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What got you hooked?

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Alright so all of us here are addicted to electronic music, thats why we go clubbing after-all right (not the drugs?!) I've been into the scene since '96 but I didn't get hooked right away. The party I went to was a real Party though, warehouse style, pills when they were good, dirt coming out of your nose for days after the event. Anyways, it was fun but I was more into gothic/industrial music at the time so I didn't really dance. It wasn't until later that year when I went to Lollapalooza to see Tricky and Tool that I got to see Orbital! They got me hooked!! Lights, sounds, people dancing all over the place, smiles....The music was just incredible! I started buying techno albums and going to parties and 5 years later I'm still into it! I'm not sure I'll ever stop listening to the ear candy that turntables provide!

SO I was wondering who/what got other people into the scene?



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somewhat similar. i saw tricky and tool in that lollapalooza as well and left before orbital because i just wasn't into that straight dance stuff. i did like gothic / industrial though like ministry/front 242/NIN/sheep on drugs etc and was a regular at the slimelight in london. first time i got into dance was when a friend took me to a one off party organized by a bunch of amateurs (they got together and hired a venue and did the decor/djs etc) - i'd never heard dance music that i really liked but the tunes were phenomenal all night - all my friends were exceptionally happy as well (although i had no idea anything was going on at the time). since then i've been hooked on the tunage and slowly getting to appreciate more styles and specific djs etc. - probably been four or five years i guess.


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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my friend took me to see jeff mills and thats when i started leking techno music. then in 92 my friend from brooklyn took me to this train yard where they were having a party and i had no clue what i was in store for. they called this party storm rave and i was just totally amazed by it. last night seeing bones adam and heather brought back alot of memories for me cause they pretty much have been a part of my life since that night in brooklyn. i thank god my friend took me out on that night cause it had made my life alot more interesting.





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Great topic girl! I've always been into techno since KMFDM was out in the market. After that it was Orbital and Prodigy. My first real rave experience was at a place in Jackson, MS when Rabbit in the Moon spun... awsome show, but since there is no scene in mississippi and I didn't have any connections to the outside I kind of died off after that.

Later on I went to college and meet my best friend who is a bedroom DJ and we started driving around going to parties. I got to see Sasha and Digweed in July in Memphis and I was hooked. So I've always listened to some form of electronica... I remember when AMP first started on MTV! But, didn't get big into the dance scene until this past summer.




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Tunnel before the crack downs by our wonderful mayor 2 years ago.

After obstaining from the sceen for a year... PVD nights At twilo slowly but surely sucked my gf & me back into the sceen.

JV,PVD,JP + extensive use of elements = my current crackhead condition



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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14 yrs old walking into Palladium for the first time and thinking "Im never going to be the same again"

I wasnt.

This is the only type of life where you can live 100 years in one short childhood (14 - 22 so far) It's the best life experience you can get, whether you realize it or hold it important at the time or not.

The book will be out around 2003. smile.gif~~



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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OMG... I cant really put my finger on it.

Music has always been vital, and I've always stayed in touch with what was out there. Dancing/ clubbing was part of my early days in chicago.

I think i eased my way in via the industrial/gothic route, old OMD/Depeche, etc. So i had a strong foundation for the dance/techno that came at me later.

Once i got into the music, i kept discovering that i already had these artists in my collection on other compilations. It was like i was easing in without knowing it.

I'm pretty new to the scene, but once i got in, i discovered a deep affinity from the music in my earlier partying days. It was more like stumbling across and old lover and falling back into a new romance.

Old Chicago house has evolved into music i love... I *never* thought I'ld say that.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Definitly the first night of clubbing at Tunnel...at first the dance music was like noise to me...I didnt understand it....but then at around 12 they played Got The Groove by SM Traxx and I asked myself "Oh my god what is THIS?" and I've been in love with house ever since...


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme


[This message has been edited by highmay (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by dszorro:


I'll be up front about it.

Ecstacy got me hooked. I'm busted.

Now i'm in it up to my ears.

It's all good though.

My question is..

where do you go from Sasha & Digweed???

Must agree...drugs got me there..music kept me coming back

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well i, believe it or not, have been into the club scene since june of this past summer. My 20th birthday get together, was held at SF....so June 4th 2000 was my first club weekend. And i have been in a club on either every Friday, or sat, or both nights in a row, since then. Especially in Sept, when i first walked through the doors of Twilo. I have gone to Twilo Every weekend since Sept, save the one friday i was stuck in FL, and last friday...due to monetary issues wink.gif

well...to answer the question...i fell in love with the music that night on m birthday....didnt really buy an album till august....and i already have a huge collection. smile.gif



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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Back in 93, i was living in Orlando FL. I was in the military at the time ( so I was really straight edge). I wondered into a club called THE EDGE down there. Oh my god! The lights, the soundsystem, the sexy ass girl dancing,the friendly people, the positive atmosphere, the sexy ass girls dancing(it's my list, i can put it twice), it was all overwhelming. DJ Icey was the resident there back then. Those snap and roll style florida funky breaks ... They just grabed me. The people there were so friendly, it was like I knew them for years yet just met. Everyone was just so open to everyone else no matter what backgroung they had, what they looked like, what they danced like. It was people from different walks of life coming together and letting loose to the music together without a care or hang up in the world! Then one of the girlies from that club brought me to the afterhours place a couple of weeks later.

It was the infamous Aahz nightclub, with none other than Kimble Collins as resident. In this old movie theater turned night club was a true old school rave style club were EVERYONE dressup increative costumes and gear to be part of the experience and be part of the vissual entertainment for each other. This is back in the days of Nitrus ballons at clubs too. What a sick circus that was, and inthat envirnment I got to hear the beginnings of Trance-breaks develop.

Then over the years there hev been many experiences that deepened my love for this scene, biggest examples are Josh Wink and obviouly RABBIT IN THE MOON! Some say, to see there show is to be reborn. firebunnymuscle.jpg


"They know what is what, but they don't know what is what ... They just strut. What the fuck?" -FBS

Reliving all phases of an "Out of Body Experience"


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Originally posted by highmay:

Definitly the first night of clubbing at Tunnel...at first the dance music was like noise to me...I didnt understand it....but then at around 12 they played Got The Groove by SM Traxx and I asked myself "Oh my god what is THIS?" and I've been in love with house ever since...

Haha, that's kinda EXACTLY how it happened to me. Same place, same song. I remember 2 summers ago I went to the Tunnel for the first time. I had been to other cheezey local clubs, but this was my first time to a club in the city. SO anyways, I was extrememly fucked up and my friend and I were on the dance floor when they started to play Got the Groove. I said to my roommate, I LOVE THIS SONG. So she asked me what the name of it was and I said "I don't know, I've never heard it before, but I LOVE IT!" From that night on, I was addicted. Also, I searched high and low for Got the Groove from that point on. I went to every CD store I could think of and hummed it for the man behind the counter. I finally found it, and now it sits in the back of my CD case. With all the other house music I've bought, that was one of the first. I'll turn it on every now and then and just smile and get this rush up my spine. It's kinda cool. Anyway, that began my life as an addicted clubber!



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Like Petrol, I think I came this way via the gothic/new wave electronic sort of thing (Japan, New Order, Depeche Mode).

Then going to art school in Detroit in the late 80's/early 90's, there was a great underground Techno scene.

It's great seeing sound evolve, and listen to it recontextualize itself.



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Well, to be honest, E got me in the door, but the experience I had following that entrance is what got me.

On a whim I got in my car and off the NY. Get to the party and wait in a line for close to 1 hr., anxious as hell b/c I was feeling good, and heard the base pounding from inside the building.

Walk in, and the emotion and vibe the place had carried through the air and went into my soul. Look up and see UNION JACK ripping it up on 4 turntables, a keyboard, and a lazer light show.

Go directly to the center of the dancefloor, and within minutes, found myself with my hands in the air, screaming for joy, and staring up as if to that God for letting me experience such euphoria.

After that, who wouldn't be hooked. I'm a little disenchanted with the scene in its current state, but understand that something that great can't be kept a secret for too long.

So I look forward to the next wave, and am excited to see what it will be. I hope its nothing short of ECSTACY...


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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