after a hard nite's partying, but i dont think it does any good or prevent any harm to your brain. love that lose feeling and calm state of mind u get from xanax though. definately a prime cut pharmacutical.


cwm42.gifhttp://www.sausagenet.co.uk/pi/grapeape1.jpg grapeape

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definitely 5-HTP. get it from GNC or ye olde vitamin shoppe or whatever that stupid place is called. It encourages seratonin and melatonin production, so helps you go to sleep after a hard night out, and definitely makes you feel better. Lots of people take if for a few days before going out (after a couple of days you notice you're in a really good mood all the time), and definitely the morning after. it's about $20 - $25 for a bottle of 50 capsules. and if you're feeling selfconcious about asking for it (as I was the first time I bought it) tell the shopkeep that someone recommended it for migraines (the almight wisdom of the gnc website lists it's usage for this)



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shugabooga -- I believe 5-htp stands for "5 hydroxy-tetrophyn", or something like that. I could go look it up in a sec or two, but I'm too damn lazy -- it's a Monday, and I'm still at work!

Basically, it provides "stuff" that is absorbed directly by your brain's axons and is converted directly into seratonin -- the stuff that E squeezes out of yer brain when yer rolling yer nuts off.

It's really good to take the week or two after you roll, maybe 50-100mg per day. If nothing else, you'll have solid sleep-time. However, I hear that it has decreasing returns beyond that -- it's not like the more you take, the faster seratonin will be replenished. Or even if you take the recommended amount, I think that your body can only process a certain amount in a given period of time......



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