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Do You Get More Pissed Off/Upset at Imposters Who Say Shit Just To Cause Drama or at

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Originally posted by mjr203:

Yo, could it be that part of the fun is rooting out the imposters? Anyway, I've read dozens of funny shit posts by so-called imposters and everyone ain't taking it that seriously. Anyway, you seem to be a little emotional about this imposter thing. I recommend at least... 5.... maybe 6 bong hits immediately. smile.gif much love


So sowee, me a no do bongs. See my anti-drug post, oh, I forgot, they got deleted. I'm glad you may have enjoyed some of my imposters, SIR.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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I take my love back, you are just a typical arrogant dick who is socially retarded. All that shit was uncalled for, you had a good point until you just used it to masquerade to insult people. I still think you can be a funny guy, but you're a dick nonetheless.

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Cazz, I think your posts are hysterical smile.gif I would say more but I haven't read through all of them... wink.gif

Oh and B2B you whined about me not sending you an email, I sent you one, and you get involved in this rubbish instead of writing me back. Hop to it, mate wink.gif

I would say more, but to follow this thread through imposters, racism, Mikey, arsholes vs. assholes...I wouldn't have enough thoughts left for class wink.gif



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Originally posted by gravity:

This post was not really intended to get opinion's on imposters...because I for one also agree that much of what is said is funny as fuck...and I've had my fun with that as well. I am merely trying to address the abundance of board members who are naive enough to think that we live in a perfect world and that everyone should get along, accept each other, have the same ideas etc... this is far from possible...Certain people think they are so insightful, intelligent, pc, etc...yet reply to things they disagree with by saying such things as "oh you must have been raped by this one or that one...thats why you dont like them"... I'm not saying I am completely free of the above charges...however, I am saying that it is rediculous to try to portray one image just to "make friends"...when your true feelings/beliefs are different...this type of behavior serves only to make such people much less credible than those of us that aren't afraid to speak our true thoughts... If you're not real to yourself...the world is gonna eat you alive in the long run.

i agree here somewhat...

we had our own little drama a while back.. and after getting a little upset over attacks at my gf, realized how stupid i was being.. its comments over a computer by someone who doesn't even know you, so in a way, it *could* serve a mediator of truth and apparently for some does

but you are just as guilty of what you are complaining about, though i think you did state that. our main squabble was over the personalization on a public board idea..

i do disagree w/ one facit(sp?) of your statement.. those who speak the truth are most of the times the ones eaten up.. whilst the "fake" people get farther.

and in realation to true thoughts.. its not enough to say, "well i actually feel this way about hindus, or jews, or hispanics, italians, african americans caucasions or any other ethniicty.. there is an ignorance that coordinates w/ certain beliefs, especially rascist, and steroypical ones. therefore, imo opinion, its wrong to state your opinions and feelings, b/c they are unwarranted. to me that is being untrue to yourself. No one is born w/ hate for a particular people.. its comes about through existing social influences. you may have had problems w/ every person you've ever met of a certain race, but its still wrong to assume anything for a people. society as a whole is too judgmental and makes unfounded judgments all to often, and no i'm not preaching from my high horse, i too am guilty of it and am just as hypocritical as everyone. no matter what everyone has been hypocritical at some point in there life and most likely is all the time

as for the imposters.. i too believe they can be quite funny at times.. for example luigi is hysterrical.. but at the same time he doesn't offend anyone

i certainly have more to say on this but am out of time. i *do* however see to some extent what gravity is saying.. though i may not believe in all of it, i do in some

just my $.02



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by gravity:

...and for the record...is it not true that most Hindus smell?

I'm Hindu..I don't smell, actually I smell pretty good..but I think you're the one who stinks.

You should really stop typing now. The more you say, the more foolish you look, just a word of advice.

By the way, you have absolutely no idea how to insult a person, do you?

And by the way I am not a follower, I make my own path. You're just pissed because nobody is following you, because its obvious you are not a leader.


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by nycedee:

aren't you jewish???

why are you so racist?

Jewish? Yes

Racist? No

Caught in the midst of senseless drama? Yes

Apologetic? No


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

Do me a favor...write a list of guidelines of what is allowed to be said when dissing someone...so that we all may know what is acceptable.

I do agree with you however that "its either accept me for what I am, or fuck you." and I'm sure this is how you go about your business as do I...however, for the most part, I believe that many people on here would rather say what is "acceptable" than lend support to a "controversial" issue even if they fully agree with it...and for the record...is it not true that most Hindus smell?

gravity...I don't have any guidlines, for anyone, for anything, I let people do what they want to do and then when shit hits the fan, thats usually when they realize that they fucked up, and for some reason they understand what went on better than me trying to explain to them the ramifications of their actions...




AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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well put...

but will he get it?

Originally posted by raver_mania:

BTW, I don't REALLY believe in what I said in my earlier post...it was just to make a point to this moron (doubt it'll get across but its worth a try). Point is, don't make slanderous remarks against other people or cultures...ESPECIALLY if you are just kidding around.

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Being Jewish doesn't guarantee any immunity to being a bigot, man. I mean, I have heard something about Israel having some problems with Arab people. Making positive generalizations about a whole race, religion, nationality isn't as bad as negative stereotyping, but it is still stereotyping.

Like if I say, damn, all chinese people are smart and neat and polite, is that a negative stereotype? Not really, but it is still a stereotype.

Every group has good and bad. Take me. I am an British guy living in NY. Would I say that all English people are the cream of the crop, rise to the top? Yes smile.gif. But the truth is some Englishmen are assholes, racists, and general jagoffs. (Not me)



Originally posted by nycedee:

aren't you jewish???

why are you so racist?


In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

I'm Hindu..I don't smell, actually I smell pretty good..but I think you're the one who stinks.

You should really stop typing now. The more you say, the more foolish you look, just a word of advice.

By the way, you have absolutely no idea how to insult a person, do you?

And by the way I am not a follower, I make my own path. You're just pissed because nobody is following you, because its obvious you are not a leader.

Haha.. I know YOU don't stink! And neither does Dee.. Ignore the ignorance.. I cannot believe he wrote all that shit yesterday and now is trying to back out of it saying he didn't mean it.. Why say things you don't mean unless it's a joke?

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Originally posted by nycedee:

aren't you jewish???

why are you so racist?

Being part of a minority culture never has erased prejudice toward another minority or the majority. When people first started immigrating to America, each group tried to build something for themselves and then looked down on the next incoming group. Amongst the Jewish population, Sephardic Jews did it to German Jews and German Jews did it to Russian Jews...

I agree that being part of a minority should make someone more sensitive to other minority groups but it doesn't work that way amongst ANY dynamic; there will be racist people in any segment of the population.

That doesn't answer anything about gravity, and I don't know him or his true views. But I hope that answers how someone of a minority group could be prejudiced.



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Originally posted by gravity:

Jewish? Yes

Racist? No

Caught in the midst of senseless drama? Yes

Apologetic? No

nobody is asking for an apology, you have to live with your racist ways. a disagreement can be a disagreement without drama. once you begin to spout out racial slurs, then drama begins.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by cazz926:

So it is more outlandish for a jew to be racist than other ethnicities? That's a shit thing to say

i don't understand what you mean here?

point of my post is to show hypocrisy(sp?)

this has nothing to do with jews per se, just the fact that he is jewish and he is racist.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Haha.. I know YOU don't stink! And neither does Dee.. Ignore the ignorance.. I cannot believe he wrote all that shit yesterday and now is trying to back out of it saying he didn't mean it.. Why say things you don't mean unless it's a joke?

Yes I know I don't stink! I am actually switching perfumes..have u smelled the new Michael Korrs? Its amazing, a little pricey..so do you want to meet for lunch next week? I'll pm u my work #...s


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by mjr203:


Being Jewish doesn't guarantee any immunity to being a bigot, man. I mean, I have heard something about Israel having some problems with Arab people. Making positive generalizations about a whole race, religion, nationality isn't as bad as negative stereotyping, but it is still stereotyping.

Like if I say, damn, all chinese people are smart and neat and polite, is that a negative stereotype? Not really, but it is still a stereotype.

Every group has good and bad. Take me. I am an British guy living in NY. Would I say that all English people are the cream of the crop, rise to the top? Yes smile.gif. But the truth is some Englishmen are assholes, racists, and general jagoffs. (Not me)



G'day mate cwm1.gif

-Jamms "iambutalass"


AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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Originally posted by mjr203:


Being Jewish doesn't guarantee any immunity to being a bigot, man. I mean, I have heard something about Israel having some problems with Arab people. Making positive generalizations about a whole race, religion, nationality isn't as bad as negative stereotyping, but it is still stereotyping.

Like if I say, damn, all chinese people are smart and neat and polite, is that a negative stereotype? Not really, but it is still a stereotype.

Every group has good and bad. Take me. I am an British guy living in NY. Would I say that all English people are the cream of the crop, rise to the top? Yes smile.gif. But the truth is some Englishmen are assholes, racists, and general jagoffs. (Not me)



i would think somebody who is jewish, or any minority would be a little more sensitive to racial remarks.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

i agree here somewhat...

we had our own little drama a while back.. and after getting a little upset over attacks at my gf, realized how stupid i was being.. its comments over a computer by someone who doesn't even know you, so in a way, it *could* serve a mediator of truth and apparently for some does

but you are just as guilty of what you are complaining about, though i think you did state that. our main squabble was over the personalization on a public board idea..

i do disagree w/ one facit(sp?) of your statement.. those who speak the truth are most of the times the ones eaten up.. whilst the "fake" people get farther.

and in realation to true thoughts.. its not enough to say, "well i actually feel this way about hindus, or jews, or hispanics, italians, african americans caucasions or any other ethniicty.. there is an ignorance that coordinates w/ certain beliefs, especially rascist, and steroypical ones. therefore, imo opinion, its wrong to state your opinions and feelings, b/c they are unwarranted. to me that is being untrue to yourself. No one is born w/ hate for a particular people.. its comes about through existing social influences. you may have had problems w/ every person you've ever met of a certain race, but its still wrong to assume anything for a people. society as a whole is too judgmental and makes unfounded judgments all to often, and no i'm not preaching from my high horse, i too am guilty of it and am just as hypocritical as everyone. no matter what everyone has been hypocritical at some point in there life and most likely is all the time

as for the imposters.. i too believe they can be quite funny at times.. for example luigi is hysterrical.. but at the same time he doesn't offend anyone

i certainly have more to say on this but am out of time. i *do* however see to some extent what gravity is saying.. though i may not believe in all of it, i do in some

just my $.02


Although you dont necessarily agree with me or all of what I have said, I must commend you for making the above points and taking responsibility for your actions...that is an example that should always be well received. We did indeed have a SENSELESS bickering session one day...and it was forgiven and forgotten because IT WAS STUPID. Insults were tossed back and forth and I'm sure that we both walked away from it with a smirk on our face as we passed an hour or so being "stupid" to one another.

The difference herein lies in the fact that people are automatically attributing comments I made to offend one person as this whole big racial commentary...which I think most people here do actually realize but find it more enjoyable to continue the drama than to understand what happened and move on...these attacks on me are really no different (in there intention)...than anything that I have previously stated.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

[This message has been edited by gravity (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by nycedee:

i would think somebody who is jewish, or any minority would be a little more sensitive to racial remarks.

U know caucasians get prejudiced too, u dont have to be a minority to be sensitive to racial remarks, caucasians too, a matter of fact, it doesnt matter if ur black/blue/green/white/yellow,etc, a racial remark is bad. It doesnt matter what nationality u r/ethnicity, we all experience racism, and I have experienced lots of racism, and still do all the time, on the train, at my last job, etc, so not only minorities experience racism, we all do, and everyone should understand that everyone goes through it.

p.s. dont know if this made any sense, but i think i got my point across


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by gravity:

The difference herein lies in the fact that people are automatically attributing comments I made to offend one person as this whole big racial commentary...which I think most people here do actually realize but find it more enjoyable to continue the drama than to understand what happened and move on...these attacks on me are really no different (in there intention)...than anything that I have previously stated.

Said it many times before - last time I'm attempting to make you understand...the comments you made to "Offend" one person actually offended a whole race...hmm..tell me how I'm supposed to ignore a comment such as "stinking Hindu" when I'm Hindu.

Grow the fuck up, learn some intelligence, STFU, whatever, cuz now, you're starting to look more and more like a total, true idiot!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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I/He humble, poor, and lowly born,

The meanest in the port division—

The butt of epauletted scorn—

The mark of quarter-deck derision—

Have/Has dared to raise my/his wormy eyes

Above the dust to which you'd mould me/him

In manhood's glorious pride to rise,

I am/He is an Englishman — behold me/him!

He is an Englishman!

He is an Englishman!

For he himself has said it,

And it's greatly to his credit,

That he is an Englishman!

For he might have been a Roosian,

A French, or Turk, or Proosian,

Or perhaps Itali-an!

But in spite of all temptations

To belong to other nations,

He remains an Englishman!

-HMS Pinafore





In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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get the fuck out of here....

you don't see a difference between calling a black man a nigger and an asshole???

a fucking three year old can tell the two insutlts apart

and what's that shit about you not really believing in what you say?? So why the fuck are u running your mouth in the first place, and explain to me the point of any of the arguments you make if you can turn around and go 'oh, that, naaa, i didn't really mean that...."

you seem to have a head on your shoulders, use it.

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