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anyone else waiting for someone to ask them to be their valentine????

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ohh i really wasnt thinking about it.. but this Lazy Sunday has got me thinking...

some of you may already know about billy the dumb dumb.. but guys lets faceit he is my only could be valentine.. and i don't even know if he's going to ask me.. because he hasn't asked me yet... and its sunday.. it could be because he couldnt get in touch with me. my cell phone was off all this weekend.. it gets turned back on on monday then of course.. there is the fact that my mother is an online freak and she uses our only telephone line to get connected. frown.gif or maybe he asked the girl that CALLED him while I was over his house.. in any event if he asks me to be his valentine tomorrow I am going to decline because I already have one and her names Jammy!!!!!!!

hmm no more jitters thanks everyone! smile.gif

sorry guys.. I am a bit empty hearted today and I don't even like silly billy all that much... although Claudio and Shadowchaser should very well know that he isn't all that stupid.. he has gotten smarter! or made me a dumber person smile.gif which would require some sorta skill.. cwm16.gif

Jammy i forgot the name we gave billy do you remember at ALL!???



I love everyone today!

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Originally posted by mistressv:

I ain't hatin' or nothin' but doesn't anyone else think that Valentine's Day is a little overrated?

My man can tell me he loves me any day of the year, why should Valentines be any different?

Just a thought . . .

It's so flower shops, chocolate companies, and restaurants can make a killing. Other than that, you're definitely right...


You might just achieve what you're shooting for, if you just dream a little...


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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

some of you may already know about billy the dumb dumb

The fact you wrote that says it all.

**shakes his head**

Women never learn (course us guys are stupid too)



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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Originally posted by mistressv:

I ain't hatin' or nothin' but doesn't anyone else think that Valentine's Day is a little overrated?

My man can tell me he loves me any day of the year, why should Valentines be any different?

Just a thought . . . cwm38.gif

Here here!!!!!

I've always thought that. I've been with people on V-day before and have had a really good v-day, but some people get so into it, that it can just kill any potential enjoyment. and yes... I'm speaking from direct/recent experience frown.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

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Claudio since when did you get this serious.. smile.gif I am packing my bags as I send this post out to all of clubplanet.. (our trip to LA.. your such a sweetheart surprizing me like that on Valentines Day! Aweee pooh bear... Speaking of Pooh where the heck is POOH!

Okay back to reality... I still don't have a valentine.. I have a feeling my should be valentine is broke.. he asked me for 20 bucks today.. frown.gif .. that would mean no valentine... Jammy your my second choice are we still on?? hahahah



I love everyone today!

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