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George W. Bush signs initiative to give funding to religious programs (billions).

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Well now that he put the KYE-BOSH on the funding for those pesky abortion related family planning programs there are billions of federal dollars available to further appease the religious right with funding for "programs" (this "programs" bullshit is G. W.'s way of circumventing the whole "separation of church and state" thing").

I guess the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply to old George Dubya.

I feel bad for people with vaginas...and people with an abundance of pigment in their skin.....oh, and people who are attracted to their same sex. All people whose concerns, freedom, and general welbeing will be disregarded under the new administration who is obviously DEAD SET on satisfying every whim of the racist, homophobic, misogynist religious right.

Please people, vote next time!

cutting funding for family planning programs=

a slap in the face to women (the majority of them at least, barring the self loating pro-life sect that feel that the government should control their bodies).

funding religious programs with federal dollars=

unconstitional and excludes groups not favored by the religious groups benifited (especially gays).

FYI- many of Catholic organizations provide "programs" to combat "the plague of homosexuality", homosexuals are indoctrinated into believing that can "straighted" through prayer. I wonder if those "programs" are eligible for this new funding.


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i feel your pain buddy, seriously what tha fuck is wrong with the other half of america? didnt people know that if they would vote for junior, theyd get this kinda shit. god damn, americans are really, really not bright people, no offense, but who the fuck would fall for the compassionate conservative bullshit? i understand Biff and Bubba from alabama would vote for this retard, but not the entire 1/2 of US. im movin to europe, where the church is losing power everyday, where u dont need a Vatican beauracracy to get to god, fuck that! this is what u get people, for not using your brains and buying into all the republican bullshit about Gore. anyway u look at it, uncle al is better than boy george, oh well lets be shitfaced for the next four miserable years


kroshka moya, ya po tebe skuchayu

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george bush is an ass


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by pmway2slow:

George Bush should inact some legislation regarding the P.M.'s. They're way too slow!

I'm sorry but this shit is funny......



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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dubya rocks!

im glad dubya is the prez. i can't imagine stupid ass al gore handling electricity problems in CA and tax cuts.


i shall speak the truth with an honest tongue...at least on this board.. it really doesnt matter if you get offended by my posts because my posts are bs free and totally honest...honesty.. such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue...

billy joel.

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there isnt anything in the Constitution about the separation of church and state, that's the debate that's been going on in the recent political past.

the funding programs are ridiculous, if the religious right needs money to help people they feel need to be helped they should rely on volunteerism and the big bag'o'cash from the Catholic Church.

Check this, I saw a recent religous show on late night TV that was trying to sell "blessed seeds" for $2000 a seed that supposedly will give farmers a good crop. Can you believe this BS people are buying, and you wonder why Bush got votes.

But seriously, to everyone who voted for Bush - you shot me and yourself in the foot, so FUCK YOU!



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This guy is such a fucking toolbag...He will never last 4 years. Now he wants to start drilling in Alaska to increase the supply of oil and shit....What an asshole.

And he supports his dickhead little brother in Florida to STOP producing new oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico.....This guy is so fucking stupid. The problem is on the Demand side, not the Supply side. Oh, I forgot he failed his Economics 101 class at Yale. To think i actually am a republican....How is this guy allowed to run a country? He couldn't even keep a baseball team in business.

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

i feel your pain buddy, seriously what tha fuck is wrong with the other half of america? didnt people know that if they would vote for junior, theyd get this kinda shit. god damn, americans are really, really not bright people, no offense, but who the fuck would fall for the compassionate conservative bullshit? i understand Biff and Bubba from alabama would vote for this retard, but not the entire 1/2 of US.

Actually far less than half fell for this bull shit, which is what makes it even harder to bear. Considering Al won the popular vote, Ralph got 3% and aprox 1/4 of elegible voters DON'T (maybe cause the choices suck), we have a very un-democracy at work. Interesting fact: only 9% of African Americans voted for W. Talk about bringing people together- right.. ppl like Cheney and Ashcroft!

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