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The strangest thing you have ever smoked out of

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I came home with a bag of herb yesterday and to my dismay my roomate, Carabee reminded me that we had left our bowl in a friends car. We decided to get creative like back in the day and make our own smoking apparatus. WE didn't have anything plastic to use or any soda cans so I said, hmmm how about an eggshell! Carabee has told me that she used to poke holes in eggs and blow all of the yolk and stuff out of it and paint the shells. I thought, hmmmm what if we did that but made a head for it out of foil and used it to smoke out of! We tried it and it worked beautifully!!

Carabee and I will be taking orders if anyone would like an eggshell smoking utensil =) tee hee!! Don't worry they run cheap!~

Just thought I'd share out silly idea....what is the strangest or coolest or weirdest thing anyone has ever smoked out of?



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SPheric~~ I'm pretty sure I could vouge for both Carabee and myself that we are a little clubbed out and also kinda broke. I am definately taking at least a few weeks break to restore my health and save money to be able to go to Europe this summer. Unless some beautiful person decides to give us comps to any events taking place we'll probably be missing in ACtion for a little while! I am curious to hear you though, have anything on napster?



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A banana bowl....you know the drill- aluminum, etc...

Who hasn't done the homeade Gravity Bong thing...we made one out of a small poland spring bottle taped to a bigger one, taped/glued to a pretzel keg (bottoms cut out of the above), then put that whole thing into a (clean) garbage can full o' water..the rest is history...

In desperate times - any household plastic medicine container - maalox etc, poke a hole, pop in the aluminum, put some holes in that, pack it up, lite it!!!

....my $4.20

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Originally posted by pulsedriver:

SPheric~~ I'm pretty sure I could vouge for both Carabee and myself that we are a little clubbed out and also kinda broke. I am definately taking at least a few weeks break to restore my health and save money to be able to go to Europe this summer. Unless some beautiful person decides to give us comps to any events taking place we'll probably be missing in ACtion for a little while! I am curious to hear you though, have anything on napster?

Actually, next week I'll be posting a site to download an hour I recorded live at Exit this Saturday Feb.3. You'll see the post! Sorry to hear the funds are low. Puffing session in brooklyn on me! You don't need greens if ya know what I mean biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


"Play every record like it's your last"

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

Just FYI, tampon paper make good rolling paper! Seriously!!!

Took the words right out of my mouth... One day, when I was in high school, we were up in some chicks penthouse (parents were away). We were so stoned and didn't want to go to the store. My friends asks, "do you wear tampons?" We're like, WTF does that have to do with rolling shit up?!!! Sure enough... That was classic shit.


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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