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As a response to : What if a guy has a small one...


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Most of the guys (on avarage) measure more or less 7" (I don't know about thickness), but what about women. I mean there is always this big talk about guys being big/small etc. How about women some of them are wider some of them are tighter and someothers are deep. So what's up with that?

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the official average size of mens erected penis accourding to the Playboy channel is 5.25 inches.

QUOTE]Originally posted by ultra7:

Most of the guys (on avarage) measure more or less 7" (I don't know about thickness), but what about women. I mean there is always this big talk about guys being big/small etc. How about women some of them are wider some of them are tighter and someothers are deep. So what's up with that?

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Originally posted by andwhysee:

the official average size of mens erected penis accourding to the Playboy channel is 5.25 inches.

that sounds more correct than 7" -- if seven was the average, that would make most men below average, and i know they wouldn't like that!

as to the question about length vs. girth... it's all about the girth, baby! i don't want to feel like i'm being poked by a finger (and feel disappointed about it)!




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Originally posted by toastednut:

that sounds more correct than 7" -- if seven was the average, that would make most men below average, and i know they wouldn't like that!

as to the question about length vs. girth... it's all about the girth, baby! i don't want to feel like i'm being poked by a finger (and feel disappointed about it)!

How do you know, have you seen most men?

Of course it's the girth.. my mum is never wrong... she also say's never go with a girl who smells of disinfectant. Live you life by my mums guidlines and you carn't go wrong wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Just take a look at "Sex and the city", one of the girls, have a big problem with that, because she's in love with a guy who have a 6cm(make the convertion)long dick...Ouuuuaaaahhhhh the poor guy, and the poor girl even if we say that the 10 first centimeters are only really important...yes maybe...

Anyone know triple-ten (Black porn actor)??? cwm24.gif




Email : Tomixfromparis@hotmail.com

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Oh, of course there are ways to strengthen the muscles. All you have to do is squeeze them repeatedly several times a day. It will feel like you have Moby Dick inside of you. Not to mention the orgasms...


But anyway, my question to the guys... how much different does it really feel? My b/f claims they all feel pretty much the same... I find that hard to believe. What's the general consensus???

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Recently my femme-friend, who is I would say very sexy and sensous person revealed to me that she trains her muscles by wearing inside of her "Chinese balls" (two balls on the string with weights inside). The sensation is awesome cause the wights bounce inside the balls and send the vibration to the vaginal walls - ooohhhh! that feels good! In addition since the balls are somewhat heavy she must keep on squeezing her muscles so they don't fall out.

Also for a guy it makes a huge difference if a girl is tight, for me it is all about being embraced inside and beeing squeezed like a lemon inside of that beautiful thing we call PUSSY. Seriously if you are a female try this with your man. While you are doing it to him, & when he is pulling out SQUEEZ I gurantee he will go NUTS after couple moves like these... If you have any more questions please feel free to ask, I am substituting for doc. Ruth till the end of March.

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