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***If u had 3 wishes what would they be???****

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

Howard Stern, a year or more ago, took 3 homeless people and gave them each $10k as part of his radio show. All of them came on the show, and said how it was going to improve their lives, and this was a fresh start, etc. etc. He also gave them new clothes and apartments.

One of the guys was smoking crack in his apartment, and flat broke within a week. Another guy pawned the clothes and lost every dime at OTB. The third gave half to his kids' mother, and spent the other half on booze and whores in 3 days. These might just be poor examples, but I think they are emblematic of the (lack of) self-discipline or ethic in the true underclass. This doesn't include the working poor, who struggle to make ends meet and are just unable to do so.

My $.03

I just think this is so funny. This thread has spun out of control. A wish is a wish is a wish! Whatever. Giving somebody 10,000 and asking them what their wish is is two very different things. I really don't care but I find some of this boards intellect unusual. A thread about donuts always turns into apples anyway. How about this, I wish everbody in this thread good luck!


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1. Good Health Forever for me and my family

2. Wealth

3. Everlasting True Love


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net


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lol, everyone do a bump and relax.

Well the non selfish one:

Ending abuse -- in all aspects, crackhead/spousal/rape/shootings whatever, -- I mean some things like diseases are part of life, but human vs human destruction is just insane. What's worse than seeing a parent beat their child, I saw this mom smack her kid in the grocery store today and I just started freaking, and thats the TAMEST end of it... twilogoddses and I watched this show last weekend about these crackhead mothers and their kids who had SERIOUS mental, social and physical disbilities , not to mention no parents, and it was the most horrible, sad thing I've seen in a long time.....

Ok now for the selfish ones:

u know when ur f-d up and u think "omg i just want to feel like this forever"

well, to be able to "freeze" those moments and be able to turn it on an off forever...like "enable E feeling #13" or "enable bumped up feeling #26" --- or even the feeling when you have a great SOBER night w/ someone u love or whatever....of course, the ability to turn it off, ie: when you're with family or doing something "pure" lol.......

Yeah, unlimited money - but thats so predictable.....What about being able to travel at a moments notice - ie: Star wars, being "Beamed up" -- like, "Beam me to IBIZA for a month" lol.......

Also a little angel on your shoulder telling you thing before you learn them the hard way:

"That guys is a complete asshole and has a girlriend, stay away"

lol.......you get the idea

I also alwayssssss wanted to be invisible...not as profitable as the 10 billion but how much funnnnnnnnnn



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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three wishes huh

well my first wish would have to be true love probably more important then any other wish i could make.

second would be money but not a exhorbant amount but enough that my family and friends live well off and in comfort for generations to come, as well as help people along the way.

and third.........mmmmm i dunno. Eternal life is a curse. I mean to live through and see friends die as well as family and witness suffering and pain of others around u. I might keep that as an ace in the pocket in case i needed it


[This message has been edited by evilfixation (edited 01-10-2001).]

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1)- To find my soulmate- which implies true love

2)Find true Happiness and whatever that entails

3)This one may sound a little strange , but Ive always wanted to do it: Take a time machine to as many different time zones that I want whenever I want. This would allow me to solve mysteries of the past, and see my true family roots.


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

*Love always starts with a kiss, and ends with a tear.*

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I only need 2 wishes to make me happy:

clarity in my heart

strength in my mind

for fun though, I wouldn't mind learning the secrets of the Universe ... what is the meaning of life? Is there really a god? Who shot JFK?


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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1.world peace and unity

2.that everyone would be accepted by others no matter race,religion,gender,sexual preference (and whatever n e one else is not accepted for)

3.cure for AIDS



" Don't take life seriously, because you can't come out of it alive." - Warren Miller

[This message has been edited by sugar_n_spice (edited 01-10-2001).]

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