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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Ok just to even stuff up for the guys and break up the fashion horror stories smile.gif

After saying 'It's funny I really feel comfortable with you, I feel like I can tell you ANYTHING', a girl proceeded to tell me how she had been raped over a long period of time by her uncle and her parents didn't believe her for years. The she tells me about finding her last boyfriend in bed with a girl on a few occasions and trying to get her involved. Then she went on to tell me how she had, had part of her womb removed and couldn't have kids (which turned out to be a lie). And then tells me about all the times she had tried to commit suicide.

What do you say?.... 'erm waiter can I have a bottle of whiskey please... no make that 2..oh and some sleeping pills'

So, did you ask her out on a 2nd date? wink.gif


"Love your enemies...cause your friends may turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Ok just to even stuff up for the guys and break up the fashion horror stories smile.gif

After saying 'It's funny I really feel comfortable with you, I feel like I can tell you ANYTHING', a girl proceeded to tell me how she had been raped over a long period of time by her uncle and her parents didn't believe her for years. The she tells me about finding her last boyfriend in bed with a girl on a few occasions and trying to get her involved. Then she went on to tell me how she had, had part of her womb removed and couldn't have kids (which turned out to be a lie). And then tells me about all the times she had tried to commit suicide.

What do you say?.... 'erm waiter can I have a bottle of whiskey please... no make that 2..oh and some sleeping pills'

fuck me... too much info. Now i feel sorry for her and stuff but, fuck... did you go home feeling all happy and full of joy?

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Ok, seriously, took this chick out once upon a time, bitch brought little brutha, was like WTF, he should be home playing nintendo or some wind up barbie or play with himself, you would think? I mean little bros should not be on dates with oldies. Anyways, little bro pleaded for local arcade, being a gung ho sort of a dude, I complied. You would not believe what happened next. They asked me for quarters. Believe that shit?, said fuck no, get your own quarters. I tell you I learned some valuable lesson that night. No little bros no more.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by matta:

he's a nutter

ya think?

here's mine:

I met this one girl through AOL, recently, about four weeks ago. We talked through e-mail and IM a few times and it turned out that she lives in my neighborhood so we decided to meet up for drinks one night at the local Houlihan's (sp?) - it went fine ...The very next day she calls me at work asking if I have any plans for tonight, I told her that I was free so she invites me to her house for dinner ...I thought that was a little odd since she hardly knew me but I said: okay, picked up a bottle of wine and went to her house. Ended up spending the night with her. We hang out one more time after that and then one of my very close friends got sick and was in the hospital for a week so I was unable to give this girl a lot of attention but I called her a few times during that week. Saturday came and I called her again: no answer, tried paging her: no call back. The next day I get an e-mail from her telling me how my friends are more important to me than she is and that she wishes she could be a part of my life, how she can't trust me now and that she can't believe she even let me into her house ...etc. I was like: WHAT?? ...of course my friends are more important than you ...I just met you two weeks ago *eyeroll* ...can you say WHACKO! Good thing I took my roommate's advise and didn't invite her over my house (she doesn't know where I live). The last thing I need is a stalker. She still e-mails me ...I'm like: don't even bother



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Now THAT is some freaky shit, David!! cwm24.gif


And it got worse from there cwm36.gif , i think i told you and a few other people the end of the story. It's crazy.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

ya think?

here's mine:

I met this one girl through AOL, recently, about four weeks ago. We talked through e-mail and IM a few times and it turned out that she lives in my neighborhood so we decided to meet up for drinks one night at the local Houlihan's (sp?) - it went fine ...The every next day she calls me at work asking if I have any plans for tonight, I told her that I was free so she invites me to her house for dinner ...I thought that was a little odd since she hardly knew me but I said: okay, picked up a bottle of wine and went to her house. Ended up spending the night with her. We hang out one more time after that and then one of my very close friends got sick and was in the hospital for a week so I was unable to give this girl a lot of attention but I called her a few times during that week. Saturday came and I called her again: no answer, tried paging her: no call back. The next day I get an e-mail from her telling me how my friends are more important to me than her and that she wishes she could be a part of my life, how she can't trust me now and that she can't believe she even let me into her house ...etc. I was like: WHAT?? ...of course my friends are more important than you ...I just met you two weeks ago *eyeroll* ...can you say WHACKO! Good thing I took my roommate's advise and didn't invite her over my house (she doesn't know where I live). The last thing I need is a stalker. She still e-mails me ...I'm like: don't even bother

total WHACKO!....

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i hope you did all the driving after that incident!! ok, what's a flowbee?? it's one of those items sold on tv....advertised with an informercial about 2hours long.....it's an attachment you use on your vacuum cleaner to cut your hair.......you know i'm all for these gadgets (remember my fondness of the autohammer) but i don't want some freaky-ass guy whipping out his flowbee to use on me!!

LMFA®O, oh yeh i have seen those... classy guy, hey but it's practicle.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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OMG.. Some of these stories are CRAZY, as are the ppl in them (not you guys, your "dates").. I tried to think of a good horror-date story but honestly, cannot think of one.. All of mine seem really really normal.. But..

Last summer my company had a cruise around Manhattan. Everyone was going with their bfs/gfs/spouses/etc.. I invited my bf thinking that it should be fun. The weather was gorgeous (mid august), sat night, beautiful view, good food, nice ppl, open bar.. Everything is awesome.

So we are hanging out with everyone, talking to all these ppl from my company (I'm sort of new so I don't know everyone).. My hunnie offers to go get drinks so of course I order an LIT. He brings them back, we drink and get more. He tries my LIT and goes to get himself one. Another one. Another one. Needless to say he gets TRASHED. We are on a boat, so we can't exactly leave the party.

He does NOT shut up and keeps talkign to everyone. Thank god he wasn't rude but he just talked way too much and I literally had to drag him away from ppl. I work with them! Then we are chilling on the deck and he gets a phone call from one of his friends (a girl). He's wasted so he's talking very loud and everyone can hear what he's saying. He says her name and all the ppl are looking now coz they can see that he's with me and we are def a couple. So this other drunk guy starts yelling something like "oh it's probably his wife calling" and they start playing this game like I'm his misstress and he's talkign to his wife. All the guys are drunk and cracking up, all the women are trying to act like we don't know these guys even though they are all our bfs/husbands LOL.. I was never so happy to see the dock! My coworkers still tease me about dating drunks LOL..

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Originally posted by jolie1:

this was the worst date ever:

I had seen this guy a few times and thought that he was great, he was smart and gorgeous except he had this habit of talking about all these other girls he had hooked up with. On my birthday, he took me to a really fancy restaurant and proceeded to tell me about this girl that he got with at a bar. He told me she was from my neighborhood and that her name was Isabelle and she was 23. I couldn't think of any Isabelle from my neighborhood except my SISTER. To be sure, I pulled out my sister's license that i use to go out and he dropped his drink. My sister had never met him so I didnt blame her, but needless to say i never saw him again. ON MY BIRTHDAY. Asshole

whew you think that's bad..i have 4 older brothers and can't even begin to muster the courage to post my horror dates... OK OK here we go...

Well actually it would inappropriate for this board ...So I'll just share a story that not as bad but bad enough.. here we go:

I was in Highschool. I was in a library and asked the librarian to help me. She was 'bout 22 yrs. old very pretty Indian girl....I asked where i could find chess books. she lead me there and starts a conversation with me like...Do you play any instruments and are you into art? I replied well "Chess is my instrument and canvas, it's a game of wit, logic and yet it's flexible enough where you can express creativity and art" She got really into the conversation and then smoothly changes the subject into sex. Next thing I know were in this aisl of books and she pulls out this Indian Sex book 'bout different positions...she then starts hitting on my right then and there...and tells me that in her culture spontaneous sex is a trade fo sexually/spiritually inclined entities. Whaow..well OK ...it would have been all good but she wanted her boss to join in while the library closed. And she wanted to first watch before she joined in. So she then introduces me to her boss:

"_ _ _ this is Leroy, Leroy this is ---"

the --- is my name and i don't want to reveal that right now..but anyway...whoaw I grabbed my boook signed it out and got the fuck outa there..whew close call I'll say..

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