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What's better bombs, bumps or both?

Guest neena

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Guest neena

I would have to agree that e and k is like heaven but if I had to choose between the 2 I would have to say e would definitly be the better choice. cwm11.gif

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Originally posted by markeef:

both, they go together like peanut butter and jelly cwm32.gif

I'll take a few sanwiches please!!!!

Both is better for me!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Special K is wack if you ask me. E was originally designed for humans and was marked controlled because people were having fun and it and the government decided that having fun on a substance defines it as illegel... though E does damage to the brain alcohol does 10 times worse damage, but it's just not as strong and there for can't be taxed to any degree.

Special K was a fucking horse traqulizer! I'm sorry, but if I go to a club and take drugs I want something that at least gives me energy not sits me in the corner for 2 hours. Plus the kindness nature associated with E makes it 100% ok in my book. K seperates people while E brings them together and allows everyone to get along... in whatever drugged up state they might be in.

Admitatly you HAVE to know you limit with anything... but my limit is definitly staying way out of a K-hole.

Just my oppinion. Everyone can go back to being horses, snorting up anaesthetic, and drift back off into there dreamy land barly avoid a coma.

Off my soapbox now.




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Originally posted by sariman:

Special K is wack if you ask me. E was originally designed for humans and was marked controlled because people were having fun and it and the government decided that having fun on a substance defines it as illegel... though E does damage to the brain alcohol does 10 times worse damage, but it's just not as strong and there for can't be taxed to any degree.

Special K was a fucking horse traqulizer! I'm sorry, but if I go to a club and take drugs I want something that at least gives me energy not sits me in the corner for 2 hours. Plus the kindness nature associated with E makes it 100% ok in my book. K seperates people while E brings them together and allows everyone to get along... in whatever drugged up state they might be in.

Admitatly you HAVE to know you limit with anything... but my limit is definitly staying way out of a K-hole.

Just my oppinion. Everyone can go back to being horses, snorting up anaesthetic, and drift back off into there dreamy land barly avoid a coma.

Off my soapbox now.



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Just so you know K is not a horse tranq.

It was created for humans!

It is used today on children, and people who have weekend health for surgery.

Why don't you do a little research before you go horse bashing!


The music makes the people come together...

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Never tried K, and maybe I'm an exception to the rule, but e makes me wanna sit for a little bit, especially in the beginning.. I can't dance a lot on E coz my body is exhausted. And one of my friends said that dancing on K is awesome, except for the k-hole part LOL.. The best for dancing is alcohol+weed!!!! Although you might need something to hold on too coz everything is spinnnnnnning around ya.... And yellow ck's are good too, dance for hours and hours and hours.....

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personally I prefer K only because of how shitty I feel after a night of E.

With E i dont want to move...just lay around all day but with K its like nothing..i wake up fine..and i feel fine...


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Originally posted by nikkisticks:

Just so you know K is not a horse tranq.

It was created for humans!

It is used today on children, and people who have weekend health for surgery.

Why don't you do a little research before you go horse bashing!

Ketamine Hydrochloride was not and is not meant for human use. And it is not familiarly used for horses, either - horses, once they need surgery that requires general anaesthetic, they are usually put down humanely. It finds primary use in feline and canine surgery...if you've ever had a dog spayed or neutered and picked the animal up right away, it's likely you watched it coming out of a k-hole. K doesn't restrict breathing or respiratory function, but does tend to incur a feeling of nausea. It also increaes your sensitiviy to light, noise, and touch, while narrowing the spectrum of sounds you hear and stifling your sense of smell and taste. Motor function is similarly impaired, so you may think you are talking and moving when you are not...or you may be sitting there thinking, and all this shit comes babbling out of your mouth - as you sit there feeling like you're gonna barf. Yup. K is a wonderful drug.

Ecstacy is unbelievable the first time. It's different after that...

Coke, on the other hand, is always a good time.




"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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I have a question for all of you....Do any of you know who was the first person to ever think of cooking K up....My friends and I have sat around and discussed this and did some research on it but came up empty handed....I know these kids who tried cooking some other stuff up like ambesol, you know that stuff for mouth sores, and they did it and they said it made there nose numb no other effects....They have issues...

I agreew with a good number of you K and E are very good together, Its great when you do those first two bumps when you feel your pills kickin in...like your floating...but If I had to give one up Id stick with the Pills...You dont give up steak for chicken in my book....


I keep tellin Drugs I don't want them..but they don't listen

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I've only done K twice and I have to say it makes you feel pretty frigging good. I think I can live with only dropping e. I get so CO'd anyway, I don't need anything else.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

I may not be here but I'll always be there.

AIM: crackorn71

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To all you k hatas:

I personally think you don't know what the hell your talking about

from a strong k advocate point of view. K is and will always be my drug of

choice indefinitely. But I will tell you now it is not the same since

the yellows have banished from existence. On K at times I have twice

the energy and experience that some pill could ever provide. Pills

ruin you for days at a time, sometimes you take a pill and yawn yourself

to death. K hits me right everytime and you sure as hell wake up feeling

a hell of a lot better than if you were on pills. I also got sick of

chewing the inside of my mouth like it was some kind of gourmet meal.

K is something that is an acquired passion. Those who know how to do

K without ending up in the so called "k-hole" understand what I am

talking about. Pills are played, pills are wack, pills are just not

the same, no matter what you say. E makes you smile, but k makes you laugh.

E fucks up your vision, k does not. E makes you sweat, k does not. Whatever this

all just my opinion. Everybody has

there preference.

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there definitely seems to be a lot more k and even e in the NY seen. I don't understand why people do K. E is OK for a club night, but the good ol' white powder is clearly the best stuff to party on!

and there is NO WAY that alcohol is worse for you than e, must be high or somethin' to think that.




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Originally posted by visions:

But I will tell you now it is not the same since the yellows have banished from existence. On

I think the blue from japan is just as good...If not better....much cleaner and smoother


I keep tellin Drugs I don't want them..but they don't listen

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

I think the blue from japan is just as good...If not better....much cleaner and smoother

Actually the purples are from Mexico they just say ttokkyo on the box. But I can't believe you would say that. Those to me are the exact two reasons I think the purples are so much worse. First off the ttokkyo's smell and taste like shit and by the end of the night you got half the jar stuck in your nose cause that shit is like cake. The blue's are also a much groggier high. I actually know some people who like the ttokkyo but personally me and my crew thinks there garbage compared to the yellow's. I wouldn't wanna make any assumptions but you probably didn't do that much of either. Just a guess though. Usually people who don't know much about K and have only done it a few times prefer the ttokkyo, sorry if this is innacurate, but if it is I understand where your coming from.

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