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ATTEN ** twilogoddess**

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Missincognito, that pic is from the SEX MUSEUM in AMSTERDAM. The ballz were vibrating... wink.gif hehe

It's still considered a taboo to meet ppl from aol. Yes practically everyone has a computer but that doesn't mean they chat & meet ppl or post on message boards. I definately worded it wrong & I apologized. Ezdreamer said it best. Meeting ppl off this board is all new to me. & it would be wierd for my friend if I brought her to my first dinner. She doesn't know anything about the board....she may find it strange.


Trancessed!- Me

[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by misspiggy:

OMG, that's kinda funny.

What's mean about posting her picture? It's not like I doctored it, or said, "hey, look at this ugly bitch", or even said "See, she is Beeeyootiful after all". I just put the picture up. It's right in the photogallery, put there for public viewing by HER. How is that mean? By saying it's mean, you're suggesting she has something to be embarrassed about. That's kinda funny.

in most cases, bitchy = mean, therefore

"i'm feeling bitchy" = "i'm feeling mean"

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Mareluna, I apologized for my post. I have the right to defend myself!



[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-23-2001).]

why are you calling everyone "dork"????...

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

in most cases, bitchy = mean, therefore

"i'm feeling bitchy" = "i'm feeling mean"

Alright, I'll buy that.

But that's just my opinion of the pic. Y'all can draw your own conclusions and drool over what you will. Personally, from the endless, and endless, and endless posts I've read, I don't carry too high an opinion on any level.

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cwm25.gif Goodness I hate drama! Why must people *always* take things sooo personally?!?!

Sorry guys but I remember when I started on this board EVERYONE felt the same way. We were all hesitant about meeting each other because we thought it was kinda lame. Everyone had a fear that the members were going to be computer geeks so lets not all jump at twilogoddess's back at once.

Did we suddenly all forget our fears and become better because we have attended these meetups? I personally only go to the club meetups because Im quite satisfied with who I have befriended from the board and still dont quite feel too comfy with the dinners. Take a chill on the chicky. She's only exhibiting what we all felt at one point before the meetups started being arranged. I bet if I go into the archives from months ago I can find statements along the same lines. Maybe not as poor of a word selection but we would all get the point.

Dont worry about it Twilogoddess. I didnt take offense. Personally, I found it amusing because I always thought the same way. I do in fact get teased by my friends for this board but I dont care. Ive met some absolutely extroadinary and well-rounded people.

Okay Im done...Now go get the mudd rink out and fight amongst yourselves again...Just wanted to add mty .02 even if its not worth that much.



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn

- Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!

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in case nobody has noticed, twilogoddess is sitting on a huge, i mean HUGE, COCK in that picture. she posted it to be FUNNY. i haven't seen the holiday pic of her in the red dress, but apparently some male members (no pun intended) think she's pretty hot. SO, that would mean that our friend twilogoddess can look really good but has a small enough ego to post a not-so-good picture of herself FOR THE SAKE OF HUMOR!!! she's proven herself humble enough to apologize but still feisty enough to stand up for herself. i say let's all give her a round of applause for speaking her mind - and everybody better get used to it because i don't think she's going to change just to please the peeps on this board.

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Well said!!! Bravo! Thank u Misskittie & Shugabooga! smile.gif Muah

Twilo meetups are completely DIFFERENT than goin to a restaurant alone & meetin ppl for the first time. I didn't mean any harm.


Trancessed!- Me

[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by misskittie:

cwm25.gif Goodness I hate drama! Why must people *always* take things sooo personally?!?!

Sorry guys but I remember when I started on this board EVERYONE felt the same way. We were all hesitant about meeting each other because we thought it was kinda lame. Everyone had a fear that the members were going to be computer geeks so lets not all jump at twilogoddess's back at once.

Did we suddenly all forget our fears and become better because we have attended these meetups? I personally only go to the club meetups because Im quite satisfied with who I have befriended from the board and still dont quite feel too comfy with the dinners. Take a chill on the chicky. She's only exhibiting what we all felt at one point before the meetups started being arranged. I bet if I go into the archives from months ago I can find statements along the same lines. Maybe not as poor of a word selection but we would all get the point.

Dont worry about it Twilogoddess. I didnt take offense. Personally, I found it amusing because I always thought the same way. I do in fact get teased by my friends for this board but I dont care. Ive met some absolutely extroadinary and well-rounded people.

Okay Im done...Now go get the mudd rink out and fight amongst yourselves again...Just wanted to add mty .02 even if its not worth that much.

Very wisely said...I have to agree with that Kat. Thing is, I haven't yet met anyone of you and it's true I do feel kind of weird doing so. The plan is though to meet some of you this Friday at and/or before S&D. Still, people I come to Twilo with will probably start taking the mickey out of me for meeting up with people from a message board and I just stated in a PM that "I do hope you're not all maniacs" wink.gif ...I mean of course we are...wouldn't we otherwise spend so much time posting on a board and getting all hyped up on clubs & music.

Still, I'm kind of wary about the whole meetup issue and hence do understand the point and take it rather as "poor wording of a common concern"



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LISTEN UP...calm down and just chill. Ezdreamer stole the words out of my mouth....I really got hold back on my typing on this one. But here's what to do! Let's all meet up at the "meet-up" and be ourselves and hopefully we can all be friends!! So when and where is this meet up...I think I only met Twilogoddess once but not sure..and missincognito i don't think we've met..but i picked your name out of a hat for the Xmas xchange that never happened..I think you would've liked what i was gonna give you!! Peace to all..p.s. Daniella Mareluna..good point on your reply..very nice...

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'Zounds like it's settled- twilogoddess meant no disrespect towards the people on this board but was not sure how her friend would feel about people who sit in front of a computer building virtual friends - Bad semantics but simple as that.

Yet being new to the board I shudder shit like this: "we don't need anyone around here with an attitude like that...

...and..I've seen her picture..and she is far from a "goddess"

Gee-Maybe from now on we should all refrain from thought and keep pictures of ourselves out of the web or risk being black listed and physically scrutinized. Incidentally -godliness (beauty) was in the eye of the beholder last time I checked.

mooving on... smile.gif


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."

"Without music, life would be a mistake."


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Originally posted by misskittie:


Sorry guys but I remember when I started on this board EVERYONE felt the same way. We were all hesitant about meeting each other because we thought it was kinda lame. Everyone had a fear that the members were going to be computer geeks so lets not all jump at twilogoddess's back at once.

Did we suddenly all forget our fears and become better because we have attended these meetups? I personally only go to the club meetups because Im quite satisfied with who I have befriended from the board and still dont quite feel too comfy with the dinners. Take a chill on the chicky. She's only exhibiting what we all felt at one point before the meetups started being arranged. I bet if I go into the archives from months ago I can find statements along the same lines. Maybe not as poor of a word selection but we would all get the point.

Dont worry about it Twilogoddess. I didnt take offense. Personally, I found it amusing because I always thought the same way. I do in fact get teased by my friends for this board but I dont care. Ive met some absolutely extroadinary and well-rounded people.

Okay Im done...Now go get the mudd rink out and fight amongst yourselves again...Just wanted to add mty .02 even if its not worth that much.

Very well put Kat....I remember before the first time I met anyone, I was totally sketched out about meeting anyone from here. But I said fuck it.....and because of that decision I have made some VERY good frineds.

So new headz...dont sweat it..we are all normal people.ummmmmmmmmmmmm well most of us at least .. cwm1.gif



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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