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why aren't clubs about the music/dancing? (or was it just that night?)


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maybe it was just that night, maybe it's just twilo, maybe clubbing just isn't for me. i'm a raver, and last week was the first time i ever went to a club. most of the people were scantily clad girls and sleazy guys trying to pick them up. the girls weren't dressed to dance - their clothes were actually the kind in which they could only move a teeny bit without their boobs falling out and their shoes only allowed them to pivot an eighth of an inch every beat. the guys didn't talk to the girls first, either; they'd just grind up to them, staring at their asses or tits, depending on which direction they chose to approach them. sometimes i even wondered if they were listening to the music at all, judging by the way they moved and their lack of excitement about being there.

i think that raves are much more about the music, but i'm getting older now, and i feel as though the rave scene is staying young. it seems as though ravers are "supposed" to graduate to clubs. why can't ravers stay ravers? one would think that we would still be able to keep on keepin' on. i wanna stay with the music and i don't want to spend my time with people who don't care about it and who spread a blase vibe.

what do you feel about this, and what do you think i should do?

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oh, dunno this is kinda bad but the people i was talking to seemed ok... after saying this my judgement that night could be called into question as i probably thought that everyone was ace... (ie loved up).

As for fellas making moves... i understand how this can be annoying to girls and it is bad - so i can offer no excuses for the boys.

Clubbing "v"s raves, I've only been to clubs and not to any proper raves... so i don't really know how it differs.....

Anyway, I kinda hoped u had a good time at PVD.. but it looks like you didn't, which is a shame.


ps hello by the way



'Homelands - Winchester'

29th May 1999

AIM: mattarrundale1

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I'm not sure what to say. I think we talked about it a teeny bit on friday.

I've been to raves too, but have decided that i like the more controlled envirnment of a club over the free-for-all of a rave. I know not all raves are like that, but I've seen too many newbies wandering around in a zombie "G" world, scaring the girls and pissing off the boys to want to go back.

I suppose it comes down to personal prefernce. I can deal with a meat market bettr than i can the amatuers. Bear in mind, these are generalizations, i know that... but that's the discussion. Not all clubs are meatmarkets, and Twilo isnt usually like that aftr 5 or 6. PvD kept alot of people out later than usual. and I'm sure alot of raves arent flooded with newbies.

Maybe in the end, you'll trend away from the raves as the teen-agers start to think you're old... That might just be part of what pushed me out.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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I hear ya...

Well I think if your talking about PVD, that night was such a pain in the ass for everyone that everyone was annoyed to a point...with all of the shoving and pushing and what not...

I've only been to 2-3 raves, but have seen what you mean, almost everybody at the rave is there to dance their asses off (some are just there for the drugs...) but at clubs, there is always a certain % who are there to hook up or look good, etc...

depending what club and what night, there are some which are more ravey than others...

I haven't hit up Vinyl yet, but I'd say to see Danny T there on fridays you'll prolly get a music oriented crowd...

also usually Twilo is more music appreciative, PVD is so blown up that everyone shows up, even hook up crowds..

Try another night at Twilo, for a lesser known DJ, Vinyl fridays, and I'd have to say the sound factory Saturdays are ravey, although the beats are more NYC hard house, clubby beats, but everyone dances with a rage for hours on end....

also try Limelight, they've been bringin in some good DJ's...and i've heard the Tunnel's very ravey these days...haven't been there since the summer, though...

(as always, check whose spinning that night..)

Also- be on the look out for Dave Sigmund parties, those have a good vibe- Try the Shipwrecked party the last Saturday of every month....

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Originally posted by weyes:

most of the people were scantily clad girls and sleazy guys trying to pick them up...they'd just grind up to them, staring at their asses or tits, ?

welcome to the club world hunni. it's quite a bit different from raves.

Originally posted by weyes:

it seems as though ravers are "supposed" to graduate to clubs.

no, they're not. they're two different scenes, with two different types of crowds. although you do get an intermingling of the two crowds sometimes it's not a heirarchy.

Originally posted by weyes:

why can't ravers stay ravers?

well, like u said...people have to grow up sometime, right? what u saw at the clubs were not old-school party kids (ravers), they were just clubbers.

Originally posted by weyes:

i wanna stay with the music and i don't want to spend my time with people who don't care about it and who spread a blase vibe.

then, there u go. just go out and do what u want...don't expect to find that typical rave "vibe" when u go out to a club. enjoy the music for yourself. don't mind all the other nonsense that goes on.

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Originally posted by charrails:

and I'd have to say the sound factory Saturdays are ravey, B]

Do not destroy the Factory with such nonsense.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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I hear you, I started in this scene doing the rave thing and there is a distinct difference. I personally like the feelings of raves a lot more than the club vibe. But unfortuantely the rave scene is too young, which sucks. A bunch of us went to BOO 5 a couple of months ago, just for old time sakes and I think I was def. the oldest person there, I'm 22. I mean I felt really stupid. Clubs do kick ass though, you would like Vinyl I think or Twilo on a less packed night.

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Originally posted by gravity:

Do not destroy the Factory with such nonsense.

I just mean that everyone is there to dance, or at least the majority...and its like one huge vibe, everyone up and down to the same slamming beats...SF is not a rave, people are more decked out, and the beats are a bit cheesier and you won't find 1000 Deka-heads at your average rave....but the feeling of being in one massive group of heads and bodies grooving to the same beats is similar to a rave...plus the crackheaded-ness is greater at SF than most clubs, again similar to raves...

I wouldn't advise your average UFO/Caffeine wearing, glowstick rocking, hipppy/raver kids to show up at tha factory, and expect to see a rave...they would be in for a shock, BUT to someone who wants to dance all night with a crew of thousands of other people dancing/raging all night, i would recommend SF....

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Originally posted by charrails:

I just mean that everyone is there to dance, or at least the majority...and its like one huge vibe, everyone up and down to the same slamming beats...SF is not a rave, people are more decked out, and the beats are a bit cheesier and you won't find 1000 Deka-heads at your average rave....but the feeling of being in one massive group of heads and bodies grooving to the same beats is similar to a rave...plus the crackheaded-ness is greater at SF than most clubs, again similar to raves...

I wouldn't advise your average UFO/Caffeine wearing, glowstick rocking, hipppy/raver kids to show up at tha factory, and expect to see a rave...they would be in for a shock, BUT to someone who wants to dance all night with a crew of thousands of other people dancing/raging all night, i would recommend SF....

Agreed...definitely true!!!


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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I've found that there are still a few parties that don't have the "bump and grind" vibe that you are describing.

I'd suggest checking out places like:

Vinyl on a friday night

Twilo on a saturday (older/more mature crowd)

Those to are parties I frequent regularly and while there is a degree of the meat market there, its definitely not the majority of what the night is about...at all.

PVD draws a huge crowd, and generally a very young crowd. And I'm not putting down the under 21 club goers, but with an older crowd generally comes a bit more respect/understanding for what the scene (imho) should be about....the music.



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"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

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a few things...

petrol, don't get me wrong; i had a great time because of the people on the board. it was really wonderful to be with such open-hearted people who party the same way i do. you guys really made my night. i was there from opening till closing, and i couldn't've asked for a better time, socially speaking. at the risk of sounding redundant, YOU GUYS ROCK!!! but as the party went, i was disappointed. if i had been there by myself, i don't think i would've had a very good time or stayed as long as i did.

but neydogs, i've gotta disagree with you. i was at boo 5 too, and that was the best party i've been to in recent memory. i met three people there that i'm still in contact with, one who is 23, one who's 24, and one who's 21. a lot of ravers are older than you might think; the pigtails, glitter, and bracelets can fool you! i was on line for the bathroom when i overheard a girl talking to her friend about her fiancee; she was 21 too. yes, you're one of the oldest, as am i (23), but we're not necessarily THE oldest.

everybody else, i like trance. aren't the clubs and such you're talking about house venues/nights?

i'm a little lost...

[This message has been edited by weyes (edited 02-12-2001).]

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