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Ladies i have to ask this qustion cause its been bothering me for the past couple times i been out to the city. How come every time i go to Exit,Twilo,and the Factory I always see the hottest girls in the club dancing with juice heads. Now girls just cause these guys are huge doesn't mean anything. If anything girls you should stay away from them cause they fuckin suck at dancing, there always fucking yealling like a fuckin idiot, and they have small cocks due to all the steriods they have taken.So ladies let me know what the deal is with that...


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Ummm I sure as HELL do not dance with juiceheads...yucka! Actually, I dont dance with anyone but the music. Dont go branding all girls with that.



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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i'm with the other girls on this one. Most of the time, and may I stress MOST..those guys are all sweaty and nasty, dripping all over you cause they decided to take off their tank tops and show off what steroids can do, they can't dance, and all they wanna do is rub up on your ass and shit when you're trying to dance!

Just say NO to a juice head!

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ladies, ladies, please

I believe what clubhead meant to say is why do all the GOOD-LOOKING chicks follow these muscleheads. THose are the ones we are after in a club.

Who cares about you Butter-Faced (definition "butter-face"- everything is good but her face) hoochies. You guys can go do the humpty-dance in a corner alone for all we care.

Please, will someone hot answer this question for us guys.

Miss Diva? Buffacm?

Thank you


Fool me once..fool me twice

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Ladies plaese dont get pissed at me for saying a statement thats true cause I don't know where you guys go on the weekends but the trio that I hit up every weekend I always see about 80% of the girls there dancin with juice heads. Now to the girls out there who dont dance with juice heads thats great more power to you but if you do cut dat shit out cause they suck at dancing.


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the hot girls are dancing with the juiceheads because they consider them to be equally as hot as they think they are. they're all into the same thing - working out, tanning, dressing the same way, wearing the same kind of clothes. it's all about image and what they deem cool and acceptable. there's not much you can do about it so try not to stress!

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Umm he said he goes to Twilo and theres juiceheads there???? Uhhh where? I never really notice any in the times that I have gone there....Exit and Factory sure they are swarming around that friggen place. I think he's a little confused.




"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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I don't think I am "hot" or anything but when I go to places like that, I always get hit on by short bald guys or the superhuge juiceheads...Whats up with that? cwm3.gif

~*Jam*~ "aintadamnthingchanged"


AIM: ynicholas

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To all the ladies out ther that i offended by my statement i apologize but check it I didn't mean all the girls in the club danced with them I just meant the majority of them that I say at the clubs danced with them. Plus those guys are nasty they take there shirts off and act like assholes.To all the girls out there please stay away from them and dance with guys like eggsok, and myself.


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I just laugh at those guys, they are so funny, when they are in the bathrooms they just sit there and flex in the mirror and stare at themselves. I find it amusing! "hey dude, I'm in my 30th cycle" LOL!!!

But on a different note, think about this:

Guys doing steroids is the equivlant of all those girls out there trying to be skinny, ya know bolimia, anorexia, and just crazy dieting. Oh well our society is fucked up what can we do? Just have fun while your young, take it from me, your body starts to feel the effects after a while, DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING IT WILL NEVER CATCH UP TO YOU!!!! cwm17.gif

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1ST things 1st to the people like misskittie out there i think you should shut the FUCK UP cuse i've been to TWILO numerous fuckin time I even went last fuckin month to see S&D.2nd thing to miss chrissybumps i'm very happy for you. You found the one juice head in this world who can dance so he's definetly a keeper. And lastly to jammy,shugabooga, and eggsok I think you guys r mad cool and I respect you for your thoughts as well as everyone else I just had to get a few things off my chest.


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Originally posted by clubhead32:

1ST things 1st to the people like misskittie out there i think you should shut the FUCK UP cuse i've been to TWILO numerous fuckin time I even went last fuckin month to see S&D.


Gee I guess we now can see the level of intelligence which you are on. Obviously you cannot hold a mature minded conversation without stooping to the level of cursing to try and make a point...which none was made by the way. I was at S&D myself. I personally hadnt noticed any of the before mentioned juiceheads.Just what I said...so maybe you should retract your statement of telling me to "shut the fuck up". You only make yourself look like a dolt....Particularly since I never stated that I didnt believe you had been to Twilo.



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 01-05-2001).]

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Just b/c they're big & beefy that doesn't mean they can't dance!

Listen, Guys are attracted to girls w/slammin bodies...its the same shit...WE are attracted to cut, ripped, diesel, hard tan Beefs. Juiceheads are the equivalent to girls w/hard bodies.

[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-05-2001).]

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LOL...christ that's sooo funny. Thing is when I dance (or rather jump up and down frantically) I don't even see anyone around me (oh no, maybe that's my mind wiggling away)...still, I usually end up dancing with some guys that are either too bald, too short or whatever coze they look so lonely and lost....



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well . . .

you know what it is . . . it APPEARS as though we are dancing with them, when in all actuality, their pushy inconsiderate obnoxious attitudes make juiceheads feel like they should be following us around, or taking it upon themselves to dance with us like we should feel privileged. rolleyes.gif oh thank you.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Are we talking about just Juiceheads, or Jocks in general??


What Makes a Man Run?

People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents.

The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

- Glenn Cunningham

AIM: Spragga25

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Just to break it down from another guys perspective.

Clubhead said: "How come every time i go to Exit,Twilo,and the Factory I always see the hottest girls in the club dancing with juice heads"

First of all why you a playahatin little bitch? Why you standin around watchin other dudes get over? Why don't you just get off your ass and go get yourself a hot girl. Theres god damn plenty of em.

Second of all what you said is totally bullshit, the majority of hot girls I know want nothin to do with meatheads. Lean and mean that how ya win em. It's all about shape and porportion not size.

Well I hope your club experiences can be more fulfilling then watching other dudes dance with hot girls. Good luck kid

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