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"That shit was hot"

Is not exactly much of a review. Pretty much every thread about sf says that.

How about s musical analysis. Hearing "SF Rocks, fuck the rest" doesnt really make me want to hang around people that are yelling the same thing.

And playing a song for 3 hours......unless it happens to be laced in under every track....like I said, details


blacksunrising2.gif ""One by One, the Penguins steal my Sanity"" wizard6.gif

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Originally posted by myrlin:

"That shit was hot"

Is not exactly much of a review. Pretty much every thread about sf says that.

How about s musical analysis. Hearing "SF Rocks, fuck the rest" doesnt really make me want to hang around people that are yelling the same thing.

And playing a song for 3 hours......unless it happens to be laced in under every track....like I said, details

Musical fucking analysis? Man, either you like what you hear or you don't.


At the same time I'm pretty sure that no one wants to read a five page essay of why it was good.

Just go and see for yourself (which is the same advice some ppl gave me on this board) and get a fucking clue.



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Hmmmm Notice the attitude.

This is the reason we classify peeps at SF.

I know someone who knows music in my bldg who likes Factory. They tell me about the music. They dont spew obscenities at me like a child in the schoolyard.

You can easily say "Check it out yourself" without the expletives.

Thx for your support.


blacksunrising2.gif ""One by One, the Penguins steal my Sanity"" wizard6.gif

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Originally posted by iliana:

Musical fucking analysis? Man, either you like what you hear or you don't.


At the same time I'm pretty sure that no one wants to read a five page essay of why it was good.

Just go and see for yourself (which is the same advice some ppl gave me on this board) and get a fucking clue.



GOOD morning. chill with the hostility. he was just asking for a little more detail about the place. you don't want to give details about sf, then don't. there's no reason to be so fucking nasty.

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Hmm.. the only musical review that I can give is names of songs. If you want a list of what I can remember, I can do that. Other than that, it was a great mix of hard house, hard trance, and vocals. Not exactly the evil-Factory vibe, but overall a great night. And as far as the 3hr song, uhmm.. You didn't REALLY think it was 3hr did you? Ppl exaggerate to make a point. He does play some songs for a long time but the longest is probably 40 mins tops. For some ppl it feels like 3 hours, but if you like the song, you will love what he does to them in that time. He doesn't just loop it 3 times so it plays over and over again..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Not exactly the evil-Factory vibe, but

ANd this classifies? smile.gif

However, I appreciate the mention of the style of music he was spinning that night.

IE, a night cant rock with Techno but I know I wont lke it as much as if it was Progressive Trance.

Thx Myst wink.gif


blacksunrising2.gif ""One by One, the Penguins steal my Sanity"" wizard6.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

You "classify peeps at SF" based on a comment of 1 person???? Ok whatever.. Don't need to explain anything to you but that's just stupid..

::sits down next to zoya on couch::






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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

::sits down next to zoya on couch::

Hahaha smile.gif No but seriously... Classify everyone at SF based on Iliana's post???????????? OMG.. Everyone knows the girl has an attitude problem!!!!! And myrlin has been on the board for more than a day to know this too.. So I dunno what the hell this is about smile.gif I know YOU had fun there right LMAO smile.gif Orange, apple, ____, ____??? LMAOOOOO

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Originally posted by myrlin:

ANd this classifies? smile.gif

However, I appreciate the mention of the style of music he was spinning that night.

IE, a night cant rock with Techno but I know I wont lke it as much as if it was Progressive Trance.

Thx Myst wink.gif

Myrlin, he actually throws quite a few genres in the course of a night, house, trance, techno, hard house, progressive house, vocal house, hes an amazing man.. one day i'll just have to throw you over my sholder and make you come...






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Gee. Sounds like Monday Morning. I wasn't there last Sat/Sunday whoaw till 4pm like my close friend and brother but I'll say this. I wish I was. My close friend said the music was the best JP ever put on. It was very crowded but a good nite. Like I said I wasn't there but I'm sure it was OK, maybe even Grrrreat. I had my doze of fun from the nite before and just recuperated from the John Digweed truama. And a good trauma it was.

What I'm trying to say is this. It doesn't matter much where u are or who you are with. As long as you are a positive person and see the best in others. See the best in things/music/people/clothes/lips/ass/bellybutton/hair/etc...then you'll have a good time.

Myrlin. I say this to you. I think I know u well enough to say that you would probably have a good time at SF on Saturday nite. cos you are a positive person who exudes positive energy... Hope to see u there some time...I've already missed the last two sat. Can you believe that. GAMBITx73 missing two sat in a row of SF...that is unheard of....I'll be there this sat...COS I ain't striking 3..

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Originally posted by risa06:

I think she is rude.............

I second that.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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It's not just people who go to SoundFactory that dont give extensive musical reviews. Check out the Digweed@ Twilo "reviews"

Except for a few people who talked about certain tracks or the type of music, the posts mostly contained messages to other people who were there that night.

To be sure, people can say whatever they want to in their posts, but I always appreciate the ones that describe the music and the vibe of the night. unfortunately they were few and far between on this board sometimes.

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

Myrlin, he actually throws quite a few genres in the course of a night, house, trance, techno, hard house, progressive house, vocal house, hes an amazing man..

Hmmm... sounds like a damn radio station... for that I'll turn on some cheezy KTU and save some dough in the process...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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