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whos the cock blocker in your group?

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Originally posted by translucent:

Most of the time they're probably just jealous that they're not the ones receiving the attention.

hmm this thread is def. interesting... i held the belief that for the most part, guys will help each other out to get laid, while girls would do everything in their power to prevent another girl from gettin some...

it's true and i see it everyday!




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Deanna is definately the "public" cock blocker.

I whipped out my cock and went to smack her across the face with it and she got her hand up just in time. She turned and said "I told you not in public" so thats when we left smile.gif

- Pete





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Originally posted by twiloman:

DEF. MY FRIEND MIKE!!!! he always ALWAYS walks in when im getting "intimate" with my g/f!! he doesn't nock and if i lock the door, he'll bang on it continuously!! drives me insane

LOL!! I was going to say the same thing about my kid!! My five year old has cock-blockin' radar I tell ya! Middle of the night, he senses something is happening and he's on his way.

He's like some kind of abstinence superhero!



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Originally posted by toastednut:

hmm this thread is def. interesting... i held the belief that for the most part, guys will help each other out to get laid, while girls would do everything in their power to prevent another girl from gettin some...

it's true and i see it everyday!

Tell me about it.. why is it your "girlfriend" will always hold you back? Why they wont let you dance with a guy? Or when a guy tries to talk to you, they'll drag you away or say something bitchy?

Personally, the only time I ever stop my friends from hitting on a girl, is when I *know* the girl is actually a drag, or transvestite.

They could hit on the fattest, or ugliest woman in the world and I'd cheer them on.. (Even if it was so I could make fun of them later.. smile.gif)

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Originally posted by toastednut:

hmm this thread is def. interesting... i held the belief that for the most part, guys will help each other out to get laid, while girls would do everything in their power to prevent another girl from gettin some...

it's true and i see it everyday!

WAT are you talking about?? what kind of girls do you see, drunk nuns??

the few girls i'm tight with, we help each other as much as we can, without holding the targeted guy down and ripping his clothes off. the only time i'd step in is if either a) she's too fucked up to know what's going on -- in which case he shouldn't be trying anything, or B) she asks me to

we watch out for each other. this means we also help each other


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Originally posted by deanna11:

WAT are you talking about?? what kind of girls do you see, drunk nuns??

i guess i should clarify... girls will stop other girls they don't know from gettin laid. it's so catty and happens all the time. you don't see girls giving dirty looks to other girls that get game? maybe i'm just the regular recipient in all this? fuck, can you imagine the whole female staff in the store next your yours hating you because i guess they're jealous i was dating their coworker? man they give girls a bad rap.

now, if you're with your girlfriends, that is different. of course your girlfriends are going to help you! you wouldn't be friends with them if they didn't watch out for your best interests! cwm12.gif




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Originally posted by schwingep:

Deanna is definately the "public" cock blocker.

I whipped out my cock and went to smack her across the face with it and she got her hand up just in time. She turned and said "I told you not in public" so thats when we left smile.gif

- Pete



hey, i have good reflexes


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my friend jack prides himself on his cock blocking ability ... and lives by teh moto ,,, if i'm not gettin any no one is ... total dick when it comes to that shit ... but , what u have to do is capture the force of the cock block and use it against them ... its worked a few times for me .. applogize for their behavior and shit like that ... it works , you just have to master it =)



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