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Attn: Souvlaki!!!!


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Did you just call Eggmok a "Dumb Chink"?

Yes you did.. Who the fuck do you think you are, you racist fuck... I happen to be 1/2 Chinese, What!!! I dare you to call me a chink, motha fucka!!!

I am a lady, but I need to get raw right now... What are you, Greek? You need to not be talkin about anybody's race you "take it up the ass mother fucker"!!!!!!

Now say somethin.....

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but it's ok that souvlaki is gettin racial with the asians on the board?

no doubt, souvlaki, you have had some funny/interesting posts on this board, but you really cross the line when you throw out racial slurs like that--



*turn it around baby*

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yeah, that's shit fucked up . . .

i wonder what would happen if someone droped the "n" word . . .

all hell would break loose . . .

this is just as bad . . .

soulvaki, you need to check yourself . . .

don't take out your anger on me cause your outhouse overflowed . . .

and your trailer park got hit with a tornado . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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people people people! ...take a step back and see what you're all doing ...we all have things in common ...let's focus on those ...no need for racial remarks ...they're childish and pointless ...I don't mean to preach but I hate to you see you's argue over this ...calm down ...assholes will be assholes regardless of what race they are



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hello board. i just wanted to let you know that the taping of souvlaki's porno movie "souvlaki does santan" has just finished. we met many challenges with the taping. we had to use computerized imagery to make his tiny half an inch penis appear ten times bigger than it actually was. this was a great accomplihment considering that souvlaki actually had the hello kitty vibrator in his ass the whole time. soon to come, the video.

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Now you KNOW I had to answer to this post, right? tongue.gif

Souvlaki, as usual . . . you've managed to lower yourself to a new level of shit. I don't even think you're shit anymore . . . you are now more like the bacteria that makes up shit. You should actually just go find a deserted island and remove yourself from the gene pool. You'd be doing the human race a HUGE favor!!

Being that I, too, am a chink! And a cute one at that (so I'm told), may I have many, many babies and have them live all around you so that you can be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life!! cwm12.gif



"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new."

- Henry David Thoreau


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having sex with farm animals has warped your pea sized brain. hiding behind your white hood still won't protect you. i know your father sexually abused you with a hello kitty vibrator that was used by your mother in law. hence, your hatred for anything asian. the vibrator was old and leaked battery acid that burned your anus everytime he used it, like a cattle prod. he then would get drunk and dress you up in a shirley temple outfit and made you perform oral on an old, three legged donkey. the school kids would laugh at you becuase your lunch was a three day old hot dog and a piece of cheese. this was a painful part of your life. but not as painful when i get done with you. i'm going to fuck you like your daddy did. although i'm crazy, i'm smart enough to still wear a condom because your daddy gave you herpies. see you in an hour.

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he doesn't need to apologize. he'll be thanking me because in his mind, daddy will be back. remember this souvlaki, "who's your daddy, who's your daddy!" it will just be like old times again. i'll bring the old vibrator just for shits and giggles. time is almost close, 45 minutes away. i'm getting a hard on. i hope you haven't been with any animals lately. i want you just to myself.

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you all remember me from my movie appearance in pulp fiction. i'm the guy with the mask that got it on with vincent vega. my new bitch is souvlaki. he is with me now licking my toes and shaving my buttocks. i am so sorry that he will not be available today because he is making a new porno with me. it is called "souvlaki does satan" starring me, the gimp and my bitch, souvlaki. you people can have your way with him when i'm done today. the video will be on sale next month and the proceeds will go to the souvlaki hello kitty vibrator fund. thank you.

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Originally posted by eggmok:

yeah, that's shit fucked up . . .

i wonder what would happen if someone droped the "n" word . . .

all hell would break loose . . .

do you mean Nigger?

this is just as bad . . .

soulvaki, you need to check yourself . . .

don't take out your anger on me cause your outhouse overflowed . . .

and your trailer park got hit with a tornado . . .

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originally posted by the racist souvlaki:

oh so you are a flip not a chink.. thats even worse, because chinese people seem to be better off than flips. im just sick of your lame posts and you seem to post aweful alot.

well i will try not to open your posts again.. muthafucker.

souvlaki . . .

do not ask for forgiveness . . .



Life is too short to be small.

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well, if he would ever respond to this post i would like to find out where he is. he's obviously scared and knows the severity of his remarks. just tell me where you are souvlaki so we can meet up. you're such a big guy on the posts. we'll see how big you are when i have my foot up your candy ass. just bring it!

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for those of you upset at my girlfriend souvlaki, please do not be offended. he had a rough night. i made him lick my crack for a good hour and a half. he kept on whining that his tounge and jaw were in severe pain, but i just backhanded him a few times saying "bitch, you better keep licking my ass or you're gonna get the hello kitty vibrator all night!" so i do not be mad, he just got a good butt bang last night. it was pretty messy cause i also shit in his ear and i didn't let him clean up. sorry gang!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Now you KNOW I had to answer to this post, right? tongue.gif

Souvlaki, as usual . . . you've managed to lower yourself to a new level of shit. I don't even think you're shit anymore . . . you are now more like the bacteria that makes up shit. You should actually just go find a deserted island and remove yourself from the gene pool. You'd be doing the human race a HUGE favor!!

Being that I, too, am a chink! And a cute one at that (so I'm told), may I have many, many babies and have them live all around you so that you can be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life!! cwm12.gif


you are a fuckin riot casey!!! LOL!!!!! iam sorry but to the topic at hand.. Me need to slow our roles and stop this shit!!





"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir


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