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Sex while rolling...

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Most stimulants have an adverse affect on the little general..

Coffee, Ephedrine, Speed, E, will cause the urethra & penis to shrink in most guys.

The harder I roll, the smaller it gets..

I can still get it up, but it looks like it belongs to a 12 yr old boy

There's a period of time while rolling when body sensations are at a peak.. Even the slightest touch will cause me to stand at attention.... that's when it gets good.

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Most stimulants have an adverse affect on the little general..

Coffee, Ephedrine, Speed, E, will cause the urethra & penis to shrink in most guys.

The harder I roll, the smaller it gets..

I can still get it up, but it looks like it belongs to a 12 yr old boy

There's a period of time while rolling when body sensations are at a peak.. Even the slightest touch will cause me to stand at attention.... that's when it gets good.

Yo brother If your gonna make statements like that please keep it on the sex board!!!!!!na meen!!

cwm32.gif .


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near impossible while peaking for most, but *A mazing* when coming down

and yes, like b2b said, should come w/ a warning label

*not meant for quickies*




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Ok, I'm assuming you are going to have sex with a man, and that you BOTH will be rolling...

IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is, if he can get it up at all! MDMA, causes our little friend to go inside his hole and not want to come out to play at all!

Not to be gross, but at clubs while seriously f**ked out of my mind, I think I have actually urinated on my own testicles, that's how small mine has gotten!

But if he can get it up, then hold on to something because you're going to be there for a LONG TIME!!!




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I think that I may have had sex on E, but the E wiped out my short-term memory, so I'm not sure.


David Christopher


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