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Hard and Deep...and Sometimes Fast...

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Hard House is going to appeal to the Trance people more than the deep house people.

As the next generation of partiers come through they seem to want it harder and faster... there into about 150bpm in the UK, Fergie who is just about the most wanted DJ in the UK at the moment, plays around that speed.

Hard house = simple chord based house, build-ups, drum roles, break downs etc. Formuleric (IMO), the only thing that changes from song to song is the melody and baseline.

Deep House = Soulfull, funky, emotion based house music. Slower, better produced (IMO) and longer lasting. Older crowd.

I do like some hard house but IMO it's MADE for drugs.. maybe i am getting old.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 01-11-2001).]

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not for nothing , but i've noticed on this board that everyones liek i liek hard ouse and deep house ... but i dont get it ... very rarely will u find those two at teh same party .. they are totally totally different ... i mean deep house is more liek breaks .. slow , smooth, jazzy stuff .. ... hard house is more like trance/ techno ... hard choppy , bleepy , edgey stuff ... i dunno ... that how i think .. i think i kinda have an idea what i'm talkin bout anyone agree with me or think i'm wrong ?



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As far as I can tell though, there seems to be at least 3 brands of Hard House going around.

Commonly understood to the rest of the world is UK Hardhouse (ala the tidytraxx label). Go to Napster and search out stuff on that label, and artists like Rachel Auburn, Fergie, argh, more names escape me). I find it a sped up modernised version of oldskool hardcore - at least insturmentation-wise. Lots of penetrating stabs and hoover lines.

Next is what I consider 'real' hardhouse. Like tech-house without the melody. Like tribal without the intricate drums. The less progressive stuff out of Digweed, and a lot of Deep Dish when they're not on their soulfull tip. That to me is real hard house.

Then there's the bane of the New York nightclub scene - NY Hardhouse. What I like to call zipper trance. This is the stuff you'll hear ad nauseum at Exit and clubs of that ilk. It's big, it's over the top, and I don't like it much (so my descriptions may sound a little one sided)

That's my opinion. I like to think it's pretty enlightened considering how much music I go through.

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So this is what happens to threads that are actually about music?

bloody hell.

maybe it needs a little drama to get some response

ichernomor - you've got to be fucked in the head to make that comparison. Mauro Picotto? What did they put in your crack? Those two artists are much more similar live than you may think. Get a life.

(did that work?)

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B2B and Joey...

It sounds like you guys agree...

Even though I'm a trance fan, from your descriptions, I think I would like deep house better.

Even though like Oaky's anthems for what they are. Apart from that, though, the trance I like is the Nubreed type...darker, spacey.

I HATE high bpm trance...I call that candy trance...esp. when it has vocals. Reminds me of Aqua etc. Vocals aren't always bad...just how you use'em. Midnight on West 27th is a great example of correct usage.

Otherwise, the only time I like really high bpm is in _some_ drum and bass (jungly).




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Originally posted by spoonyd:

Commonly understood to the rest of the world is UK Hardhouse (ala the tidytraxx label). Go to Napster and search out stuff on that label, and artists like Rachel Auburn, Fergie, argh, more names escape me.

Lisa Lashes, Pants and Corset, Tony De Vit. . .

just tryin' to help a brotha out. . . cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by furnace:

I HATE high bpm trance...I call that candy trance...esp. when it has vocals.

happy hardcore?

I love the fast stuff. The faster the better. I'm diggin trancecore and freeform - nothing better to party to.


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i like my house hard sometimes, deep at others. just depends on my mood, and yes sometimes i dont' feel like sitting through a groovy deep house set, or an acid set, or trance or whatever else for that matter. but i like all of them and take each one for whats its worth

imo, cheese is good every once in a while too. no different then turning on the radio and listening to ktu or z100 for a bit. doesnt' make you any less musically knowledgable. i mean i can be caught doing that, but then at the same time, my favortie band of all time is pink floyd and roger waters is (imo) amongst the greatest musical genius' ever. his music certainly is the farthest thing from cheese.

the fact is that sometimes i'm so amped when i get to the club that sasha or DT might bore me. i want something pounding hard and fast, like chicago hard house. but then theres times when i feel like getting into the music and the soulful element becomes more apparent and this is when a deep dish would be better suited for the mood.



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

So this is what happens to threads that are actually about music?

bloody hell.

maybe it needs a little drama to get some response

ichernomor - you've got to be fucked in the head to make that comparison. Mauro Picotto? What did they put in your crack? Those two artists are much more similar live than you may think. Get a life.

(did that work?)

What kind of glue have you been sniffing? Maybe instead of prostituting your ugly body for pennies on Friday nights, you should try to go to Twilo and listen to Maurio and DD live. It will probably take you a few months to earn enough money to pay the cover-charge. But, believe me, it is well worth it. Their music is as different as PvD vs. Digweed. Next time I will make sure to track you down during one of the meet-ups. You will find out for yourself how it feels to be fucked up in the head, punk!


Quitters never win and winners never quit!

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Yeap, i totally agree with you PFloyed.

Especially about listening to different types of music at different times and situations. I mostly prefer hard, fast beats, and dark house + trance, but i if i listen to only those similar types of music for few days then it kinda gets really boring and starts sounding the same.

These days i can listen to soooo many different types of music from classical, 60's-70's (really like), some cheezy 80s music is always fun, and so is rap when im in a different mood.

But looking at club music variety, I'm the same as you. At the beginning when i get into a club im full of energy and love fast paced hard or dark beats (like picoto or tiesto) but when my mood changes i would be really content of just deep dish or seb fontaine type of music.


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Originally posted by ichernomor:

What kind of glue have you been sniffing? Maybe instead of prostituting your ugly body for pennies on Friday nights, you should try to go to Twilo and listen to Maurio and DD live. It will probably take you a few months to earn enough money to pay the cover-charge. But, believe me, it is well worth it. Their music is as different as PvD vs. Digweed. Next time I will make sure to track you down during one of the meet-ups. You will find out for yourself how it feels to be fucked up in the head, punk!

wanna talk music bitch? bring it on. I will own you (IWOY).

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dark like tiesto?

To me tiesto's sound is closer to the cheese/anthemy trance described earlier. I still like it, but I don't think it's really that dark.

I like my House music a little on the hard/tech side. Ala DJ Dan. I guess I've gotten a little burned out on the slower deeper Naked Music type-sound. I'll still dance to it though. =)

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