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Just curious...

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It's funny cause I was just discussing this with a fellow board member earlier and I thought this would be interesting..

Although I can say I have met (in person) a lot of people on this board, there are still many I have yet to meet...

I am just curious, based on what you see posted before you on this board, what would you say some of the people you HAVEN'T met LOOK like...

Now of course don't post yur opinions unless that person says it's ok to do so..and don't be rude.. this isn't met to cause drama or insult anyone in ANY way.....

I am extremely curious to find out what members that have not yet met me THINK I look like..

so go ahead.. shoot.. tell me what you think...

Thanks... cwm44.gif


AIM vampie

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you probably look like...oh wait we have met...uhm..ok..never mind..ehheheehehhehehe..I'll say this though..before that lunch meet up when i first met u and mario, jammy etc etc...i thought it was a bit of a younger crowd on this board but i was wrong...and glad that i was .....

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i think that you look like carmen electra

maybe i wish that you would look like that

actually, i dont think that you look like her at all, you look like katie holmes, but have dark blonde hair and are about 5'6" or so

i would say brown eyes, and a size 5

am i close?


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you're just mad because

1. chicks dig the beard

2. your fingers are freakishly big

3. you've now missed about two months of great twilo parties including seb and snd.



this house is haunted, and i've got to go.

you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'

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cwm26.gif <-----like that....cept with hair..j/k cwm20.gif

Oh oh....someone do me. cwm32.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

Duuuude your crushing my head!

[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by flippin_e:

cwm26.gif <-----like that....cept with hair..j/k cwm20.gif

Oh oh....someone do me. cwm32.gif

ARAmis----where da Funk have you been???????

Vampie- Since we have never met Iwould say you probably look kinda like..............Roseanne Barr????maybe..........Oprah Winfrey????





And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Well in retrospect I would say that I thought most of the people on this board are Asians...you know all the anime and stuff...

It’s hard to judge what a person looks like just from chatting with them. But I must say I was pleasantly surprised to meet you vampie... wink.gifcwm38.gifcwm32.gifrolleyes.gif

Another thing is how people behave for example Andy over here always gives hugs and is always upbeat which I love in people (especially @ a club when you need positivity to get you higher) but from his post you can just get a slight feeling of how upbeat he is... so for this and other reasons I think people should come to the meet ups



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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Originally posted by Unbound:

Another thing is how people behave for example Andy over here always gives hugs and is always upbeat which I love in people (especially @ a club when you need positivity to get you higher) but from his post you can just get a slight feeling of how upbeat he is... so for this and other reasons I think people should come to the meet ups

Thanks alot Arthur....I appreciate it smile.gif

no doubt.....unfortunately I am A happy person 99% of the time. ummmmm i guess that aint bad..huh?

And to everyone that hasnt met Vampie yet....honestly......she is breathtaking


.....Luv ya baby cwm1.gif BTW-I think D-Boobs is coming into the city tomorrow night..so call my cell and we can all get together.

-A todamuthafuckin' Z


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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You guys crack me up........

The number one thing I heard people say when they first met me was, "I though you were like a goth chick or something" or " I thought you were big" LOL!! I weigh 106 pounds and am 5'4...ahem, I mean 5'7-5'8, most the time, cause I wear high heels..

LOL! cwm2.gif

Thanks for the laugh guys!!! You guys are the greatest!!!

Can't wait to see you at the next meet-up...

oh and Flip I do sort of look like that siley face!! I am always smiling !!

I think Flip has blonde hair and is thin and tall with greenish colored eyes?? So how off am I>>?


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by az-tec:

Thanks alot Arthur....I appreciate it smile.gif

no doubt.....unfortunately I am A happy person 99% of the time. ummmmm i guess that aint bad..huh?

And to everyone that hasnt met Vampie yet....honestly......she is breathtaking


.....Luv ya baby cwm1.gif BTW-I think D-Boobs is coming into the city tomorrow night..so call my cell and we can all get together.

-A todamuthafuckin' Z

I'm gonna kick boobs ass !! She was supposed tobe at SF (same weekend as Zoya's b-day) I said I wouldn't be there but she said that she would def be there.. Well I lloked for her and she wasn't there.. I wanted to meet her new man !

Give her a hug and kiss for me.. and tell her I miss her !!! Where is she going tonight>>?? I'll call you later.....


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by az-tec:

Thanks alot Arthur....I appreciate it smile.gif

no doubt.....unfortunately I am A happy person 99% of the time. ummmmm i guess that aint bad..huh?

And to everyone that hasnt met Vampie yet....honestly......she is breathtaking


.....Luv ya baby cwm1.gif BTW-I think D-Boobs is coming into the city tomorrow night..so call my cell and we can all get together.

-A todamuthafuckin' Z

I'm gonna kick boobs ass !! She was supposed tobe at SF (same weekend as Zoya's b-day) I said I wouldn't be there but she said that she would def be there.. Well I lloked for her and she wasn't there.. I wanted to meet her new man !

Give her a hug and kiss for me.. and tell her I miss her !!! Where is she going tonight>>?? I'll call you later.....


AIM vampie

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