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Don't ever park in the handicapped spot or you'll be verbally accosted!!!

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A little story for you: I had to go to a certain branch of my bank b/c it's open late on thursdays and i lost my atm card this weekend. Due to the snow there were fewer parking spots, plus (as i later found out) there was some sort of business function going on at the bank. I drove around and around for about 10 minutes and was starting to get really aggravated looking for parking when i see a woman putting her kid in her car. I pull around and put on my signal to wait for the spot. Meanwhile someone pulls behind me and starts to honk but i was like "sorry lady, gotta wait a minute"....so then there's another car behind her but there was no way i was giving up this spot. As soon as the car pulls out i notice it's a handicapped person's spot but i was taking it anyway. I ran in the bank and it was empty besides me and some man getting some kind of loan advice at a desk. I get helped right away but as i'm being helped this older woman storms into the bank, points at me and yells (and i mean YELLS) "are you the girl with the white vw?" to which i respond "yeah..." so she starts SCREAMING at me about how i held up traffic for that spot and it's a handicapped spot and how dare i take away from the handicapped and she's gonna take my license plate # and report me to the police....I cannot stress enough how loud she was screaming.......so the dude in the bank chimes in "yeah, i had to drive around three times until i found something!!!" so i start to scream back that i HAD been driving around and i had someplace to be and i was unaware it was a handicapped spot until after the fact......but this woman was not letting me have a word in. She just kept going on and on and on and on about how dare i "break the law" and "take away from the disabled".....So then the manager comes out and starts to try to calm this woman down. She trys to explain to the woman that unfortunately there's a function at the bank and because of that and the snow there's limited parking. The woman is now screaming at her about what kind of establishment allows patrons to take away from the disabled (oh, and she asked me if i'm disabled to which i really wanted to say something smartass like "yeah, after a few shots of vodka" but thought better of it since it is a very serious issue and all).....anyway, i got my cash and left in a rage! OK< i know i shouldn't have parked in a disabled person's spot but i really needed cash and was pressed for time and isn't it my business if i'm willing to suffer the consequences of "breaking the law"???? I've never been yelled at like that in public by a stranger. It's pretty funny now but at the time she had me so f***ing pissed off I can't even tell you. Just thought i'd warn all you guys to never park in a handicapped spot unless you're really handicapped and maybe give you a giggle. (oh, my ex got a $100 fine for doing the same thing at a 7-11).......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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It is really amazing how some people have absolutly nothing else to do but fuck around with other people's business!!! She probably hasn't gotten laid in like 28 years and is way to sexually frustrated to handle her temper!! I hate people like that!!!


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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haha man that sux, i got yelled at a few times in public, i just point and laugh and keep laughing, it usually gets them so pissed off that they end up leaving me alone knowing that they aren't getting to me smile.gif there will always be those assholes, i would have taken the spot too, i don't blame you since there was nothing else open. that lady was probably just jealous cuz she didn't get it


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

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Oh, and I have to add that I in no way wimped out to this crazy woman. I was screaming back at her that it was none of her business and I'd be out of the bank already if she hadn't started with me but she was just ranting and raving......now if she wants to talk about breaking the law, i've done plenty worse, ha ha!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I have a different take on this situation.

My brother is in a wheelchair and drives a handicapped van. He never parks in the appropriate handicapped spots like he should. He parks wherever he feels like it. He has received so many tickets for his illegal parking and has always gotten out of them in court.

He knows that a judge will never give him a ticket seeing him in his wheelchair.

So I say, take the handicapped space just on the off chance that my brother will be driving to that same bank and be in need of a parking space. He'll park in the middle of the street anyway- and not get a ticket!

Hope this helps.



I've got plans, lots of 'em.

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

I have a different take on this situation.

My brother is in a wheelchair and drives a handicapped van. He never parks in the appropriate handicapped spots like he should. He parks wherever he feels like it. He has received so many tickets for his illegal parking and has always gotten out of them in court.

He knows that a judge will never give him a ticket seeing him in his wheelchair.

So I say, take the handicapped space just on the off chance that my brother will be driving to that same bank and be in need of a parking space. He'll park in the middle of the street anyway- and not get a ticket!

Hope this helps.


but then he'd have to go to court to fight the ticket and that's gotta be a pain in the ass for him, no??? the story is more about the batty woman, though. she was OUT-OF-CONTROL.....i can't even tell you....i'll demonstrate for you guys one day. oh my god.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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you're right, he would have to go to court and fight the ticket- but he would definitely win.

Seriously though, that woman clearly had nothing better to do with her day. She's the kind of person who reprimands homeless people for not having a clean clothing.

I find that when confronted with crazy people, (which happens an aweful lot for me), the best thing to do is to look them dead in the eye and say very calmly, "You are a lunatic" and walk away.

If anything, that gets them more irate (no insane person wants to ever hear those words) and you don't get all in a tizzy.

*trust me this works- I happen to work with some VERY crazy people*

This always gets their goat.


I've got plans, lots of 'em.

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Me and my friend got a big fat ticket and were threatend to be arrested for using my friend's dad's handicap decal to park on like THE best spot on Ocean Drive on South Beach... It was the def jam records weekend or somn, so there was like a million guys livin their rap video dream runnin around on scooters, cruisin their "rides" and walkin down the streets w like ho's n shit.. so i take it the cops were real pissed... All I know is that if we didnt get the spot, prolly some big shot rapper in his mercedes or hummer limo would've used it anyways... The only bad thing was payin those $250 and goin to court... but it's all good... after all my buddy had no points on his license, and we DID have the best fkn spot on the beach that day... cwm1.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


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there were probably 3 more handicap spots plowed uder a snowbank, too. if that wackjob wanted a beef, it should have been with the bank manager for not having the contractor do a better job clearing the lot. f'ing crazy loonies. cwm10.gif


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by TheRegulator:


you ever try to find parking around most clubs in nyc? especially with snowbanks? this is a warning for clubbers. Now go back in your hole, Regulator.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

Originally posted by TheRegulator:


you ever try to find parking around most clubs in nyc? especially with snowbanks? this is a warning for clubbers. Now go back in your hole, Regulator.

ichi, i love you.....but regulator, he's just frustrated.....now let's define the word reg-u-late: what you say to your friend reg when he's late, ie "Reg, you late!!"


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Yous all are so fucking mean. What if that sweet old lady was actually your mom? Or Grandma? If not, imagine if she was. Would yous all change your thinking? So mean. She spends all day picking up cans, lives off a social security, and sticking up for the handicapped and yous all tell her to go to hell?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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ok, my best guy friend has a handicapped sign for his car, cause his grandma doesn't walk well . . .

but he parks whereever he wants. two cops saw him get out of the car one time, and they were looking at him like, "*you* are handicapped?" and he's like 'i have chronic asthma.'

another time someone said something along the lines of 'you don't look very handicapped' and he said the same thing again, and was like, i hope they don't see the bong in my backseat. smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by bungee:

Yous all are so fucking mean. What if that sweet old lady was actually your mom? Or Grandma? If not, imagine if she was. Would yous all change your thinking? So mean. She spends all day picking up cans, lives off a social security, and sticking up for the handicapped and yous all tell her to go to hell?

ha ha, poor granny couldn't find a parking spot for her lexxus......don't think she got that car from picking up cans, but then again maybe i'll start to pick up some cans!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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In nyc people are usually more laxed about the shit. Where I go to school in pa I park my boat like I'm in ny and people look at me like I'm nutz, so I look back at them crosseyed and with saliva coming out of my mouth, that usually makes them run. Besides the tickets down here are like 5 to 15 dollars and shit, its a f-ing joke!!! I pay more than that at a parking lot in nyc for a couple of hours.

One time I was parallel parking down here and bumped this guy's geo(!!) in front of me, so he came out all like: "are you trying to wreck my car" and shit, and I was like: "yeah, and then I'll kill yo family with a pencil mothuf-r" and shit. Nice guy, someday we'll all laugh about it in Valhala!

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