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some seriously bad luck..

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Guys, you are not gonna believe this ridiculous situation.. At least I still can't. I got a $50 summons for smoking on an OUTSIDE subway platform.. No "no smoking" signs, nothing.. This asshole comes up to me, asks for ID, does a WARRANT CHECK as if I'm the most dangerous criminal on this planet LMAO.. It's so ridiculous that I'm not even mad. Why don't they send these guys to go after real criminals.. I'm telling you though, I'm REAL DANGEOUS with that cigarette in my hand! Watch out.......

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I was real cracked out one time and i was coming home on the Q train and I lit up a stoge comin' off on the Sheepshead Bay station and i was walking and smoking. The cop chases me and rips the cigarette out of my mouth. He starts yellin' at me and I was too tired and worn out to argue. So i apoligized and he just let me go. I guess he saw my pupils and pale grill.

But were you nice to the guy? and was he a cop in uniform or one of those undercover guys on the subway station?

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i cant believe that you are still allowed to walk the streets!! i mean what the hell is wrong with you, actually thinking that you can smoke a cigarette!! my god!!some people just dont think!! jkjkjkjk cwm20.gif

thats rediculous. cops can be so stupid some times. they are gettin on ur case for smokin a cigarette meanwhile there are people killing people walking free. go figure!?!?

peace out




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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Saw this happen to a poor guy on the platform to the N train in Queens once.

Its so so so so ludicrous. Totally about making a quota.

Hey, at least this isn't CA where we'd get fined for having a cig in a bar or PUBLIC PARK, outside to boot. Sheesh.



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If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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I wasn't rude to him at all.. When he came up to me and told me there was no smoking on the platform, I just put it out. I think he just needed to catch up on his quota.. I was probably the nicest summonee a cop can ask for, I wasn't even being a smartass even though I wanted to tell him to go chase the real criminals LOL.. Oh well, just wanted to share so nobody else gets a ticket.. And yeah, free country my ass.. Watch out for the new wave of seriously dangerous criminals! At least he didn't arrest me LOL...

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did i ever mention that the police force, particularly traffic law enforcement, in my experience, in this country sucks a big fat COCK?

here's a traffic story from north carolina from my college days for y'all:

one sunday morning, i'm taking this good friend of mine to the airport at 9am. i drop him off and get on the airport parkway where there's a speed limit sign that says 45. i'm driving 49. i get pulled over. this huge black state trooper starts yelling at me " DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING???" i say, yes, i was driving exactly 49mph. he continues: "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE SPEED LIMIT IS?" i say, yes, pointing at the sign, "it's 45"

then he tells me that up to the sign the speed limit is 35 (theres no sign between the terminal and the 45mph sign) and that i was driving 51.

he continues yelling:


"no i usually don't DRINK ON A SUNDAY MORNING"

"WHOSE CAR IS THIS?" i go, "mine."


"i'm a college student"


"my parents got it for me.. why?"



i get a court summons, a wreckless driving charge, a speeding charge, an "insulting a police officer" charge..

thank god the judge was a reasonable person, gave me a 50 dollar fine + court costs.. no points.. nothing else..

fucking fag motherfucker.. and i drove a cheap-ass camaro.. sure, it looks good, but it's technically the cheapest 2 door you can buy that still looks somewhat good.

how the fuck do they find the right to ask me HOW i can afford the car I drive thats registered under my name?

the worst thing about law enforcement is that their applicant pool suffers from serious adverse selection.. the vast majority of people who want to become police officers are interested in using firearms, in HAVING THE SUTHORITY more than USING THE AUTHORITY CORRECTLY, have dominant or dominant-wannabe characters and sometimes even an inferiority complex.

to top it all off, the law enforcement agencies select THE BEST of these guys.. the best in what sense? the best guy who manhandles, physically and psychologically abuses potential criminals? (hey, aren't we all? especially a categorical middle easterner like myself) these people thrive on giving others a hard time, just because they can.. so fuck'em all.. i hope they all burn in hell..

morph_ cwm23.gifcwm23.gif


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This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

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yeah man, I totally agree. No offense to anyme here who may be in the law-enforcement profession, but damn, some cops are a fucking hassle-- especially the traffic cops. I must have been pulled over a half-dozen times in high school just cuz I had Dead stickers on my car. Always suspecting I had weed and shit, checking in my ashtray for roaches.

Its unfortunate that for many, being a cop is all part of the power trip. Hassling kids just cuz they don't know better than to stand up for their rights. For the most part I have found them to be helpful and prety respectful, but its the power-tripping assholes that make all of us view them badly.

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Ugh.. worst I've heard is where my friend got out of another friend's black Lexus SUV in Jackson Heights and two undercovers flagged him down. He had no idea who they were, and they were Hispanic looking, so he put his (illegal) knife under his arm and went towards them. They insisted he was buying drugs from the dealer in the black Lexus and that they pat him down. He told them that he was not, and that they had no probable cause to think so. He agreed to a search after he was threatened with a trip to the station, but, luckily, he got to keep his arms down.

It's kinda-sorta the same bs deal as yours: they assumed a hell of a lot just because of the car.

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Yo mysteriousss im sorry to hear that girl!!!Thats so fucked up with cops these days there such assholes. All they do is bother people like us that are trying to have a good time, while they should really be out looking for criminals and shit.Listen not all cops are assholes and dickheads but the ones that are fuck it up for the rest of them.


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that's what happens when you give someone a uniform, they get a power trip.

I hate that shit. Cops are overpaid and underworked out here. Instead of protecting people, they are making sure that we aren't

stopping at stop signs for less than 2 seconds and plenty of other stupid things.

Dont worry.

next time be more assertive and they sometimes let you off. It's all about the power trip.

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Wow Zoya.

Did he ask for ID? Shit that happend to me once. I was looking for a job and had to keep on taking the train to a million interviews so I had a shool bus pass. Me not looking like a school girl at all obviously, I already get stopped by the first cop the first time I use it.

Cop: "How old are you?"

Me: "Ummm.... uh, 18?"

Cop: "Why are you using a school trian pass?"

Me: "Cuz I'm a student"

Cop: "Then where is your school bag?"

Me: "Umm...... were having tests today I didn't bring a school bag"

Cop: Okay....

I go to interview, then have to catch another train: As soon as I use it, someone tells me: "Hold it right there!" I look around and see a short lady. She takes me to the side, shows me her badge, and procees:

Cop: How old are you?

Me: 18

Cop: What year where you born?

Me: (thinking, oh shiiiiit) Um, 1979?

Cop: If you are 18 then 1979 is the wrong answer. Lemme see your ID, or just tell me your real age and I'll give you a ticket.

Me: (Shit......) Okay I'm 21.

Lady cop takes all my infroamation and hits me off with a $60 ticket and takes the damn pass. OUCH.

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OK...understandably cops can be total jackasses...the uniform def changes them...i know personally, since my brother-in-law is a cop and since he has been once his attitude has change sooooo much!!!

Here is my dick cop story:

My boyfriend and my bestfriend were at game 3 of the Mets/Cards Series, We go early to tailgate, its an absolutely beautiful day. The three of us are standing behind my man's Jeep with the back open, listening to music drinking some beer, when the paddy wagon pulls up behind us...they get out, ask for ID and proceed to right all of us summons for drinking in public...we tried to explain we had no idea...their repsponse was well, we know in JERSEY you can drink in GIANTS stadium, etc, etc. but here in NY its illegal...Didn't you see the signs...we were like "uh what signs?" anyway, we are then told that we can't mail payment in, we have to appear in Queens on a Thursday morning to appear in court!!! OMG, we were so fucking pissed...WTF, we weren't hurting anyone, we weren't being rowdy, they were there to bust balls....fucking tailgaiting before the game is as American as baseball!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Here is a good one for ya. Last time I was home in Dallas, I walk out of a restraunt down in The Deep Ellum area, the bar we are going to is right across the street, my friends (being the law abiding citizens that they are) go to the cross walk, not me... I look both ways and proceed to cross. Than I hear this whistle blow and someone yell HOLD IT..... I was like WTF, Lord he is about to give me a fuckin PA ticket, but oh no.... he gives me a fuckin ticket for JAY WALKING.... In Dallas those suckers cost over $100..... frown.gif I tried to explain that I was going across the street and it made no sense to walk down to the corner, however he was not hearing it.... He was like you New Yorkers are all the same... blah... blah... Cross walks were made for your safety. Now that state has 7 inmates break out of jail and they are at large for almost two months and he worried about ME jay walking.....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Some fucked up stories LOL.. I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to argue with the dickhead. In all fairness, he should've just given me a warning coz I was the most fucking polite "criminal" he'll ever encounter! Nor there were any signs there..

Since we got on the topic of rude cops, here's a story.

My bf and I were driving to CT to visit a friend. Beautiful summer day, road is going up and down, speed limit 55.. We are driving, listening to music, talking.. He's not speeding for once, but since the road is constantly going up and down, the car speeds up and slows down a little bit. So we're going 65mph MAX, not more than that for sure. All of a sudden a state trooper pulls us over. The guy comes up to the window and starts yelling. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Why are you speeding when the signs clearly say 55mph? You think that if you have a sports car that gives you a right to speed? Blah blah blah blah.." He went on and on about how us, rich kids, get fast new cars from our parents and have no respect for the law. My bf had a red mustang, and that car pisses cops off. So he gave us a ticket on top of yelling at us for 1/2 hour for no good reason (c'mon 65mph in 55? a joke).. CT tickets are at least twice as much as the same ticket in NY..

I dunno, I met a few cops who were really cool. Some let you go even when they pull you over for speeding at 90.. But this one obviously felt like I was a threat to society and I must be punished.. I'm writing a big ass appeal letter which will get thrown out but at least I'll feel a lil better smile.gif

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The same fuckin thing happened to me this summer. I was on an outside platfrom-there were no signs around nothing. The cops waited till I was DONE with my smoke before they came over flashed there fucking badges and slapped me with a $50 ticket. I seriously argued with them that there were no signs anywhere. They said YES there are no smoking signs all over. I said OK well show me one. They didn't and gave me the ticket anyway-pricks!

Don't they have some real crime to be fighting or something DAMN

I know how you feel Girl I am still pissed I had to pay $50. cwm23.gif


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Some fucked up stories LOL.. I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to argue with the dickhead. In all fairness, he should've just given me a warning coz I was the most fucking polite "criminal" he'll ever encounter! Nor there were any signs there..

Since we got on the topic of rude cops, here's a story.

My bf and I were driving to CT to visit a friend. Beautiful summer day, road is going up and down, speed limit 55.. We are driving, listening to music, talking.. He's not speeding for once, but since the road is constantly going up and down, the car speeds up and slows down a little bit. So we're going 65mph MAX, not more than that for sure. All of a sudden a state trooper pulls us over. The guy comes up to the window and starts yelling. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Why are you speeding when the signs clearly say 55mph? You think that if you have a sports car that gives you a right to speed? Blah blah blah blah.." He went on and on about how us, rich kids, get fast new cars from our parents and have no respect for the law. My bf had a red mustang, and that car pisses cops off. So he gave us a ticket on top of yelling at us for 1/2 hour for no good reason (c'mon 65mph in 55? a joke).. CT tickets are at least twice as much as the same ticket in NY..

I dunno, I met a few cops who were really cool. Some let you go even when they pull you over for speeding at 90.. But this one obviously felt like I was a threat to society and I must be punished.. I'm writing a big ass appeal letter which will get thrown out but at least I'll feel a lil better smile.gif

hey Mysterious

I've used a complain letter in court and it works smile.gif.

here is the trick. http://www-csag.cs.uiuc.edu/individual/pakin/complaint

this complaint letter generator creates awesome complaints.

Choose the one that fits your scene best modify it and you will pass the court.

those state troopers are the worst.



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