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Dress codes in NYC???


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Originally posted by john58:

It sounds to me like you plainly are saying people with big egos and nice clothes are less likely to get into fights over stupid stuff than less-adorned clubgoers.

Well, we can debate the definition of "stupid stuff", but I agree with you that big egos are more likely to lead to fights than little egos. Usually though, everything fits together this way: people with big egos and a lot of cash go to places which at least aren't packed to 150% of capacity, so there's not as much accidental stepping onto, bumping into, and spilling of. If you're in a nice lounge with room to roam, sure you'll get in a fight if you spill a drink on someone's $500-shirt, but you'd have to be quite clumsy to do so.

Originally posted by john58:

1.5% body fat. I'll be wearing posing trunks and a $3 pair of sneakers with holes in them...

Are you going to wear that funky glistening oil, too? cwm20.gif

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OK, I agree that in a less crowded place with a better dressed crowd it is probably safer...

Originally posted by resident:

Are you going to wear that funky glistening oil, too? cwm20.gif

I will be well soaked in shiny oil. I have also started layering with fake tanner, so that by this weekend I will be glowing a healthy nuclear waste shade of orange.

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Originally posted by maximman:

Speaking of which.. I didn't get into "EXIT" of all places on Saturday cuz I was wearing sneakers... who would've thought that THAT would've ever happened... DENIED from EXIT... ah well.. live and learn...

Believe me, they did you a favor, Sat sucked!!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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THANK CRIPES FOR PLACES LIKE TWILO AND VINYL!!!!!!! When I hit a club, I go with friends who are looking to dance and have a good time with friends. I couldn't care less what any of them are wearing or what any one else in the place is wearing. Places like Exit and SF should take a few lessons from Twi/Vinyl and maybe they wouldn't attract so many assholes at their establishments. Anyone who won't patronize a club because of the way the other are dressed don't belong in a NYC club!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

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Twilo's a free-for all. depends on the time of night and the night itself. chelsea boys, rave kids, very ordinary looking folks. I've even noticed some model-y types. its a scattering. dress in what makes you feel good, like rockstar good, not cozy slippers good.

fyi, I usually "dress" a bit more going to twilo than vinyl, but that's more coz I can than I feel I have to.


Originally posted by molly525:

Speaking of dress codes, I've never been to twilo...What is the dress code there? Dressy or casual? I always go out dresses up. How should I dress for Twilo?

Thanks in advance cwm9.gif

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FASHION IS FOR FUN!!! that's my motto!!! be comfortable and be yourself, & don't go places that don't accept you for who you are. if you like to dress classy & sexy, then do it. everyone's style is individual and unique. i dress the same (pants, platforms or boots and a simple top) almost every time i go out clubbing because it's COMFORTABLE. if some guy doesn't like the way i dress, then he's the wrong guy for me.

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