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In a fight...what is more important

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Originally posted by eggmok:

'it is like a finger pointing away to the moon. *smack* don't concentrate on the finger or you'll lose all the heavenly glory'

...bruce lee movie huh..

well actually i alread know the answer to my own silly question..through experience and research...some of these replies are quite ridiculous actually..like elbowing someone in the throat. Some are very practically like using UFC as a reference on one on one figt. I have to totally disagree with the acting like crazy shit..all that does is draw attention to cops and bouncers and you look like the trouble maker....and as far as the first punch there is pros and cons to both. But I sure wouldn't wanna get snuck..

I've been in situation where i faced a person with a knife...I've fought a good state quality wrestler/grappler and fought a black belt in tae kwon do...

I'm not here to brag 'bout my past but I will say this..I'll fight a striking before I fight a good grappler....I'd rather fight the Karate Instructor before I fight a College National Wrestler..if all being equal...like size and shit like that...

But one advice i'd like to give just incase you couldn't walk or talk your way out of a fight is this.

Get behind the fucker and take him down...control his hips and apply your hold choke/joint lock...or get in a position where he can't hit you but you can hit him...

If multiple people involved. Just be alert and try to stay on your feet if you can...if taken down bring someone down with you on top of you with your legs 'round his waist. keep your face tucked inside his chest/shoulder and keep a chest to chest position to avoid blows. Hope that bouncers and cops break it up...Or just sit in that position and pace yourselft and try not to burn yourself out....He will get tired eventually and do a reversal move..all this is easier said then done...but practice with the gracie's and you'll be fine.....

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

practice with the gracie's and you'll be fine.....

i have, and it works. cwm26.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by gambitx73:

practice with the gracie's and you'll be fine.....

i have, and it works. cwm26.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Forget grappling, i know a ex-olympic Judo Champion... He got beat up by 2 16 year old kids... it's means shit on the street.

Whats wrong with an elbow to the throat?

i've seen many judo players get their asses handed to them in actual fights. the judo takedowns are not what ends a confrontation, it is the application of finishing holds (joint locks, choke holds--or a good elbow to the throat if you're in position to do so!) cwm10.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by gambitx73:

To be able to punch hard fast and accurate or be really good at takedown and grappling and choke holds..and armlocks..

actually i throw a killer punch but my choke holds are better.. smile.gif

to go a little more Sun-Tzu on your asses:

a punching fight will rarely go beyond 3-4 punches from each side (after which, unless the situation is resolved, one of the sides will be on top of the other, giving them a facial reconstruction)

but unless it's a promoted fight, usually shit like street fights have consequences (retribution etc.). The most important thing in a fight is intimidation. And one will notice that there is something referred to as a "lucky punch", but no such thing as a "lucky choke hold." so when you knock someone on their ass, they will most probably come back to get back at you. when you immobilize someone and choke them an inch from their life, all while keeping a punch above their faces, you implement a serious fear in them. this will prevent almost any future encounters with that person.

if a fight is inevitable, breaking your enemy is much more efficient than beating them up. fear is the strongest weapon.


aka Sun-Tzu Jr.


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I feel that first of all try to resolve the fight w/o violence by all means necessary!! Use common sense. If there's cops don't fight right in front of them!!! If the fight is just to show how much testosterone you have then that is foolish!! It should be for a worthy cause maybe for a friend or girlfriend someone harrased or something like that!! Fighting in clubs are foolish for you seal your exit for the night!! If you need to fight go elsewhere and fight!! I personally will not back down to any challengers but I will not start fights!! Also take regards to how large your opponent is and how many of his boys are with that individual!! Also some people are dirty fighters and will cheap shot others so take that into consideration!!! A lot of people have the mentality of doing whatever it takes to win!! That's an allright approach but think of the consequences don't kill that person!! Best of all is use your brain as someone said earlier for that is the best weapon against stupidity and ignorance!! If you have martial arts background (like myself) it helps to but don't go out and think your Bruce Lee or something!! Enjoy your night and you will have less things to think about than fighting!!

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If it's unavoidable, I always believed speed and accuracy was the best combination because combined they equal strenght. However; if you get caught and the opponent is larger in his attributes (height, weight, strenght) good grappling techniques are your only chance at survival! cwm23.gif

Here is a japanese Philosophy:

It's better to avoid then to hurt,

Hurt then to maim.

Maim then to kill.

Kill then to be killed. biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics-:


'The art of fighting, without fighting'

'it is like a finger pointing away to the moon. *smack* don't concentrate on the finger or you'll lose all the heavenly glory'


Life is too short to be small.

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