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Hello to everyone I met this weekend...my longest weekend yet!

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Well I can't believe I'm still alive after this weekend. I decided to get a head start for the upcoming Ibiza trip and start training for continuous clubbing! The first run was a success. It all started out Friday night at Twilo.

Seb Fontaine was ok...dropped some good tracks but got repetitive at times. Personally had more fun at Lawler the weekend before. It was cool meeting all the new people. Brandie and Rob, awesome surprise! Julie, Daphna and friend, Keshiki and the usual crew who I'm not gonna bother to mention anymore. You know I love you guys by now! smile.gif

This brings us to Saturday night. We all met up at 10th Avenue Lounge and I couldn't wait till we got out of there. Thanks to all the people who showed up, Marcella and Todd, Alex, Mike and company, and of course Charlie's Angels and friends! We got to SF and JP was smashing the pots and pans as usual. The place was looking a hell of a lot better from the last time I was there. The 4th floor is awesome and it's a great retreat from the music blasting downstairs. I met some more people inside...Jammy, JDogg, Lipz and Furnace. Then the music changed and the dancing began. I can't believe I actually spent 13 hours in that place. We finally crawled out at 3:30 p.m. Zoya, I hope you had an amazing Birthday. I'll definitely be hitting the Factory with you again. Lucie, I can't believe as I'm writing this you're leaving us. Have a safe trip home. Rachel, was fun seeing you in your finest glory. Is there anyone in the Factory you don't talk to? As I step outside I realize how loud the music was. My ears are ringing so loud I can hardly hear a thing. Voices all sound the same to me and we're all screaming to talk. My ears are still ringing as I'm writing this. Earplugs are definitely a prerequisite for my next trip to SF.

Now it's time for my final club for the weekend. It's time for Body & Soul. I get home about 4 in the afternoon. I haven't slept a wink yet. My friend calls me up and tells me they'll be hitting B&S. I try to eat some breakfast which I could barely swallow, run to the store to buy some earplugs and down to Vinyl I go. We're in and dancing by 6p.m. The place was already packed and it got more crowded as the night went on. Ran into Julie (Jewel) and Alex (Resident) again! Was a nice surprise seeing you guys there. Last night was my first time in B&S. It was a cool night...an older crowd and extremely friendly. I left at midnight and the place was still going strong. I don't know how much later they kept going. Alex or Julie, how late did you stay till? Did it keep going later last night because of the public holiday?

That brings me to the end of my killer weekend. I get home, shower eat and crash. Really the only pain I have is the ringing in my ears. I think I’ll do good in Ibiza! biggrin.gif





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Mario..you are now officially...a rock star! <grins>

Glad you had a great weekend, bud. I'm just sorry I didn't see you on Sat! I still can't believe I was there and you weren't!!!!!

*MUAH*, big brother ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Was a nice surprise seeing you guys there. Last night was my first time in B&S. It was a cool night...an older crowd and extremely friendly. I left at midnight and the place was still going strong. I don't know how much later they kept going. Alex or Julie, how late did you stay till? Did it keep going later last night because of the public holiday?

that old chest nut, the killer Sunday nite nite/club.......a couple years back I would run out of sick days at work by April-May, funnily enuff all of them Mondays wink.gif



hapfac01.gif ...............the latest ETA 4 NYC? Tell me and we'll both know!(I love the INS!)-----------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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mario- nice meeting ya on friday bro smile.gif

me and brandie are looking forward to twilo sunday morning smile.gif



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

mario- nice meeting ya on friday bro smile.gif

me and brandie are looking forward to twilo sunday morning smile.gif


LMAO!!! Slowly but surely I want to get the whole Clubplanet Board hooked on Junior! Ooana is set...one down...too many to go!





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Originally posted by MarioNY:

LMAO!!! Slowly but surely I want to get the whole Clubplanet Board hooked on Junior! Ooana is set...one down...too many to go!

Heh, ya know...ironically for once...don't matter to me if everyone gets hooked or not!

I was on my own on Sat night and it was fabulous....if the vibes there and the music is there, don't need anything else.

Just have to be very careful to not let that night set my Junior expectations (hell I didn't really set my first night as the end all be all either so this shouldn't be hard.) I know I'll catch him in one of his pissy moods and just whimper a bit :-( Ah well! Who knows, might be a good run for awhile!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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To add to everything Mario said, I want to THANK EVERYONE who came out on Saturday! It was great seeing all of you guys and I hope you had fun smile.gif Even though I thought the music SUCKED big time, I had a blast with everyone. *hugz & kissez* to you all..

On a much sadder topic, Lucie asked me to give a message to everyone from her. She didn't have a chance to even say bye to anyone in SF because she couldnt' find us and Michael wasn't feeling well so they had to leave. But she sent everyone her love and promised to be back smile.gif

Maaaalllliioo my dear smile.gif How are ya.. Can we say, FUCKING TIRED? 13 hours af SF? Daaaaamn.. I did it before but even then I wasn't so exhausted. Shiiit.. I slept for SO long.. 15 hours. And my head hurts really bad today frown.gif I don't know how you did Twilo before and B&S after. You're a real clubhead smile.gif I'm so glad the last 2 hours was all vocals, at least that made you a lil more happy!!!

Iight, thanx everyone smile.gif Hope to see you all soon although right now I feel like I never wanna be inside a club again LOL.. But I will be smile.gif

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Saturday night definitely turned out to be better than expected...

Although I didn't have quite the marathon night. Started at Limelight, many heads were there: filthy_slag, ezdreamer, shadowchaser, deana_11, majestic_melodie, trippintrance, carabee, jilly, joeydollaz, aztec, miss_kittie, melichacha, myrlin, ooana (for a bit)...more?

Got to SF at 4ish, and Lucie/Mike were already on stage doing their thang...


Didn't see Jammy, Nikki, Monique! Where/when you guys!

Mario: I had earplugs...it was loud with them on! Still, not as _good_ as Phazon...



[This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-15-2001).]

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Ooana - Yup...Junior is very moody.

Nikki - Hell yeah...You don't even want to know how much I spent this weekend!

Zoya - I still can't believe I spent 13 hours in SF...I must say thanks for a great night. Next time we gotta spend a little more time upstairs in the lounge. My head hurts too and my ears are STILL ringing!!! The sound is WAAAAAAY too loud in there.





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Hey all!

It was a good weekend indeed. I've been thinking about revisiting SF for quite a while, and this was definitely an opportunity. This actually brings the total number of times I've been there to about 5 or 6. I really like what they've done with the place, the crowd was cool, and hey, as long as you smash'em well, pots and pans sound good too.

Ok, I admit - I got so cracked out that I must thank you guys (Jammy - hint, hint...) for putting up with my nonsense! cwm25.gif And everyone I've met was a great crew!

Sunday night rolled around and I couldn't think of anything better to do than go to Body & Soul. Only made it there by 9, at which time the music has gotten a little weak and the dancefloor was a little too packed with sweaty bodies. The solution, of course, was to put on a Tweaky Mouse cwm31.gif performance in the cold room. mario, I hope your friends didn't think that I was too weird. Hey, the bartender thought it was funny!

Until next time...

Tweaky Al

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Now that's what i like to see smile.gif

Keep up the practice Mario. BTW did anybody see the VH1 Ibiza program over the weekend?

I did...How insane was that !!!

I wouldn't last more than 24 hours in that place !! LOL!!! I was telling Rach, Mario and Zoya about that show on Sat..

I thought it was a good show ..


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

I did...How insane was that !!!

I wouldn't last more than 24 hours in that place !! LOL!!! I was telling Rach, Mario and Zoya about that show on Sat..

I thought it was a good show ..

Yeh it was the most acurate i have seen, they did show quiet a few of the 'real' clubs.. not just all foam parties.

LOL, everybodywas completely 'mash-up'.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Orchid - Like I told you last night I barely remember seeing you and Arthur. After much thought I was able to remember hugging you guys when I first saw you. I was in rare form last Saturday... cwm31.gif

Marcella Darling - I had a feeling you booked out on us again. This time I didn't even bother looking...well not that hard! wink.gif I'm glad you guys made it out...it was a fun time. We gotta do it again soon.

Rachel - Glue?? Nah I think you just needed some more fabric and you would have been fine! wink.gif

Suneil - F*ck me is right...I'm still amazed how I was still standing till 2am Monday morning. My ears are slowly returning to normal!

Alex - You cracked me up man. Tweaky mouse? LMFAO!!! You did scare Laura just a little bit, but most of the rest were too K'd out to even notice! How much later did you stay anyway?





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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Now it's time for my final club for the weekend. It's time for Body & Soul. I get home about 4 in the afternoon. I haven't slept a wink yet. My friend calls me up and tells me they'll be hitting B&S. I try to eat some breakfast which I could barely swallow, run to the store to buy some earplugs and down to Vinyl I go. We're in and dancing by 6p.m. The place was already packed and it got more crowded as the night went on. Ran into Julie (Jewel) and Alex (Resident) again! Was a nice surprise seeing you guys there. Last night was my first time in B&S. It was a cool night...an older crowd and extremely friendly. I left at midnight and the place was still going strong. I don't know how much later they kept going. Alex or Julie, how late did you stay till? Did it keep going later last night because of the public holiday?

That brings me to the end of my killer weekend. I get home, shower eat and crash. Really the only pain I have is the ringing in my ears. I think I’ll do good in Ibiza! biggrin.gif

Mario...seein ur smilin face come rushin through the crowd at B&S was excellent! Just when I thought I was gonna drop (from exhaustion, not the other kind)....."What? Who could it be? Oh My God...Why it's MarioMan!! Hoorah for MarioMan!!...he can not be defeated!!" You were inspirational my man...hopefully by September I'll be in shape for Ibiza...i might need ya to humm the Rocky Theme for me though!

cwm4.gif Anyway...to all else I met this weekend, it was excellent to put some faces with names! I look foward to seein ya'll soon!


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Alex - You cracked me up man. Tweaky mouse? LMFAO!!! You did scare Laura just a little bit, but most of the rest were too K'd out to even notice! How much later did you stay anyway?

I stayed for another half-hour or so. The crowd held tight but it wasn't packed anymore and dancing was ok, but soon enough they turned the lights up and started playing what pretty much amounted to elevator music! I took that as a clue that they want us to leave.

I think Body&Soul is a weird party in the sense that it's better early - the music at 6-7 is a little deeper and more danceable, and later they get a little too soulful/vocal... When they played "Isn't She Lovely" I got a bit concerned!

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I dont' get it.. This is so wierd. Usually ppl complain how the music wasn't good. This time everyone is saying that it was good, some ppl even said awesome. I FUCKING HATED IT. I have no idea why! I was in the best mood ever, really happy and dancing the whole time. But I hated the music the whole night except for like 3 songs!!!! I cannot for the life of me figure out how that can happen...... WTF is going on???

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Usually ppl complain how the music wasn't good. This time everyone is saying that it was good, some ppl even said awesome. I FUCKING HATED IT. I have no idea why!

Maybe it was that crackhead in the pink shirt that ruined it all for you? cwm25.gif

I thought the music was somewhere down the middle of what I've heard JP do, although this is my observation from going there only 5-6 times. That one time in October when I ran into you and Lola (surprise, surprise!), it was better by quite a bit. But this time it wasn't bad either... my $0.02.

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Originally posted by resident:

Maybe it was that crackhead in the pink shirt that ruined it all for you? cwm25.gif

I thought the music was somewhere down the middle of what I've heard JP do, although this is my observation from going there only 5-6 times. That one time in October when I ran into you and Lola (surprise, surprise!), it was better by quite a bit. But this time it wasn't bad either... my $0.02.

Huh? What crackhead in the pink shirt?

This was by far the worst night for me as far as the music was concerned.. But I'm surprised that everyone else liked it! Just doesn't seem right....... Whateva though, I still had fun with you guys smile.gif

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