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No More Twilo For Me . . .

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Originally posted by iliana:

Bluemaggot, didn't I tell you not to fuck with me?

So you thought I only "heard" of mike.

Stupid bitch. Hehe



Obviously you haven't taken your medication today cause you're imagining things again. cwm25.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Awww BlueAngel I'm so sorry to hear that... frown.gif...you've always been the one encouraging people to go, and now this happens to your friends. Those same friends that promoted Twilo & got people to come can do a reverse PR job and get those same people to go elsewhere.



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Originally posted by ReginaP:

Awww BlueAngel I'm so sorry to hear that... frown.gif...you've always been the one encouraging people to go, and now this happens to your friends. Those same friends that promoted Twilo & got people to come can do a reverse PR job and get those same people to go elsewhere.

At this point I think my friend is so disgusted he doesn't want to have anything to do with the club anymore. He just wants to wash his hands of it. cwm1.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Sorry to hear about that...Twilo really is run by inconsiderate, greedy bastards...I mean, they must have let in an extra 1,000 heads to what the capacity is..I'm surprised someone DIDN't die in there of suffication or heart attack...when trying to go to the bathroom, there was complete gridlock, and the bouncers just pushed and shoved everyone through, people were falling into each other, it was mayhem...Last PVD I went to (july) someone collapsed in my friends arms, (turns out he died...) and this time, they let so many people in they were asking for another casualty...they risk people's safety for $$, and now to hear that they are throwing people out for no reason (well,to fit more cover paying fans in) except maybe race, shows that this club deserves the negative publicity it gets....even more than it does....

well thanks for the list...sorry to hear about this......maybe you can sway some heads to other, more open minded parties..... maybe if you publicize this BS, some of the DJ's will hear about it, and hopefully some of the DJ's, promoters, and fans (asian and non-asian) will bring their services/money/business to other clubs.....

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hey blueangle like ive been saying all the time TWILO IS WACK

but on the more imoortant side im sorry to hear what happened cause that is just not right, i could see if there was a prob or fight, but like most places they are money hungry and will do stupid shit like that to get more people in


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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That is some ridiculous bullshit...Asians make up about 50% of that place...to tell you the truth they are the BEST people to hang with at a club..and just in general great people....I have the best time with them...All of my good friends are asian...I love them...Sorry to hear how your friends were disrespected and mistreated....



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

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Twiloboss's response on the twilo board:

no matter what i say you have your opinions and no one is going to change them. twilo has been built on its love of the music and its mission to represent the best in human behavior as it comes forth through the current generation. i cannot speak for each individual's opinions, prejudices, or hatreds. i can speak for twilo, however. it has always been and will always be a place where there are no distinctions between individuals based on anything other than their character. anyone as dedicated to the scene as wholeheartedly as i am could never accept prejudice in any form. it is an unfortunate adjunct in our society that the sins of the few are often seen as the attributes of the many. this is not the case at twilo. whatever happened at twilo to you and your friends on friday nite will be investigated by me personally; all incidents involving the discharging of patrons are reported to management within 30 minutes of the ocurrance. it should be obvious that the drastic security measures we take are the result of pressures outside our control. if any one in your party looked like they were involved in any illegal activity, we must have them immediately removed. guilt or innocence is not the issue; the mere appearance of an impropriety will result in action. you were initially banned from this board by the webmaster because you copied a lengthy rant in more than one location. i am not familiar with your previous pro-twilo posts on other forums; i regret that you have elected to charge racism without first inquiring about twilo's position. there is, after all, 2 sides to every story. i remember at the original sound factory two similar incidents. the first involved the dischage from the premises of a drug dealer who was gay. he went to the gmhc and alleged that sf was anti-gay. its only clientel at the time were gay men. another involved a man in a wheelchair who was arrested on the premises for drug sales. he complained that he was discriminated against because he was disabled. as i said, i believe that you believe you were discriminated against because you are asian. i'm sure you still believe that. i will research the incident reports for friday nite and see what they reveal. apparently other twiloites have vouched for your former loyalty to the club. we all lose in incidents like this. we have lost a good customer; the twiloites have lost a fellow twiloite and you have lost a club that you apparently loved going to.

That definitely explains the banning/deletion of posts. That is normal for almost any board/online community.


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

[This message has been edited by ooana (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by ooana:

Twiloboss's response on the twilo board:

i regret that you have elected to charge racism without first inquiring about twilo's position. there is, after all, 2 sides to every story. i remember at the original sound factory two similar incidents. the first involved the dischage from the premises of a drug dealer who was gay. he went to the gmhc and alleged that sf was anti-gay. its only clientel at the time were gay men. another involved a man in a wheelchair who was arrested on the premises for drug sales. he complained that he was discriminated against because he was disabled. as i said, i believe that you believe you were discriminated against because you are asian.


so he "believes that you believe." huh?

this "twiloboss" response is insulting. he says theres "two sides to every story" and then relates a pair of ridiculous anecdotes, thus insinuating that you also have a foolish claim. i dont know this guy, i dont know his story or whatever, but his words make him look like a real ass IMO.

who gives a fuck about twilos "position?" obviously their "position" is that they are inclusive. thats what their lawyers would tell them to say. duh. hopefully, this guy can come up with something better than this.

i am sorry to hear about your trouble. i would love to say i hope you are mistaken. unfortunately, as a "white" guy i have been included in some real shitty conversations that make it easy for me to believe in this kind of racist BS.

BTW, be careful what you say. they might send their lawyers to shut you up. quashing the truth with legal muscle is the thing to do in the good ol' U S of A. its as american as burning crosses or bashing homosexuals.

without more love, the hate in this city, and others, will just keep going around and around. cheer up. weve got the love. this whole thing is BS. there are more ppl who want to get along than there are bigots. i swear its true. things have changed drastically in the past 100 years. with love it will only get better. fuck em if they dont get it yet!


i love music!

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to ezdreamer,blueangel and the rest of you guys, i totally support you wholeheartedly, blueangel read the post i addressed to you! otherwise, like in my other post, just say the word and i'm sooo sending your story to the lil record stores and CITYPAPER down here, a lot of college kids read that newspaper, wouldn't they love to get a story like this out? wink.gif like i said, just say the word...


"Some Of Us Are Like Ink, And Some Like Paper.

And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran




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i had a great time on friday nite but this really pisses me off. a couple of my friends , which were asian, got kicked outta da club for no apparent reason. they did not have any drugs on them or were they even planning to do any. WTF, this is year 2001 and we still have to worry about kicked out of a club cause we're asian?? i will have to stop going to twilo....

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i can't believe i missed this thread but now that i've read it i'm really appalled.....i love twilo and this is extrememly disturbing. i'm sorry you went through this with your friends and if there's anything that we can do as a group then i'm sure everyone will band together. i have a hard time relating being from an ethnicity/heritage (whatever you wanna call it) that i haven't experienced this kind've bias. i just really wish it didn't have to be this way, not in the year 2001!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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yea blueangel, i don't blame you, i LOVE twilo (hence the name) but i do think its complete bullshit that they just grab and throw!! im not bashing twilo here cuz the club and the dj's are unreal, but some of the bouncers do get out of control, i stop for once second on the way to the water fountain to look for my friends who i lost, and i get pushed away, i wasn't even causing a line noone was comming!!! anyway, im sorry to hear that your not comming back anymore but with those experiences...it would be tough to go back!!


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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What a terrible story, Casey ... the body of evidence proving that Twilo's management are total thugs and criminals is growing exponentially ... not only do they have a near-monopoly on all non-NY-based DJs in our fair city, but they are also singularly interested in making as much money as possible, without regards to human life or dignity or basic civil rights ... and we pay big money for this treatment!!

It hurts that we, as fans of the world-class talent Twilo assembles, must put up with the excessive pricing, rude staff, racism, bigotry, overcrowding and generally unsafe conditions. What's even worse is that I can repeat the last sentence for the majority of the big clubs in New York.

At a minimum, this town needs at least one more club that can compete with Twilo for the "name" DJ market. If those guys had to actually try to win clients away from another club, they might improve their treatment of all guests. But that would not stop the minority-bashing in other clubs like Exit. And as some of the out-of-towners are telling us, racism/bigotry is not unique to the NY scene.

The bottom line is that modern dance clubs are simply not nice places. Huge crowds of teenagers and young adults cracked out of their minds and whipped into a frenzy by intense music - that kind of faceless, dangerous dynamic just invites mistreatment by dim-witted, criminal management who view each member of their clientele as nothing but a $35 crackhead. Try as we like to wish away racism in clubs, it just ain't gonna happen with mobsters and morons in charge.

Yes, this is a defeatist point of view, but does anyone here honestly think we can "educate" these fuck-ups about racial sensitivity? You've just got to realize that you are entering a dangerous, racist room when you walk into a club. Act accordingly.


AIM name: noserotoninleft


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Guest blckraven

Baby Girl, You know my opinion already on Twilo.

For those who don't know, About 3 years ago I and a couple of friends went to Twilo. Sasha to me sounded like a rusian name, at the time I did not even know that PVD was a DJ. For 3 years now I have been a Twilo regular. Danced with plenty and made a ton of friends. BlueAngel being my best friend. cwm38.gif

I remember not long Ago when at 7am either Sasha or Pvd, the floor was empty. 50 or so Ravers/Clubbers dancing away till the last encore. We had to get our friends to witness this. Through word of mouth, Myself and so many other ravers , dancers WE BUILT TWILO. No one loved Twilo more than myself and BlueAngel.

I always stayed out of it. Now this is PERSONAL!!! . For no reason 2 of my best friends got 86. For No reason. They had no drugs on them,only cuz they are asians. Shit one of them even promoted there.

Instead of getting an apology from Twilo, we get this from vvebmaster on the Twilo board

" ATTN: BLUEANGEL and friends

this might be coming a little late, but you know maybe if all the drug addicts didnt take up vauable ass-space by hogging the stairs every friday, we wouldnt have to kick so many of you out.....thats right, i said mingle like the rest of us.....i swear im there from open to close on fridays, and sometimes, it's the same exact people in the same exact spots that havent moved an inch all night.....STOP ROCKIN HOLES ON THE STEPS and u wont have this problem in the future... neither i nor twiloboss have any problem with anyone of any ethnicity as long as u know how to go out to a club and dance and socialize like the rest of us....when u sit there like a bunch of crakheads all night with vicks smeared all over your face staring at the pretty lights, u ruin the club and the vibe for everyone else......maybe if u didnt segregate yourselves from the rest of us, there wouldnt be blatantly obvious groups of you to toss out the door


1) Along with BlueAngel,I will never step foot in that place.

2) None of our close friends will go there for that matter.

3) There are other clubs

4) Asian kids on the steps to me always look like a sea of beautiful people.

5) Thank you to all on this board who supported BlueAngel.

6) The lady who does the bag check at Twilo is so cool. lol !!

7) what goes up must come down !

8) BlueAngel, Together we will Conquer!


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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Guys, I'm *not* picking sides here but we don't know for sure that vvebmaster does indeed work for Twilo.com

So before we add more fuel to this fire, lets make *sure* that our evidence is 100%.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Guest blckraven

I may not him personally, I can tell you that he moderates the board for Twilo. And to blatantly post this reply, I am offended.

I used to be a moderator for a .com company. I would never instigate a forum. I am not adding fuel to anything, I am just fed up with that establisment.

I wish that none of you ever get subjected to the type of treatment that I and some of my friends have received in that place.


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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Hey I'm new to the board and all but I've been reading a lot of these twilo/exit-are-racist-against-asians posts which really pisses me off. Apparently I'm not a frequent nyc clubber only cuz i'm underage and all but this is the shit i thought i wouldn't find in ny clubs. Nevertheless, i'm still up to goin in a few months so despite all the trash talk bout both clubs, which would be better to try first, twilo or exit?

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

The thing that pisses me off (and i have posted it on the Twilo board) is that Casey has been great publicity for Twilo since i have known her.

Yea, well I really loved that club because it use to be a really wonderful place . . . urgh. Now I just don't know what it is. Like I said . . . I guess it's what broke the camel's back.



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Originally posted by dv8:

ooana, HE DOESN'T WORK FOR TWILO, Twiloboss himself said he didnt know who this turkey was, dont believe anything vvebmaster says, he's just a drama starter.

dv8, reread my post. That's exactly what I was saying. That we DO NOT know for sure that he works for Twilo :-)


I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Guest blckraven


go to Limelight or Vinyl.


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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Casey -I'm so sorry to hear that. And I was just starting to like it there. I might have to join you on this one - no more twilo unless they get their shit together and do something about all this racist crap. What the fuck is going on these days??? Are we really in a new millenium?? Sometimes it feels like we're all taking giant steps backwards. grrrrrrr..... cwm21.gif

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Funny thing is since we're newbies at the Twilo board he and some others think that we're just starting drama for the hell of it.

I mean come on... that board hasn't been up all that long to begin with... and yes I do read the Twilo board and lurk about.

They really need to get a clue there.


You might just achieve what you're shooting for, if you just dream a little...


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