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I OFFICIALLY know 2 smelly hindu's.....

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one wears CK One and the other wears Tommy... they both smell like fucking bug spray. then there is Mirav, a little hottie, and she smells like roses....

im just thinking out loud here, never mind me...


we must cultivate our gardens...

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Originally posted by wizard:

one wears CK One and the other wears Tommy... they both smell like fucking bug spray. then there is Mirav, a little hottie, and she smells like roses....

im just thinking out loud here, never mind me...

You are a racist jerk, Wizard. I am going to PM DaVe, Parish, DeePhunk, D from Deeper and have you're stupid ass dmirtied. I thought you were ok when I once glance at a post I think you wrote, but now I know the truth.

I can't even type through mytears anymore from the disintergration of by beloved community.


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Originally posted by cazz926:

You are a racist jerk, Wizard. I am going to PM DaVe, Parish, DeePhunk, D from Deeper and have you're stupid ass dmirtied. I thought you were ok when I once glance at a post I think you wrote, but now I know the truth.

I can't even type through mytears anymore from the disintergration of by beloved community.


It's Friday guys . . . let's just chill with the sarcasm and the drama today. cwm1.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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I got your back Blue.

Wizard, Cazz, Gravity...you, you, are racist pigs, how could you? I would never ever say what's in my mind even as I sit on the E train next to some curry smelling whatevah. DAvE, I demand you toss these fuckers out. Hey, how does that sound, do I get a pat on me back for that?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by nycedee:

100%, you still racist?

I'm a smacist...so if that includes you, then I guess the answer is yes.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by bungee:

I got your back Blue.

Wizard, Cazz, Gravity...you, you, are racist pigs, how could you? I would never ever say what's in my mind even as I sit on the E train next to some curry smelling whatevah. DAvE, I demand you toss these fuckers out. Hey, how does that sound, do I get a pat on me back for that?

Ay vey! cwm25.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Originally posted by nycedee:

you're a racist. end of story

Please don't let your smell complex continue to perpetuate the rediculous argument that I am a racist.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

Please don't let your smell complex continue to perpetuate the rediculous argument that I am a racist.

who are you kidding, you just wanna keep going don't ya...crash and burn time for gravity. maybe if start another few threads like you did yesterday trying to justify your racist ways, you'll feel better about the person you are.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by gravity:

Please don't let your smell complex continue to perpetuate the rediculous argument that I am a racist.

Can you please stop spelling ridiculous wrong? Its not "rediculous" Thats the 2nd time you spelled it wrong! What..you didn't make it past the 4th grade? Most racists like yourself have the reading capacity of a 4th grader so I am not surprised. Go marry your sister or your cousin or whatever you racists pigs do...


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

[This message has been edited by sdm1976 (edited 02-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by blueangel:

It's Friday guys . . . let's just chill with the sarcasm and the drama today. cwm1.gif


It's just a joke for chrissake's.

"if you don'y like, don't read it". I know that you don't mean harm, but that relly came off condescending.


Creation is more than just a big-bang

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Originally posted by cazz926:

It's just a joke for chrissake's.

"if you don'y like, don't read it". I know that you don't mean harm, but that relly came off condescending.

Okay . . . whatever. cwm12.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Originally posted by sdm1976:

Can you please stop spelling ridiculous wrong? Its not "rediculous" Thats the 2nd time you spelled it wrong! What..you didn't make it past the 4th grade? Most racists like yourself have the reading capacity of a 4th grader so I am not surprised. Go marry your sister or your cousin or whatever you racists pigs do...

So now were resorting to the spell check argument...thats really productive...its rEdiculouousse. Oh, btw...I believe I did manage to pass the 4th grade...and all of elementary school for that matter...ooooh... imagine that.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

So now were resorting to the spell check argument...thats really productive...its rEdiculouousse. Oh, btw...I believe I did manage to pass the 4th grade...and all of elementary school for that matter...ooooh... imagine that.

were you sexually molested when you were young . . .

or recently . . .

i like snappy comebacks like "yeah by your mother" . . .


Fastest sport on foot.


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Originally posted by gravity:

So now were resorting to the spell check argument...thats really productive...its rEdiculouousse. Oh, btw...I believe I did manage to pass the 4th grade...and all of elementary school for that matter...ooooh... imagine that.

Well, how are your arguments productive? You resorted to the race card...so why don't you enlighten me?

When someone disagrees with you, is that how you debunk their opinions by insulting a race, culture and country? Thats not extremely productive. Please, please make me understand why you used the racial comments.

If you can't, then thats enough explanation. I think everybody will be able to understand who are you are and where you are coming from, and unfortunately where you are going...


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

Well, how are your arguments productive? You resorted to the race card...so why don't you enlighten me?

When someone disagrees with you, is that how you debunk their opinions by insulting a race, culture and country? Thats not extremely productive. Please, please make me understand why you used the racial comments.

If you can't, then thats enough explanation. I think everybody will be able to understand who are you are and where you are coming from, and unfortunately where you are going...

You decided to pick up on a spelling mistake and insist that I didnt go to school. I happen to be very highly educated (save your retorts which undoubltably will sound something like "well if your so educated than why are you a racist?"---keep reading)...so your statements about my education were rEdiculousesgleah (sp?)

I had a disagreement with someone and decided to make comments that were directed at a race of people (although they obviously were meant to offend ONE person)...the basis of what I said was in reference to "most hindus smelling"...at least I was accurate.

To summarize:

A)You tried to insult my intelligence with fiction...

B)I made remarks based upon fact...


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

Ok, if you were so highly educated, which you may be, why is the construction of your arguments suffer from illogical falacies?


Although you deem it necessary to think through every last word you write and treat your posts with the same care and thought as you would a thesis...does not mean that I follow the same school of thought when it comes to a FUCKING MESSAGE BOARD. It is far from important to me to prove my intelligence to a bunch of screen names...I may make statements which others find objectionable, offensive, and unintelligent...however, I get a fuckin kick out of it. How do ya like them apples?


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Honestly everybody just forget it, it's no good acting as this guys 'LARGE TEXT' how to be a good (or even tolerable) person book.

He gets a kick out of pissing people off on a 'MESSAGE BOARD' which make him better than us who just have some lighthearted relief.

Send this shit top Coventry lets just forget it, he will soon get bored when nobody is reacting and he isn't getting his 'kick' .

Later Gravity, have a good life... it's been 'REAL'.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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