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I need to pass a drug test....Please help me!

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Hey there! The only advice that I can give you is the following. I know it worked for SEVERAL of my friends, so it might work for you.

If you dropped the that should be out of your system after 3 days. That is if they're only doing urine sample.

If you smoked then what you need to do is go to GNC and buy "Herbal Clean". It's a drink. You drink it the morning of the test and follow the direction very closely on the back. Also you might want to starting today drink A LOT of cranberry juice.

PLUS stay away from funky food. Sometimes the chemical in that shows up on these tests.

One last thing . . . I don’t know if this works, but my friend said that when you pee all the chemical is concentrated in the front, so collect the urine after the first three seconds of peeing.

Good Luck!!



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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I used to work at GNC...

1) dont use goldenseal b/c they now have tests for that too. They will make you take the test over agian until they dont find it in your system.

2) Go to GNC and get PURI-BLEND or something else on the same lines. Read the directions, do EXACTLY what it says and it will work.

3) Just dont smoke a fatti or rip some sniff before the test.

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Vinagar doesn't work it's another urban myth.

I just used a detox course from a heath food shop. If you have 3 days i recomend them as they have a 2 fold effect. Firstly it's not one of these drinks that you take just before and hopefully it hides it, but it clears out all traces (except in your hair) of whatevery from your system. Secondly when yoyu start drinking, smoking again.. it effect you like yuo havn't taken for a few months... so it pays for itself wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Originally posted by trancewhore:

Listen you don't have to do all that crap, all there testing for is pot, so just drink about a gallon of water (more if you can), that should take can of it. I've passed a ton of tests that way.

PS...don't drop to close to the test, speed will show up.....

Is that true...Is pot the main thing to worry about? It has been like a week since i rolled, so i'm not worried about that, but i bumped a little k recently, that is my main concern right now.


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