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*Clubnyc "Awards" - Results!!!!!!*

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

I have to give bungee credit for one thing at least, I don't think I could have spelled "rescinding" correctly.

So, you're saying I woulda won the CNYC spelling bee? At least I woulda won something eh, LOL.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

I don't have a beef with him, i exposed the fraud that he is. Try about 10 posts rather then 1000, Mysterious get a life, you have over 2500 posts and you've been on the board for 5 months, I've been on the board for 3 years and have less than half that...SO GET A LIFE! Mysterious 90% of your posts are useless and annoying, so that would make about 2,300 posts, you outdid me again with the "1000 useless" ones that I have...If I'm seen as a dick/asshole maybe you enjoy the friendship of liars etc. I personally am not really worried by the views of 80% of the people on this board, because your lives revolve around this board and not reality. I don't need to own you, you already showed what an idiot/hypocrite you are by your post.

Hmm, you wanna start shit with me too? Yeah, ok, you felt the need to "expose" someone.. That's iight, that's between you two..

To say that I don't have a life, that's stupid of YOU. You don't know me, you don't know anything ABOUT me. I post from work, because I'm bored at work and would rather bullshit on the board.. Does that make me a loser? Hmm.. No. Maybe in your eyes, but just like a lot of ppl on the board, I DO have a life even though I post a lot. I type fast and usually have a lot to say. If you don't like my posts, too bad, but don't call me a hypocrite because that's NOT what I am and even if I was, you wouldn't know anything about it because you don't know me. And I really don't think ANYONE's life revolves around this board. Ppl just like to talk to each other. And even if you consider 99% of our posts useless, oh well, as long as we enjoy it..

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

...Last time i checked this was a open forum, correct me if im wrong...you people must be the biggest hypocrites, 90% of your posts are useless and annoying, yet you continuely bitch about the state of affairs on this board.





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Originally posted by junglekittn:





Yeah, but did you vote for him?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Id like to thank the academy.....um....oh...hi!

thanks for all the nominations guys.....feels good. I really wasnt expecting to be voted on that many. YOU LIKE ME! YOU GUYS REALLY LIKE ME!

love ya all! smile.gif



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"My Brain is haboobled, and my baffled is habraybled"-a drunken aramis ponte

-----"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte



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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Id like to thank the academy.....um....oh...hi!

thanks for all the nominations guys.....feels good. I really wasnt expecting to be voted on that many. YOU LIKE ME! YOU GUYS REALLY LIKE ME!

love ya all! smile.gif


Finally the Sally Field quote comes through




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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hmm, you wanna start shit with me too? Yeah, ok, you felt the need to "expose" someone.. That's iight, that's between you two...

To say that I don't have a life, that's stupid of YOU. You don't know me, you don't know anything ABOUT me. I post from work, because I'm bored at work and would rather bullshit on the board.. Does that make me a loser? Hmm.. No. Maybe in your eyes, but just like a lot of ppl on the board, I DO have a life even though I post a lot. I type fast and usually have a lot to say. If you don't like my posts, too bad, but don't call me a hypocrite because that's NOT what I am and even if I was, you wouldn't know anything about it because you don't know me. And I really don't think ANYONE's life revolves around this board. Ppl just like to talk to each other. And even if you consider 99% of our posts useless, oh well, as long as we enjoy it..

Mysterious, How shall I Own You, let me count the ways...first off, you felt the need to make your 2,543rd useless post today by replying to somethign that was not intended for you. That's 1. 2 Plenty of people hate Apotheosis, just look at the posts, it's clear as day. 3 I don't think about you period, so in my eyes your nothing but a cnyc junkie. 4 Your messages are hypocrytic, you felt the need to critique my posts and call them useless, when I did the same you came back and told me if you don't like them don't read them, exactly what I told you prior to your post. THAT MEANS DONT READ THEM OR REPLY, because then you subject yourself to a post like this where I will own you in the verbal/written arena. 5 I don't care to know you either I might hate you or something. 6 If you not a hypocrite maybe you should try reading your posts/responses before hitting submit, and understand what it is you are saying.

You people constantly bitch about everyones posts except your own, and in 90% of the bitching cases it is your own threads that start this nonsense or you more than helpfully add to them. Yet you only point out when other people make it "useless" for you, not when you make it useless and annoying for everyone else...

Mysterious honestly I feel bad for you, because if you posted 2545 times in 5 months, you must really hate your job. Posting 25 times a day, that must really help you achieve your career goals.

My comments at the begining of this post were intended as humourous to the people who i pointed out in the awards, people who are my friends, and you (the people who decided to post to me) took the fun out of this. I've been on this board for a long time, long before you and I've never actually hated posting on this board, but I can truly say, you people make me hate reading and posting on this board. There are so many other boards out there where people can actually post intelligently and not bicker and bitch all day. And don't make some stupid comment like "so don't post on this board" I know that is your first thought since you people immediately jump on things like that.

Peace, Love & Grease,

-SI Begg



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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Like anyone should be surprised that this was gonna cause drama... I was simply waiting for it all day... predictable...

Ill House You... like no one knew he was gonna make comments about a certain board dj... please that's like saying... New York is gonna be in the mid 80 in January...

This board is not known for common sense... once you understand that... it's easy pickings...


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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Sweetie, don't worry about my career.. I'll be way ahead of you in no time, I think I already am.. I don't care to know you either coz you seem like an asshole. I never said your posts were useless. I just said that this particular one about you owning apotheosis was repetitive. It doesn't matter how many ppl hate who on this board. I'm just trying to reduce the negativity on this board. I think a LOT of ppl said that personal attacks aren't cool, definitely more ppl than those who said that they dont' like apotheosis. Anyway, enough with this bullshit already. I don't wanna argue with you, all I did was tell you that your "owning" shit was getting old. You seemed to wanna get personal and start calling me a loser, oh well.. Who cares.. If you think I'm a loser, that will NOT change my life even one bit. So take care..

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

This board is not known for common sense...

Nor is it know for its good spelling. So I say... dammit people, salute it when you see it!



Voted one of the top 3 dj's - Clubplanet Awards 2001

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Clubnyc person that's always at Twilo: Marionyc, Shadowcaster, ezdreamer, myrlin, pooh and tyco

it's shadowchaser...god dammit...how hard is it too read and spell...someone needs to get this really now.... http://www.hookedonphonics.com


i think i'm p A r A n O i D and C o M p L i C a T e D . . .

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Most likely to help a person and most real...I couldn't have asked for better categories or better company!

Thanks guys! smile.gif

Great job Rachel, I'm sure it took a lot of work...

...as for those who are critical of the idea...relax people...it's all in fun!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Heh heh... it's too bad this fun post conjured up some drama. But that still makes it fun.

And... it would be CLEAR to anyone the the entire normal CNYC board would OWN I'LL HOUSE YOU, if *I* didn't own him...

That's RIGHT! Now *I* own "I'll House You"

Mwaaaa Haaaaaa haaaa haa!!!!

When does the border skirmish over DJ Mike DR begin???

::thinking peeps gotta relax just a little bit... it's a friggin' discussion board already.::


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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i'd like to suggest a few new categories, and give my nominations for them as well...

most likely to claim they club when infact they dont-cazz187

most likely to slap people's asses and look the other way like they didnt do it-too many to name here

most likely to end up in the closet@twilo-you all know who you are

most likely to spend all day on this board causing drama-way god damn too many to name

and i'm very hurt i didnt get mentioned in best yummy hair. all these years of strawberry conditioner and no one even notices



chronic is the answer...

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sorry sweetheart but i doubt it, ive already retired for over a year and am fufilling my goals in life much earlier than expected, i dont see how you'd consider yourself ahead of me being that you spend 90% of your day posting...unless maybed you have this special job it's called pay-per-post, you should be closing in on your first million eh?

Again, i know your next comment will be don't judge my job since you don't know me, but since you already judged my job and life situation being that "your way ahead of me" I can say whatever I want. Now shut your mouth already, your loquacious like posts are becoming annoying and useless. Reduce the negativity and increase the uselessness!!



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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Originally posted by petrol:

Heh heh... it's too bad this fun post conjured up some drama. But that still makes it fun.

And... it would be CLEAR to anyone the the entire normal CNYC board would OWN I'LL HOUSE YOU, if *I* didn't own him...

That's RIGHT! Now *I* own "I'll House You"

Mwaaaa Haaaaaa haaaa haa!!!!

::thinking peeps gotta relax just a little bit... it's a friggin' discussion board already.::

No no.. I *own* him!!!




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Originally posted by p00h:

i'd like to suggest a few new categories, and give my nominations for them as well...

and i'm very hurt i didnt get mentioned in best yummy hair. all these years of strawberry conditioner and no one even notices


well now, i'm just gonna have to run my fingers through that hair when i next see you.....i haven't seen you yet this year, where ya been??? and where's that strawberry shortcake lip balm? and what's with your fixation with strawberries???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by p00h:

most likely to slap people's asses and look the other way like they didnt do it-too many to name here

and i'm very hurt i didnt get mentioned in best yummy hair. all these years of strawberry conditioner and no one even notices


okay: Best smelling hair: p00h !!

Most likey girl to jump on p00h at Twilo after not seeing him for so long: rachel1997



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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Sweetie, don't worry about my career.. I'll be way ahead of you in no time, I think I already am.. I don't care to know you either coz you seem like an asshole. I never said your posts were useless. I just said that this particular one about you owning apotheosis was repetitive. It doesn't matter how many ppl hate who on this board. I'm just trying to reduce the negativity on this board. I think a LOT of ppl said that personal attacks aren't cool, definitely more ppl than those who said that they dont' like apotheosis. Anyway, enough with this bullshit already. I don't wanna argue with you, all I did was tell you that your "owning" shit was getting old. You seemed to wanna get personal and start calling me a loser, oh well.. Who cares.. If you think I'm a loser, that will NOT change my life even one bit. So take care..

do you want Mac to own you too?


i think i'm p A r A n O i D and C o M p L i C a T e D . . .

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

sorry sweetheart but i doubt it, ive already retired for over a year and am fufilling my goals in life much earlier than expected, i dont see how you'd consider yourself ahead of me being that you spend 90% of your day posting...unless maybed you have this special job it's called pay-per-post, you should be closing in on your first million eh?

Again, i know your next comment will be don't judge my job since you don't know me, but since you already judged my job and life situation being that "your way ahead of me" I can say whatever I want. Now shut your mouth already, your loquacious like posts are becoming annoying and useless. Reduce the negativity and increase the uselessness!!

I don't know where the fuck you get an attitude like that telling ppl to shut the fuck up.. What an asshole.. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you! I'm really really sorry.. I'm gonna go jump off a bridge. You hurt my feelings oh so much! Puhleezz.. And oh yeah, your posts are SO useful! This is a goddamn board, not CNN or the Wall St Journal..

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