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Girls, stand by your man??????

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So now Jesse Jackson has a love child.....38 years of marriage....if you were his wife would you be able to forgive him??? I just don't know what the hell I'd do. I had a problem forgiving my ex. when he cheated on me...tried to make it work but I just couldn't get over what he'd done. How do you get past something like this and move on???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I feel for his family. I can't even imagine what they're going through. It's not just a fling he had. He's had a child with another woman and then kept it a secret for so long. First thing he should do is hang up his hat as a reverend. What a joke!!! What a fuckin contradiction!! I have no problem with him speaking politically, but don't go around preaching about family values, morales and religion. It's just all bullshit. He's lied to everyone, his family, friends and his followers. I know quite a few people who are really disappointed in him.


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I definately agree that the disappointment . . . HUGE, probably greater than any other public figure because he presented himself to be so righteous.

As for his wife . . . if I was in her shoes I probably would just bite my tongue and stay. There are too much at risk and I'm sure she's sacrificed a lot during her 38 years of supporting him. It's all too much to give up. I feel for her.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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I can't even try to put myself in Mrs. Jackson's place. A 38 year marriage to a man of the church is a lot to throw away... But cheating and producing a love child is a heck of a lot to forgive. Along with the public humiliation, she has a major situation. Plus, if I were in her place, I'd be wondering if there were others, but if this one was the only one that's known...

I was with my ex for 4 years when I found out he had been cheating on me for 2 months. Although I stayed with him for a while after the blow-up, I couldn't forget what he did, nor could I stop myself from thinking about him being with another woman and introducing her to some of his friends. It was a very difficult and painful situation with which to deal. My ex happens to be "a really nice guy", and I know of other "nice guys" who cheat, so I now wonder if all guys cheat, regardless of whether they are players or not. I know that I will never again stay with a man who cheats on me.

What I don't understand is, why do people get into exclusive relationships, when they aren't going to be exclusive?? When I am in an exclusive relationship, I may look at and flirt with cuties, but I never cross the line. If you want to score with other people, just don't become exclusive, then you can do what you want, and no one can say anything. Why is that so hard?


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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i'd prob. stay too just b/c of all that's been invested in the relationship. i'm just not sure i'd be able to forgive or forget. i can't even imagine how i'd feel if my husband were a public figure and the whole world knew about his indiscretions.....ugh, i feel for her too!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I really can't say what I would do if I was her, but I know I wouldn't be able to let go right away. Never been cheated on before so I can't use past experiences, but I know that in any relationship, I'm always the last to give up. Social & economic status doesn't mean anything, it all depends on whether or not they can get past this and move on ... bad example, but like the Clintons, I don't know how Hillary does it.


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Love like you have never been hurt,

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It is difficult when you have been in a relationship for that long. Over time your relationship changes and becomes so much more-you are connected. I know it isn't right that he cheated on her, but at this point after all these years sex is not a huge issue. It is much deeper than that.

I do feel for her-but I can see how she can forgive him-especially if they have a connection.


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