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Originally posted by starcapone:

no one on this board personally knows me. so don't talk shit like u do. i've never meet anyone from this board but would like to someday. sayin' that i was a stripper isn't kewl or not kewl it is an occupation. i'm actually an intelligent person so don't disrespect me. u have your opinions and that's fine. i said that post was a dare if i could have removed it i would have if i knew this was gonna happen.

I don't think anyone is trying to judge you as a person. They are just voicing their opinions on stripping. You have to admit that it is a degrading and self-defacing job...OK, that's my opinion so I take that back. But, you can't argue with numbers, it seems that a lot of girls that go down that path end up addicted to drugs or alcohol, and it seems that, for the most part, a lot of them don't really "like" what they are doing. It's usually the younger ones who say "Oh I love it, the money, the attention..." They are still in a stage where they might be trying to justify it to themselves so of course they can't admit not liking it to the world.

I don't think I'm a closed minded person but I just don't think that this sort of job could do much for a girls self worth. It may provide a quick fix for feeling "wanted" but in the end I feel it would do more damage than anything. Not to mention the stigma that would follow her the rest of her life and God forbid she have children and their friends find out.

Not judging, but seriously make a list of pro's and con's and try to figure out why you are really doing it before jumping in. If a friend of mine were planning on this I would never be disgusted, just very very SAD.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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completely disregarding that whole thing about stripping and the other threads and whatever bullshit...

your parents really do know more than you. i'd never be one to give advice about whether to listen to or challenge authority. when i lived at home, any restriction placed on me was made a goal to defy in ten different ways. but then i had one of those incidents that Mom and Dad read to you about from the newspaper


hahahaha... well, now i know what they were always trying to protect me from, even if they didn't always know themselves. seriously, your parents love you unconditionally and more than anyone else ever will. if you can't understand and appreciate why they want to protect you, you should at least give them the respect they deserve (wow, who would've imagined i'd be saying things like this four years ago)

my kids are never going out, except to school and lessons and practice



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i'm 18 and i'm not aloud to go clubbing, well i have to be back by 1am - yeah ok. - this sat. i'm thinking of either going to tunnel, twilo or vinyl - not sure which one since i wanna go w/ other peps from this board. cwm17.gif so i plan to tell my parents the truth since i'm tired of lying to them, but i might just get kicked out cwm33.gif i don't know what to do ... has anyone else been in this situation either having to live their own life/ defy their parents? cwm33.gif


"your traveling to another dimension a dimension not only in sight and sound but of mind a journey into a wondrous land whos boundaries are that of imagination your next stop the twilight zone." athenalust@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by starcapone:

i'm 18 and i'm not aloud to go clubbing, well i have to be back by 1am - yeah ok. - this sat. i'm thinking of either going to tunnel, twilo or vinyl - not sure which one since i wanna go w/ other peps from this board. cwm17.gif so i plan to tell my parents the truth since i'm tired of lying to them, but i might just get kicked out cwm33.gif i don't know what to do ... has anyone else been in this situation either having to live their own life/ defy their parents? cwm33.gif

honestly i think HAVING A ROOF over your head is ALOT more important then going clubbing... maybe its just me but i dont think clubbin and living in a box totally mixes together..

And Geez i wasn't allowed out past 6pm untill i was 16yrs old...





"A good man is hard to find, A hard man is Good to find" http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html


[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-02-2001).]

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There must be a reason why your parents are strict...hell,if I had kids I wouldn't allow them to date till they were 16 and clubbing!When they turn 18 I'll take them myself...when they're 21 and out of my house they can do whatever the hell they want,but as long they live in my house,they listen to yours truly.lol.Try putting yourself in their shoes...have you defied them in the past of been an outright bitch?

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I used to have a similar problem... Have you just sat down with one parent and just rationally spoken with him/her? Don't whine -- don't say "but my friends are allowed"... that will just add fuel to the fire. Just approach as an adult -- ask why your parents feel the way they do. The best you can do is reassure them that you are indeed mature and responsible. They'll learn that you're not 12 years old in time... But remember that having a home and family that cares about you is a hell of a lot more important at thie point in your life than a few nights of great music... You've got a lot of time ahead -- just respect your parents and don's just tell them you're all grown up -- show them.

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Okay now I'm totally confused!! Didn't you once post up that you were dancing nude for a strip club?? If you're parents don't let you out past 1 a.m. then how do you manage to dance for a strip club??

Or am I going crazy?? cwm36.gif



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


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Originally posted by starcapone on 10/12/00 "I'm Officially a Stripper":

i started mon. i can't tell u where yet until i get really good. my name is star capone. i've made about $500 bucks so far i only worked mon and wed. and now the weekend is here so i'll be very busy. gosh it's nerve wrecking but i was on e on mon. ok. just thought i'd share that i can actually say i luv my job.

I knew I wasn't going crazy!! So, how do you manage to do your job if you're under a curfew? cwm1.gif



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 01-02-2001).]

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At first, as any other teenager, I'd piss my parents off by staying out late and disappearing. They were worried, never let me go anywhere and we'd always fight over this. A little while later I realized that the only reason why they were getting mad is that they were worried that something would happen to me.

So I had a little talk with them and we came up with a solution. As long as they knew WHO I was with, and what time to expect me back, there wouldn't be a problem. So I would always tell my parents "i'm going with this person, or these ppl", call them once in a while (especially if i was running late). Another solution is getting a cell phone so if they are worried, they can always get in touch with you. That seemed to work really well and completely changed my relationship with them. If you can communicate with them as an adult, be responsible, they'll trust you more.

You just gotta realize that they are not doing this because they are control freaks, it's only because they love you and are afraid that something will happen to you. So instead of screaming and yelling, just tell them where you are going, that you are going with friends that you trust (and preferably your parents know and like smile.gif) and that you will be home at a certain time. Maybe call them during the night just to say that you are ok.

A lot of my friends would ask me why I would call home in the middle of a party and my only explanation would be that it's really not that difficult to make a 2 minute phone call. It will save your parents a lot of grief and trust me, it'll improve your relationship too.

Communication is key to every relationship, especially parents <-> kids.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Okay now I'm totally confused!! Didn't you once post up that you were dancing nude for a strip club?? If you're parents don't let you out past 1 a.m. then how do you manage to dance for a strip club??

Or am I going crazy??


I think she was bullshitting...you know how teenyboppers are...always trying to talk shit.

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Originally posted by sassa:

I think she was bullshitting...you know how teenyboppers are...always trying to talk shit.

Oookkkaayyy so I guess she thought it would make her look cool to be a stripper?? cwm13.gif And these are our future! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. cwm24.gif



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Oookkkaayyy so I guess she thought it would make her look cool to be a stripper?? cwm13.gif And these are our future! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. cwm24.gif


Hopefully the ones that think like this,will fall in the cracks if they don't get their act together soon enough,or wisen up.I just don't understand people sometimes..there's nothing great about being a stripper,being heavily into drugs and drinking,and wearing tight revealing clothes for the nasty masses to leer at you period.Girls(and guys) like this make me absolutely fucking sick.There's a reason why modesty works.Think about that.

[This message has been edited by sassa (edited 01-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I knew I wasn't going crazy!! So, how do you manage to do your job if you're under a curfew? cwm1.gif


Good job inspector! You did it for me, as soon as I read this post I was going to do a search! You saved me time smile.gif

Kind of odd right?

So, star, were you, or were you not a stripper??



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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no one on this board personally knows me. so don't talk shit like u do. i've never meet anyone from this board but would like to someday. sayin' that i was a stripper isn't kewl or not kewl it is an occupation. i'm actually an intelligent person so don't disrespect me. u have your opinions and that's fine. i said that post was a dare if i could have removed it i would have if i knew this was gonna happen.


"your traveling to another dimension a dimension not only in sight and sound but of mind a journey into a wondrous land whos boundaries are that of imagination your next stop the twilight zone." athenalust@hotmail.com

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