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Looks like somebody has tried to kill Bush..

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the scarey thing here is that if Bush had been killed than Cheney would have been our president. have you ever read his platform???? he makes bush look like a bleeding heart liberal. he and ashcroft must be related, some how.....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by musicbeat:

this is pathetic advocating the killing of a president--actually, I think he's doing a great job and I voted for him

just 'cause you go to clubs doesn't make you an asshole,,,get real people

I agree. I think this thread is pretty pathetic. Like him or not, advocating murder, even in jest, (and this doesnt have too much of a joking tone when I read it anyway) is pretty sad. Imagine if a group ever advocated killing Clinton. All that you guys would post would be "intolerant right-wing extremist militia taking over country etc." Think about it.


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oh yeah, since we're on the subject of killings and georgey "dubya" bush, here's an item of interest:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://"http://www.bk2k.com/bushbodycount/home.html"" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.bk2k.com/bushbodycount/home.html</A>

Bush Body Count: If the Dead Could Speak

This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have been called Witnesses had they not met their untimely deaths. All these people were associated with the name of Bush, and coincidence aside, did not live to tell the tale.




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Originally posted by toastednut:

oh yeah, since we're on the subject of killings and georgey "dubya" bush, here's an item of interest:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://"http://www.bk2k.com/bushbodycount/home.html"" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.bk2k.com/bushbodycount/home.html</A>

Bush Body Count: If the Dead Could Speak

This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have been called Witnesses had they not met their untimely deaths. All these people were associated with the name of Bush, and coincidence aside, did not live to tell the tale.

Oh please. I shouldn't even respond to this post, but will just to try to help you. Clinton was the most vehemently hated president ever by one-third of the electorate. Now Bush takes over and the opposite third of the electorate vehemently hates him because they think he stole the election. You are doing a mirror image to Bush what the right did to Clinton, and that is to take a guy who seems nice and perfectly acceptable to the average middle american swing voter whether they voted for him or not, and trying to make a demon of him. Don't you remember protestors holding up signs in front of Clinton like "Who killed Vince Foster?" I've read long lists of "coincidental" deaths of people who may have known about all Clinton's scandals, with the worst possible insinuations. This is the exact same mentality that spawned this silly website you put in the link too, only in reverse. The problem you face is, since Bush, like Clinton, seems like a nice guy, you will never get average swing voters to share your outrage and believe that he is a bad person. You will simply undermine your own serious points, as the far right did when Clinton was in office by accusing him of murder, treason, and whatever else. If you really want to do something politically, you should fight to change the public's, (aka middle american swing voters') views about issues you care about. But doing the same thing to Bush as the right did to Clinton will only boost his standing among swing voters in the long run.


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Originally posted by stacychase:

the scarey thing here is that if Bush had been killed than Cheney would have been our president. have you ever read his platform???? he makes bush look like a bleeding heart liberal. he and ashcroft must be related, some how.....

for some strange reason, i think cheney already is.

if you read about the incident, bush was "working out" (how presidential) while cheney was doing work...... i think this is something we should get used to hearing.....do you really think W has the ability to run a country? OF COURSE NOT, he's just cheney's figurehead for the next four years.


chicken salad!!!

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:

for some strange reason, i think cheney already is.

if you read about the incident, bush was "working out" (how presidential) while cheney was doing work...... i think this is something we should get used to hearing.....do you really think W has the ability to run a country? OF COURSE NOT, he's just cheney's figurehead for the next four years.

Howard Stern fan by any chance? He had that discussion yesterday morning (2/8/01).


"Love your enemies...cause your friends may turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

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Ponder this : Had Bill Clinton legally been able to run for another term; he would have been re –elected. This in spite of his faults; and the rhetoric courtesy of The Republican Party. Bill Clinton was able to effectively run this country; I am not quiet sure George W. Bush is up to that task. . While I personally do not Like George W. Bush, I do not wish him any harm. My hope is that we continue to grow as a country, and do not regress. What the Bush administration has put before me thus far; is very frightening.. Just my $0.02



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One thing that I do not understand is why was there such a 50/50 split b/n voters, where it seems now that most of the country is unhappy with the choice. My answer to this: it is not too late for the general uprising and turning America into kingdom

By the way who would you choose to be the KING?

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