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Yet Another song Jp played for 45 minutes!

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lol like the live preformance of more then life,, she did it, then he played it for like half hour after..

When "i never knew" came out, he use to play that for like 45 minutes...

i kinda miss those days though..






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ok so this is going a little bit back in the day...but remember the beginnings of my love is ur love...oh goodness like 3 hrs straight...and still thats my fave song of all time


never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

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Originally posted by trikki:

When you go to the SF, you have to expect to hear many songs played for three hours while JP is in a k-hole. He's a good re-mixer, but can't stand to hear songs for that length.

they need a second back up DJ to help him out in those times... or at least like a bouncer to give him bitch laps to wake him up when he gets stuck




AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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you see...this is what I don't understand... JP is NEVER is a k-hole...if he is, how will be able to mix??? I've seen my friends in k-holes and theyre not even able to stand up and speak with anyone, let alone mix a hot track...cmon fellas...think.


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme



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Originally posted by trikki:

When you go to the SF, you have to expect to hear many songs played for three hours while JP is in a k-hole. He's a good re-mixer, but can't stand to hear songs for that length.

Rookie remark.


Go hang out at Culture Club!

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Originally posted by trikki:

When you go to the SF, you have to expect to hear many songs played for three hours while JP is in a k-hole. He's a good re-mixer, but can't stand to hear songs for that length.

Yeah ok.. Are you the one bringing him K to the booth? Or did you actually see him do bumps while he's in there? Puhleez.. He doesn't stop mixing for more than a few minutes.. Idiots..

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Originally posted by Unbound:

... or at least like a bouncer to give him bitch slaps to wake him up when he gets stuck


LOL! smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I love it when he fucks with the songs, loops it, mixes another song in, stops it, then throws in a piece of the acapella, then goes nuts with it again.. I love it..

Thats what makes JP one of the best...his ability to get inside peoples minds...plying a song for an hour is just one of his weapons.


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme



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Originally posted by highmay:

you see...this is what I don't understand... JP is NEVER is a k-hole...if he is, how will be able to mix??? I've seen my friends in k-holes and theyre not even able to stand up and speak with anyone, let alone mix a hot track...cmon fellas...think.

i beg to differ.. allthough i would believe jp has done some sort of drugs, i am a huge fan, and yes HE IS GOD TO ME...

my answer is, DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT....

if ya dont like him, dont go to sf when hes spinning! thats a nice lil answer for you all..

and for the dude on the other post, yes the song is spelled MAND OVER BORD..

and the khole remark, when i do k, i do it in a nice amount, i dont go over board, so i'm in some corner, k makes me wanna dance... and i would say its safe to think, the same people who sit in the corner all night from to much k, are the same freaks that are passin out on ghb.. the key is MODERATION! (i suck at spelling) grrrrr








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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

and for the dude on the other post, yes the song is spelled MAND OVER BORD..

i suck at spelling) grrrrr


Suck at spelling...really couldn't notice. hehe J/K. You going the 27th?

Also here's my two cents.

What the fuck is with everyone bashing DJ's for not being "ON". Whether it's JP, Denny, Junior, PVD, Danny or countless others they all have their own style and if you don't like it don't go where they play.

And if you do like their style but they're not "ON". Get over it!!! DJ's aren't GOD nor are they perfect either. Not that anyone said they are, but with the bashing going on it seems some people think so.

Cmon you never had an off or bad day.

I've heard JP spin for years, Denny since he started, I've heard Junior spin since Twilo was the "old" SF, and same goes for alot of the DJ's that have been around awhile. My point. Well my point is, that I've heard them "OFF" and it happens, but I've also heard them all spin MAGIC to the point where I thought my entire body was having an orgasm!!! It's the lights, the venue and mostly the friends...the DJ's...well they take us on a journey with and through all that.

So if a DJ is "OFF" give him a break and make the best of the club and the friends your with.


Sorry for the long rant.

[This message has been edited by cobrajoe (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

i beg to differ.. allthough i would believe jp has done some sort of drugs, i am a huge fan, and yes HE IS GOD TO ME...

my answer is, DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT....

if ya dont like him, dont go to sf when hes spinning! thats a nice lil answer for you all..

and for the dude on the other post, yes the song is spelled MAND OVER BORD..

and the khole remark, when i do k, i do it in a nice amount, i dont go over board, so i'm in some corner, k makes me wanna dance... and i would say its safe to think, the same people who sit in the corner all night from to much k, are the same freaks that are passin out on ghb.. the key is MODERATION! (i suck at spelling) grrrrr



ok lets not take away doing k as an option...but look at it this way..JP's been doin afterhours ever since Save the Robots...I've only been clubbing for two years so I don't know how long he did that residency. Anyway, he body is used to doing marathon sets on saturday nights. He can probably stay awake for 2 days straight like Navy SEALS do.


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme



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Never knew it was done that way. Maybe I'll listen more carefully next time. I was just pissed cuz he sucked when he came to DC...he played stuff that was like6 years old.

But you're right..to each their own. I guess my initial post was pretty brash.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Well.. I'm not saying that you SHOULD like them coz everyone likes different things.. I'm just saying that it's funny how all the same ppl keep replying to posts about JP/SF even though they hate JP/SF and time after time again and again say how he sucks.. What's the point of that?

About long drawn out vocals.. He doesn't only play vocals for 20-40 mins, he plays a lot of the hard shit that long too. I described why I like it when he does that if you are interested in knowing why anyone would like it, read what I wrote above. The way he plays a song for that long is not just by looping it from start to finish 3 times. He picks out the best parts, loops them, then goes back to the beginning, throws a piece of the acapella in, stops it letting everyone start screaming for the song to come back, then he throws it in again either very softly, or just slams it in.. He's the dj that fucks with you and if you pay close attention to what he actually does with each piece and how he takes a song and makes it into what it sounds like in the club, IMO it's amazing. Hearing the original mix compared to the club version is a totally different experience all together.. But if you don't appreciate this sort of playing around with music, nothing wrong with that, just don't bash it. Coz djing is an artform just like painting for example. If you look at one painting and you just don't get what the artist is trying to communicate, doesn't mean that you're stupid or you have bad taste, it just means that something else appeals to you and this particular piece doesn't do much for you.. But in no way does it mean that the artist sucks or the ppl who like it are idiots..










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Ok..its official....all u girls sound maddd cute...thats it!....if any of u are gonna be up in Factory for late sat. night,,email me at 'Fresh17@aol.com' so i can someway/somehow meet up with ya'll in there (il be with my boston headz)......peace cuties

-arthur 'E'

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