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Bush!! Stops funding for international family planning groups offering abortions

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Originally posted by ncomodo:

The only method that protects you from diseases is abstinence. Unfortunately, not many people can control their urges.

You're right abstinence is the only GAURANTEE thing. But like you said, people have a hard time controlling their sexual urges. So the next best thing is a condom.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Barbara shoulda abstained or at least used a fucking condom or something... we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place with her idiot son...

Let's go burn Florida... and reconstruct that damn Supreme Court...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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have everyone heard the White House's comment on the environment this Monday: haulting last-minute Clinton environmental rules/regulations - including the contentious diesel sulfur rule, and pledge to open parts of the Arctic National Wild Refuge for oil/gas exploration?

Bye-bye Alaska and cleaner air cwm36.gif


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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Originally posted by kaspr:

No offense to anyone but why should my tax money go to abortion clinics in other countries??

Now if tries to enforce it here (which he won't) then it would become an issue.

Because we are the leading (most wealthy) nation. If you want to act like what is going on in other contries is not going to affect us at some point you are fooling yourself. It is out responsibility to look out for other poorer uneducated people.

We are all conected.


The music makes the people come together...

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the environmental issues . . . UH! alright, it's one thing that they bribed their way into the executive spot . . .

he puts Whitman in his cabinet for environmental issues . . .

within the next 4 years, there is another global meeting in regards to cutting down industries and pollution- with the US causing the most damage (and that doesn't include other countries who are producing for we the people in US the leading consumers). We have NOT cut down much, and they have traded money for other countries to cut down their piece of the pie instead of the US.

I know I have no right to say anything, as a consumer and non-lobbyist, but this shit would not happen if Billy Boy or Al were in office.

oil spill in the galapagos today frown.gif

Originally posted by mel-o-d:

have everyone heard the White House's comment on the environment this Monday: haulting last-minute Clinton environmental rules/regulations - including the contentious diesel sulfur rule, and pledge to open parts of the Arctic National Wild Refuge for oil/gas exploration?

Bye-bye Alaska and cleaner air cwm36.gif


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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That does not surprise me at all. Saw it on the news last night and just had to laugh...

Next step, goodbye fed funding in the US.

This is his way of doing as much damage to Roe vs. Wade without actually trying to overturn it in the Courts... His office will also not try to block states from implementing laws that restrict women's rights within that given state. cwm23.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Barbara shoulda abstained or at least used a fucking condom or something... we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place with her idiot son...

Let's go burn Florida... and reconstruct that damn Supreme Court...

Did anyone see that special on A&E (i think it was A&E Biography) and Barbara Bush was saying that one time when the Queen of England (Elizbeth, not Dirtyslapper) was visiting the Whitehouse she made some comment about why George W. was sitting at a different table from the rest of the family and Barbara's answer was that they had to watch what he would say because he was known to be the black sheep of the family.....later on the Queen mentioned to him that he was the black sheep and he says to her "well you'd know all about black sheeps of the family since you have so many in yours".......This is Barbara telling this story!!! What the hell does that say????


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

..I say give him some time to pander to those he must, then see what happens when he starts trying to move legislation through Congress. Remember, what we might see as ass-backwards, others might see as the best thing ever to come from Washington. We must be cautious not to fall into the same narrow-mindedness (at the other end of the political spectrum) that we accuse others of, lest we marginalize ourselves. Listen to the other side. See how they and their ideas work - or do not - and fight on that, not on "what an asshole, he did something I don't like so he MUST be an idiot." Take lessons from the opposing side, and never forget to keep learning all points of view.

Just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.

I understand your point here, but fear of being marginalized shouldn't stop ppl from being passionate about things that they feel are wrong and dangerous. The Christian Right is a marginal organization who through careful organizing and fundraising has helped block Clinton in congress and elect Bush. Maybe we should learn from their tactics. I personally do not need to wait and see how taking away a woman's right to choose or destroying the environment to make oil magnets wealthier works out. I reserve the right to call anyone an asshole who would sell the future of our planet for campaign support. I do listen to their ideas- I just think they're all really bad.

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he's such a fucking liar!!!!!!

he ran on this whole "moderate conservativism" and pledged not to change anything relating to roe v. wade.

but his first week goes by, and he cuts funds to those clinics and appoints that horrendous excuse for a human being, ashcroft to att. general.


this house is haunted, and i've got to go.

you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'

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