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Anyone take any good hits lately?

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I told you...I go to Twilo sunday mornings.....I used to be all about SF back in 97-98...but like I said the place needs a huge facelift......Sniff...Sniff....Let me tell you something sweatheart...that should be the last thing from your mind...I was just curious; for your info, I've been involved in the club scene since the early 1990's...I was going to the SF on 27th street at 6:0am sunday mornings while you were home watching cartoons on tv.

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Originally posted by emcee25:

I told you...I go to Twilo sunday mornings.....I used to be all about SF back in 97-98...but like I said the place needs a huge facelift......Sniff...Sniff....Let me tell you something sweatheart...that should be the last thing from your mind...I was just curious; for your info, I've been involved in the club scene since the early 1990's...I was going to the SF on 27th street at 6:0am sunday mornings while you were home watching cartoons on tv.

Listen Dude,

Get off of your own ego, I'm not new school, I'm 22 so kiss my ass. Unless your 30 then I think we were watching the same cartoons. Stop assuming cause it makes an ass out of YOU and YOU!!

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My friends took - Double Stacked Stars on NYE, and said they were good . . . they lasted for a really long time . . .

A couple other kids took XXX last friday and said they were absolutely retarded . . .

i heard mixed reviews about the pisces . . . i mainly hear that they're not *that* strong.

People took candy canes two weeks ago . . . they said those were visual and lasted for an extended period of time.

hope this helps!




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Listen Neydog..if your only 22 than you must be a rookie....I bet you didn't even know that the present day Twilo was the original, true, one and only SOUNDFACTORY! I am from the days of Paradise Garage, Basseline, Powerhouse, Tripp and the original World on houston st.......You've probably never even heard of these venues. And if you have, you were between the ages of 8 and 12 when these places were bangin' all night long....I've experienced the days when house music was at its peak and people came to enjoy the music; nowadays the scene is a joke....its kids like you that need to appreciate where the scene came from!

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Originally posted by emcee25:

Listen Neydog..if your only 22 than you must be a rookie....I bet you didn't even know that the present day Twilo was the original, true, one and only SOUNDFACTORY! I am from the days of Paradise Garage, Basseline, Powerhouse, Tripp and the original World on houston st.......You've probably never even heard of these venues. And if you have, you were between the ages of 8 and 12 when these places were bangin' all night long....I've experienced the days when house music was at its peak and people came to enjoy the music; nowadays the scene is a joke....its kids like you that need to appreciate where the scene came from!

oh pleeeeeeeeeeease....who the hell cares where you've been???......"scene is a joke"....so stop fucking going to clubs and bring negative vibe there w/ you.......relax killer............ smile.gif


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by risa06:

oh pleeeeeeeeeeease....who the hell cares where you've been???......"scene is a joke"....so stop fucking going to clubs and bring negative vibe there w/ you.......relax killer............ smile.gif

LOL....you are funny!

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Originally posted by emcee25:

Listen Neydog..if your only 22 than you must be a rookie....I bet you didn't even know that the present day Twilo was the original, true, one and only SOUNDFACTORY! I am from the days of Paradise Garage, Basseline, Powerhouse, Tripp and the original World on houston st.......You've probably never even heard of these venues. And if you have, you were between the ages of 8 and 12 when these places were bangin' all night long....I've experienced the days when house music was at its peak and people came to enjoy the music; nowadays the scene is a joke....its kids like you that need to appreciate where the scene came from!

Hey, didn't I see YOUR kids at Twilo last Friday?


Jewel Promotions invites you to CHECK OUT NYC's Newest PROGRESSIVE party SATURDAYS at WEBSTER HALL....


jewelz917@yahoo.com or mention the "Jewel" list at the door.


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Now Emcee25 - your points about how LONG you've been in the scene and all of the OLD school parties you went to did 3 things:

1) I admit, that's F-N awesome..I mean Most of us wish we could've seen there/experienced that

2) Made me realize that after I've been in the club scene for 15 years, I HOPE I"M NOT STILL TAKING HITS !!!!!!

3) MAde me realize that being in the scene for a long time does not make you cool, cuz some people are just angry, old, and COLD//

PS- THE SCENE is about YOUTH and ENERGY and OPENMINDED NESS...So an old dude rippin on the SF kids and complaining about NEW younger faces on the scene should realize - the crackhead is the one who's been rolling for LONGER, not SHORTER and that attitude is ANTI-what the scene represents; I mean its AWESOME to see new people experiencing clubs/electronic music for the first few times..It reminds me (& should remind you) of when WE were new to the scene...

well I'm out...but try to take a step back, bro, I'd rather you describe what you did, what you saw, etc..rather than tell us why you're the man....

(& even though youth is part of the scene, so is agelessness, so keep clubbin, just don't be a dick)

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Originally posted by emcee25:

Listen Neydog..if your only 22 than you must be a rookie....I bet you didn't even know that the present day Twilo was the original, true, one and only SOUNDFACTORY! I am from the days of Paradise Garage, Basseline, Powerhouse, Tripp and the original World on houston st.......You've probably never even heard of these venues. And if you have, you were between the ages of 8 and 12 when these places were bangin' all night long....I've experienced the days when house music was at its peak and people came to enjoy the music; nowadays the scene is a joke....its kids like you that need to appreciate where the scene came from!

Just a clarification, Twilo used to be called the SoundFactory Bar.

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Originally posted by emcee25:

Listen Neydog..if your only 22 than you must be a rookie....I bet you didn't even know that the present day Twilo was the original, true, one and only SOUNDFACTORY! I am from the days of Paradise Garage, Basseline, Powerhouse, Tripp and the original World on houston st.......You've probably never even heard of these venues. And if you have, you were between the ages of 8 and 12 when these places were bangin' all night long....I've experienced the days when house music was at its peak and people came to enjoy the music; nowadays the scene is a joke....its kids like you that need to appreciate where the scene came from!

First of all how in the fuck do you think you know anything about me. Unless you are stalking me or something all you know about me is that I asked where you went clubbing, and somehow from that you assumed that I:

am a "rookie" ( which your wrong )

that I didn't know anything about the Factory(wrong again)

And "kids like you that need to appriciate where the scene came from" as you say, (how do you know who's like me, if you don't even know who I am)

You are totally wrong and off base here and frankly there buddy, your making yourself look like a GIANT asshole.

SO, you know what, now it's my turn. You really have reality totally distorted so let me fix it for you:

1) Nobody gives a fuck how long you've been clubbing

2) The average person thinks people like you just strait up SUCK!

3) If "new young kids" didn't get into the scene everyday you would be out there dancing by yourself (I'm sure you already do)

4) Your obviously older than me wich would indicate that you have issues if you are still dropping bombs. Do your kids go with you to Twilo, or are they into something else?

So why don't you stop assuming things and take a look around you, and act your age for a second. Maybe you'll realize what an imature egotistical condesending fuck you are. Apparently, we now have real living proof that E will eventually turn you into HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by emcee25:

what color were they?? what club were you at? how many were you on?..sounds like you had a good night!

they were kind of like a light gray, I wasn't at a club I was at a hotel room with friends. Our original intent was to go to SF but because of the snow we didn't make it. I had taken 2 doublstacked but the first one took kind too long to hit so when they both it,it hit me hard.

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Originally posted by princess0621:

they were kind of like a light gray, I wasn't at a club I was at a hotel room with friends. Our original intent was to go to SF but because of the snow we didn't make it. I had taken 2 doublstacked but the first one took kind too long to hit so when they both it,it hit me hard.

Sounds like PMA, I'd be careful...Dancesafe described PMA pills as white/tan "double-stacked Mitsu's". and they said PMA takes 1/2 hour+ longer to kick in, so people ofter times throw down another one... cwm31.gif


Jewel Promotions invites you to CHECK OUT NYC's Newest PROGRESSIVE party SATURDAYS at WEBSTER HALL....


jewelz917@yahoo.com or mention the "Jewel" list at the door.


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Originally posted by princess0621:

Last sat I took doublestacked pisces..and was out of my mind for like 8 hours,never before had I experienced visuals like I did that night(good ones though). Definitely some good stuff. cwm3.gifcwm17.gifcwm32.gifcwm35.gif

Oops- I thought you were the one who talked about the dub stacked mitsu's ...my bad...It's the tan double stacked mitsu's, a bit wider (in diameter) than the average pill. watch out for those...

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Twilo IS NOT in the old Sound Factory Bar space. Cheetah is now in the old Sound Factory Bar space. Twilo is in deed in fact at the original Sound Factory location. And yes the scene has changed since I too used to go to Factory at 6:00 AM in the morning also. Since I also used to dress up like a club kid, with ponytails, and maryjanes, and streamers in my hair, glitter and stickers on my face, and a backpack FULL of candy to be given all I came across!! More toys in there than a small toy store!! There is no feeling that can compare to when you would walk down that ramp into the lounge area at Sound Factory, and see nothing but a sea of faces that were all there for the music. All there to have an uplifting experience by the master of his domain. I remember hiding behind taxi cabs waiting for the signal from the bouncers that the cops had passed so it was safe to walk up to the door. Or when it would get shut down and have to go over to Octagon for Future b/c that was the only descent after-hours other than Robots which was way too far when you were f****d up. But those days are gona - also Twilo is not what it once was and SF will never compare to what it is trying to be. USA closed - Tunnel is done - Webster Hall is for children, Exit - no comment - and the list can go on and on. I love to go out and when I find a place that I can have a good time in - that's what I do. I don't compare it to what I used to do or what the scene once was. The fact remains that not only did the scene change with different people, but the climate that clubs are in today is a lot different from the days of Club USA, Factory, Factoria, Cafe Con Leche, Jackie's 60, etc. Those days wil never come back.

I agree with you EMCEE25 these new jacks don't really know what it is like to experience the things that we did - but I am sure there were people when were new jacks saying the same about us. Don't bash the scene - try to educate those in it to appreciate that we are all seeking the same thing - fierce music, a fierce crowd, and a night that you never want to end. Would love to reminisce with you about the good old days EMCEE25 - PM when you can!! cwm11.gif

BTW- sorry for such a long post - the thought of the old days makes me blab!!

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Has anynone taken any real good hits lately?? It seems as though since the summer has ended, all of the pills going around have been shit. I've come across a few good ones here and there, but nothing worthwhile...What good ones should I be on the look out for? Help..I am in need of a good ROLL!

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surprisingly, lately, i've been getting pretty decent hits.

  • zorros, the second batch, is around. good stuff, but it's MDA.
  • ferraris are still around. very good.
  • marlboros, decent smooth pills. short though.
  • purple smiley faces i hear are tight.
  • pisces? fishies? also still around, good pill.

happy peakin wink.gif



*turn it around baby*


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The last good bombs i took were the smurfs and the yellow smiley faces....i didn't like the pises or fishes....i heard about these red and white gel caps floating around that supposedly last for a consistent 8 hours or so.....

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