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No More Twilo For Me . . .

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Blue & everyone-

Sorry to hear about Friday, although with some of the things I've seen I'm not totally suprised.

Take action. Getting something like this published in a major pub could do wonders to the club, its owners and its clientele. They can defend it all they want but we've all seen enough to know better.


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My response to the Twiloboard . . . .

1. I have yet to receive any response via email or message from the Twiloboss shining some light onto this situation. And to the guy/girl who said I probably received comps for the year . . . think again. I haven't even received a reply yet.

2. To the guy/girl who said he couldn't support someone who goes around screaming RACIST. I have NEVER in my experience at Twilo screamed racist . . . . EVER. As a matter of fact I defended the club to all the people I know who did. When they told me what was going on . . . I would make up excuses. So, I do not go around yellling RACIST very easily. It's NEVER been my style.

3. To the guy/girl who told us (asians) to get off the stairs. I don't argue with you either. I personally don't even STAND by the stairs. I'm always either in the lobby or the VIP room. My friends who were ejected were not by the stairs either.

4. Twiloboss, you're right I'm a newbie on this board cause I don't post here often. I mostly post on ClubNYC. I'm sure if you go there you'll see that I post often. And I've ALWAYS defended your club and spoke very highly about it. I'm not here to trash Twilo . . . I'm here to tell the people what happened to my friends. And to get some kind of response from you. Why are you not answering me? Why are you closing thread after thread? I wrote this before . . . I'm not expecting a public explanation . . . you can send me a email if you like. But I believe an explanation is due. Again my email addy is blueangel717171@yahoo.com

Ooana, I understand why he deleted my MULTIPLE posts and banned me. If that's their protocol for multiple posts then so be it. HOWEVER, why did he also DELETE my original one that had 500+ hits and replies?? Like I told him, I'm awaiting his investigation outcome.

Thanks guys for all your support!! I FEEL SO LOVVVVVVVVVVED!! hehe. cwm38.gif



“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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Originally posted by descarte:

Is that Love..or is it....Pity. Personally, I pity all of you asians...and you blueangel.. I would hate for people to feel sorry for me..

I don't see this show of support as pity and if that's what YOU'RE doing then it's quite okay. There are so many more people out there with more important issues that probably needs your pity more than me. You can keep your pity to yourself. Thanks.



“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso


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blue i couldn't agree with you more, i definitly believe that you and all your fellow asian bretheren should boycott twilo...it's just not fair that they won't let you all block all the exits by sitting there for hours in drug induced trances, it's not fair that they won't let you all fall and bump into everyone while you are all banged out on drugs....gee what a pity that twilo won't be polluted with the foul stench and bogus designer clothes anymore...i think all asians should heed your call to boycott and help us make twilo a fun happy respectable place again!

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This guy whoever he is Twiloboss is an arrogant arsehole. He has delt with this in a way I have never experienced with a company.

Anyway DJ Magazine are going to run with it and I suspect Casey's letter will get published in most Dance and clubbing magazines.

This need highlighting so people can come to there own conclusions about a club that is risking your lives every Friday & Saturday night by putting people in Taxi's and not standing up for your rights.

I think it's clear where there priorities lie, and it's with their bank managers.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by msoprano13:

hey blueangle like ive been saying all the time TWILO IS WACK

taking this incident and throwing back in everybody's face is low class. you have never stating twilo is wack because of their treatment towards asians. stay with the incident instead of plugging your genius signature.

this incident is terribly unfortunate. casey, if there anything you need your fellow asians to do, ask up. I'd like to see where you're taking this.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by shannah:


Take action. Getting something like this published in a major pub could do wonders to the club, its owners and its clientele...

I have to agree with shannah. Unfortunately, this type of absurdity is bound to go unpunished unless someone either hires an attorney or makes it public. Roby hit the nail on the head about Twilo viewing each member of its clientele as "nothing but a $35 crackhead". Twilo management is not concerned about legal retaliation from mistreated customers. The majority of them are either kids too poor to hire a decent lawyer or are so cracked out that they wouldn't want anyone else (especially the authorities) to know.

Considering how much the press loves to bash the club scene, I would think that a whole bunch of publications (i.e. Village Voice) would snap up a story like this. Since none of the people involved were associated with drugs and since there are plenty of others here who could come forward as witnesses, it would make a credible story. Furthermore, since this wasn't the first or last time that Asians received this type of treatment, I'm sure there would be plenty of other board members who would add their experiences to the story.

Casey, I sincerely hope that you don't let this incident slide. You have plenty of ammunition here to finally make a difference. Simply boycotting Twilo is akin to boycotting heroin. For every one of us who'll "just say no," there are plenty of other people ready to get in line for the free needles.



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Originally posted by descarte:


jerk. this isn't pity, it's a statement that i'm annoyed by the behaviour of the people at twilo, i.e. i'm expressing sorrow. i pity you for your tenuous grasp of the english language.


* i love sex always&forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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Originally posted by filthy_slag:

jerk. this isn't pity, it's a statement that i'm annoyed by the behaviour of the people at twilo, i.e. i'm expressing sorrow. i pity you for your tenuous grasp of the english language.


Descarte do you realize how many times you just misunderstood a simple word?? People are expressing their dismay over the situation. You're a childish moron. smile.gif



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~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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!@#$%^& computer!!!!

double post!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 02-13-2001).]

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