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i think beauty = respect post , was the worst post ever ... and total bullshit !

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No, it's not some sort of stunt that we are pulling..It's funny cause my two friends and I (girl and a guy) were talking about this the other day..and I was stating the same point as Joey and Zoya just mentioned.. and my female friend got mad at me and gave me an attitude....

I'm sorry, but girls, not all girls, are coniving, cheating, dirty, materalistic bitches..they give a lot of us a bad name.....


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

... umm maybe if they were poppin out all ova the place we wouldnt look ... !!

Haha . . . but we made you look, right? wink.gif LOL.



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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I refuse to be blamed or punished for the mistakes and wrong doings of others.

While it is true that there are game-playing manipulative women, it is just as true that there are game-playing womanizing men. There are bad apples in every kind of bunch. What is unfortunate, is that these types don't deal exclusively with eachother. They touch the lives of those of us who choose not to be players of the game. What is also unfortunate is that some of us feed into the negative behavior, thereby bringing on more of the undesirable treatment.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... It's very simple, be honest with yourself and others, and communicate your feelings, desires, likes and dislikes... (I am one woman who does come with an "instruction manual".) It's the only way to understanding and empathy between the sexes.



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

no doubt ... like ohhhh look at my enagagement ring ... blah blahh .. isnt it beautfuk =-P shadddup ! and how about this ... showing off the trophy breast ... !!!

prancing around the club wearing like Nothing ..! breast and clevage hangin out all over theplace , bouncing around ... and then they'd be like ... ewww why do guys have to stare at my boobs ... umm maybe if they were poppin out all ova the place we wouldnt look ... !!

YEAH!!! THE TROPHY BREASTS!!! I see them fixing their shirts in Twilo. They all skip into the power bar (so they can look in the mirrors) and start lifting their already skimpy black tops further north to reveal some cleavage on the bottom...





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Well I didn't take your post personal, I just happened to agree w/ you on some points. The beauty=respect thread, OUT OF HAND and one-sided. That's why I didnt bother to comment and found yours to be far more interesting.

Yes some of us do show off our engagements rings or gloat when we're in their fancy cars. Both sexes are guilty of this.

my dos centavos



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oh my god, this is too funny but he totally has a point......yeah, it goes both ways!! absolutely....and the engagement ring thing is so, so, so true.....out of all my college girlfriends to get engaged, the one who grew up in a wealthy family is the one who surprised me the most. she was the one with the smallest diamond and she loves that ring so much. i have to say i have a ton of respect for her compared with some of the shallow girls who complained that theirs weren't big enough!!! i'm not saying ALL girls are like this, but there are plenty out there who are!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by xxlea:

Well I didn't take your post personal, I just happened to agree w/ you on some points. The beauty=respect thread, OUT OF HAND and one-sided. That's why I didnt bother to comment and found yours to be far more interesting.

Yes some of us do show off our engagements rings or gloat when we're in their fancy cars. Both sexes are guilty of this.

my dos centavos


THANK-YOU!!!! That's what we're trying to say here!!! We can't stereotype a sex just because some guys high five their friends over some girl! It seems to be the same story over and over...men are constantly being bashed for thing BOTH sexes do in equal amounts!!!





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Originally posted by blueangel:

Haha . . . but we made you look, right? wink.gif LOL.


according to teh laws of manhood i am compelled to look. sorry its the law. and those chicks are showing that cuz they want it to be seen. so they really cant get mad at me for looking ... actually the real case is prob that they enjoy the fact that i am looking but dont want to admit it .. and just like to cop attitude in general ... why cant they just be honest , liek teh shirtless goons u find at SF for example .. they are all juiced up and want to shapw all u girls .,.. if a chick is checking them out they will flex and shit , tryin to make it look involenterily ... and turn to there friends and be like .. shes crackin neck , checkin me out ,.. so i thik next timke a guy is check out your boobs ( not direct at you blue angel) show tehm off proudly like u know u want to ...



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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

according to teh laws of manhood i am compelled to look. sorry its the law. and those chicks are showing that cuz they want it to be seen. so they really cant get mad at me for looking ... actually the real case is prob that they enjoy the fact that i am looking but dont want to admit it .. and just like to cop attitude in general ... why cant they just be honest , liek teh shirtless goons u find at SF for example .. they are all juiced up and want to shapw all u girls .,.. if a chick is checking them out they will flex and shit , tryin to make it look involenterily ... and turn to there friends and be like .. shes crackin neck , checkin me out ,.. so i thik next timke a guy is check out your boobs ( not direct at you blue angel) show tehm off proudly like u know u want to ...

LMAO!!!!!!!! You're on fire today!!!!





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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

according to teh laws of manhood i am compelled to look. sorry its the law. and those chicks are showing that cuz they want it to be seen. so they really cant get mad at me for looking ... actually the real case is prob that they enjoy the fact that i am looking but dont want to admit it .. and just like to cop attitude in general ... why cant they just be honest , liek teh shirtless goons u find at SF for example .. they are all juiced up and want to shapw all u girls .,.. if a chick is checking them out they will flex and shit , tryin to make it look involenterily ... and turn to there friends and be like .. shes crackin neck , checkin me out ,.. so i thik next timke a guy is check out your boobs ( not direct at you blue angel) show tehm off proudly like u know u want to ...

Hahahahaha . . . and I know the exact girls you're talking about in Twilo too.

You wanna know why they do that with the boobs? Cause they know that’s how they can get your attention. Then when you do give them your attention (to their boobs) they try to dignify their actions by playing “Don’t look at my boob, jerk!” role. It’s way (I’m assuming) to get your attention from their boobs to their face.

Does that make sense? cwm1.gif



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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Mo.. Of course you are right, but nobody is blaming you for anything.. Every intelligent person knows that there are good/bad girls as well as good/bad guys.. We are all individuals and nobody else is responsible for our actions but ourselves. So of course it'd be unfair to "blame" everyone else for actions of a few or even a lot of "bad" ppl..

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Hahahahaha . . . and I know the exact girls you're talking about in Twilo too.

You wanna know why they do that with the boobs? Cause they know that’s how they can get your attention. Then when you do give them your attention (to their boobs) they try to dignify their actions by playing “Don’t look at my boob, jerk!†role. It’s way (I’m assuming) to get your attention from their boobs to their face.

Does that make sense? cwm1.gif


i hear ya ... but you know what .. i'm not one of these neanderthal men that are like " ugg " " ummm" " boobs" " i like."

as a matter of fact i find myself tryin nott o look at boobs ... cu zi know chicks play that " dont look at my boobs role" and know what its hard sometimes .. ! fuck man . specially when they are out there .. umm hello ? Hard nipples .. are u freakin kidding me .. i'm supposed to not look !! practically impossible !!!

a couple monthes ago i was working at a party in philly and they had these chick dancers and some of them had no shirts on .. so i was talkin toi this one chick cuz she was really pretty ... but she wasnt wearing a shirt ,,, god dam , probally teh hardest converstaion i ever had .,., i had to end and leave cuz i was fighting my neck to keep looking at her face ... ! and i think girls can also tell when u are tryin to focus on theer face or eyes ... i get the feeling liek my eyes are buggin out of my head with concentration .. ! =) .. i dunno .. =) whatever ... i'm not even a boob guy ..

ps - mario .. the cupping balls thing very funny! !!

< scratches nuts >



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I say WHO GIVES A FLYING A RAT'S ASS?? This is soooo stupid, who cares if a guy shows off his girl, shit I take it as a compliment, and when a girl is checking out my guy I stand tall, proud of what i have and take it as a fucking compliment. i mean c'mon, girls are always trying to flaunt what they got, little tops, little skirts, dancing hot and sexy (okay at least i do haha) but you know you love the attention (this goes for the guys too). I mean you know it makes you feel good when you got guys or gals gawking you sayin "Damn you look good" when you walk by. Now, on the other hand, if the guy or gal is a total jerk and tries to cop a feel and you say don't touch, and they keep trying, well then i kick their ass.

Anyways, the bottom line is, the person is proud of what they have and want to show it off to the world. Just like ladies, like it was mentioned, you know when you get that diamond on your finger your gonna be showing that shit off like there's no tomorrow comparing it to other's.

so what have we learned: WHO THE FUCK CARES, BE HAPPY, HAVE FUN, AND ENJOY!!! biggrin.gif

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Like diva said, there are bad apples in each bunch that give the good ones a bad name......

The difference is, most good men accept their stereotype and laugh it off(I know I do).......good women, on the other hand, feel the need to say "Well, I'm not like that".......no problem with that but I wonder why?



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

Hard nipples .. are u freakin kidding me .. i'm supposed to not look !! practically impossible !!!

You bring up another good point...I had a girl personally admit to seeing women pinching their nipples in the bathrooms of bars/clubs just to walk out with perky nipples. She never admitted to doing it herself...YEAH RIGHT!!! How did that conversation start in the first place... wink.gif





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Originally posted by buccafm:

when a girl is checking out my guy I stand tall, proud of what i have and take it as a fucking compliment. biggrin.gif

I totally agreee....When I go out with my bf, girls check him out and when I catch them looking, I smile at them and chuckle to myself.....My bf asked me asked me why it doesn't bother me..Why? Because it's a compliment..You think MY boyfriend is attractive, which he is, so what? I am not threatened by it in any way..If I was then there would be something lacking in the relationship...


It's me he's going home with..

**raises one eyebrow**


AIM vampie

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OK, Joey, you definitely got my vote regarding the girls with their boobs out for the world to see...

Regarding the "trophy" topic...

If I was wearing a 3 Carat Classic Tiffany engagement ring, I would expect to gain a warped respect from the shallow people. Does this mean anything to me? Not really, because they are shallow, and that means that what they give is so easily taken away. Plus, the foundation for their "respect" was not something based in me, it was based on the ring. So in essence, they don't "respect" me at all, they "respect" my ring.

But when people go around showing off their "trophies", aren't they really trying to incite envy?



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by MarioNY:

You bring up another good point...I had a girl personally admit to seeing women pinching their nipples in the bathrooms of bars/clubs just to walk out with perky nipples. She never admitted to doing it herself...YEAH RIGHT!!! How did that conversation start in the first place... wink.gif

That's fucking hysterical !!!! pinching their nipples?? I've never done that...they seem to perk up on their own at the right time...LOL!!


AIM vampie

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