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Looks to me like we're all alone Blue. Haven't gotten one response yet. I will continue to recruit. Don't you worry your little head off, they all claim to be against racism. our faith shall keep us going.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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It's funny but when i was sending round a letter somebody mailed me, she is ALLREADY writting an article about racism at Twilo.. and is waiting to here something back..

AND that is why Twiloboss must have shit himself.

Dear David,

I received your e mail regarding racism @ Twilo. I was disgusted to hear of

the events but unfortunately, was not really surprised as there appears to

be an all round lack of moral integrity on the part of Twilo staff. About a

month ago, I ran a feature on allegations that staff had concealed clubbers

in desperate need of medical attention in order to ptotect their license.

Here is the link, if you are interested:


I have written a feature on the racism at Twilo and am currently awaiting a

statement from the club. The article is all done, but just needs to be

uploaded onto the live site. I will e mail you a link when it is there ...



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Thank You B2B. Alright, I got one respectable recruit. Are we the only true anti-RACIST people on here? Need I pull up those Gravity threads to remind you all?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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I am not trying to be funny here. Come on you all. Where are all the dudes that bashed Gravity for his racist views. Is TWILO any different? They threw out asians "for no good reason". I at least expected asians to respond, join ours cause. I am deeply disappointed in you all.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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bro even if it happened to me personally, and i knew it was racially motivated, i'd still not boycott twilo. its a known fact that twilo staff is amongst the worst around and people are constantly getting jerked, but what they offer as far as music goes is unmatched. thus i put up with the shit. its not like i go to twilo to be best friends with the staff there. i pay to enjoy the talent they offer and go home happy if i dont get thrown out. i feel for blue and her friends, and believe me my friends have been thrown out for no aparent reason too, but thats just how the world turns my friend...


chronic is the answer...

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This seems to be an inner battle of idealism and pragmatism...Well I myself is Asian looking....I haven't seen any incidents of Twilo's staff mistreating or showing bias. As soon as I do I will act accordingly. I know you feel strongly 'bout this subj. but as for me I need to see it to believe it. Growing up in NJ as an asian looking boy I got into alooooot of fights by those that called me "Chink!" I once bit this kids finger half way off in 3rd grade when the older kid picked on me...I'm not here to talk 'bout my past but to make it clear that I am not imprivilous to racism, but quite contrary. But like I said until I see it first hand I will act accordingly. And yes there is still decency in this world. Not much but there is. Don't give up for what u strongly believe in and don't give up hope...

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So that I understand this correctly, GREAT MUSIC comes before FRIENDSHIP (Blueangel), comes before PRINCIPLES (anti-racist viewpoint). Hmmmmm. Come on you all, where are all the dudes from the "Gravity is a racist", "Anything we can do to help you Blueangel" threads. Do you not mean what you say? Or is it all fake. Why are you not joining us?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by p00h:

this is a rather worthless attempt to keep the gravity drama alive. i certainly hope no one falls for it...

You did not clarify my point. Let me spell it out for some of you slower ones.

GREAT MUSIC comes before

FRIENDSHIP and before



Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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music is my best friend. does that clear it up for you? and if you took the time to read my post you'd understand that even if it happened to me personally, i'd still go to twilo. clear enough or you need me to write it l-i-k-e t-h-i-s so you can keep up?


chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by p00h:

music is my best friend. does that clear it up for you? and if you took the time to read my post you'd understand that even if it happened to me personally, i'd still go to twilo. clear enough or you need me to write it l-i-k-e t-h-i-s so you can keep up?

You seem kinda defensive there PooH. At least you got the balls to answer these very difficult questions and I respect you for that. Where are all the others? RACISM at TWILO cannot be tolerated, we must not pad these RACIST's pockets with our cash. We must not support these RACIST TWILO management and staff. Who is with us? Who is with us?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by p00h:

music is my best friend. does that clear it up for you? and if you took the time to read my post you'd understand that even if it happened to me personally, i'd still go to twilo. clear enough or you need me to write it l-i-k-e t-h-i-s so you can keep up?

You seem kinda defensive there PooH. At least you got the balls to answer these very difficult questions and I respect you for that. Where are all the others? RACISM at TWILO cannot be tolerated, we must not pad these RACIST's pockets with our cash. We must not support these RACIST TWILO management and staff. Who is with us? Who is with us?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

Who is with us? Who is with us?

I am.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee was and always will be my bitch ...and he'll never forget that...Everyone else, please be real to yourselves before you try to tell others what is right and wrong...and please, please chill the fuck out with the hypocrisy...that kind of behavior makes us "racists" look like Ghandi (no Hindu-bashing implied)...unless you are my bitch nycedee and believe that free thinking=racism...because that makes the most sense of all.

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Originally posted by bungee:

You seem kinda defensive there PooH. At least you got the balls to answer these very difficult questions and I respect you for that. Where are all the others? RACISM at TWILO cannot be tolerated, we must not pad these RACIST's pockets with our cash. We must not support these RACIST TWILO management and staff. Who is with us? Who is with us?

Don't do it Bungee, i would't boycot it either. You should get your arse down there... you know dam well as does Blue (who never asked for a boycott), that that would have no effect.

Twilo should get bad press as should any organisation offering a service that isn't treating it's consumers correctly.

It's only a matter of time before the Twilo managment go. Just waiting for the case to come up. When your staff actually say 'i was only doing what i was told to do' about putting people in closets... your not going to win.

So chill out, don't worry about it.. get on with your life.. move on.

And when there is a change in management, Twilo WILL be a better place for it.

back2basics - 'hopesbungeedoesn'tgetleftinacloset'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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The only way it would make a dif. is if everone didnt go, not just people from the board but the whole city. if even a group doesnt go another will replace. So I am on your side, but it is what it is.




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i'm happy to admit that i'm anti-racist and i'm glad that you are saying that you've adopted this viewpoint as well - i hope this is coming from your heart, and not a desire to antagonize others (as seems to usually be the case).

while you and blueangel consider the best way of promoting the anti-racist cause boycotting twilo, i'm afraid that i feel differently.

if black people had just stopped going whereever racists told them not to got i don't believe that they would have had the rights extended to them so quickly (and even then it was slow). similarly, if twilo is promoting asian racism and trying to deter asians from going, then i would recommend that even more asians go so that twilo's racism does not triumph.

i hope blueangel does not consider our friendship in jeopardy because i have a different opinion on this issue (i'm sure she won't bungee). Simultaneously, i support her (and others) efforts to bring twilo's behaviour to light in the media, and i hope this will in time change things for the better.


* i love sex always&forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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Filthy he is taking the piss big time..

Actually that's all he seems to do.

Anyway your right the media is the best way to go, and blueangel doesn't want anybody to boycott Twilo, again Bungee is just trying to twist it for his own reasons.. you see some people i guess will belive him.

Anyway the big magazines have agreed to publish, i have left it with blueangel. People at least should be aware and should be allowed to make there own choices.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Twilo's staff is rude to everyone not just Asians. Every night I'm there I see all sorts of people getting kicked out. All I know from reading the posts is that BA's friend got kicked out while doing nothing in the middle of the dancefloor. If the only reason why he was being kicked out was for the fact that he was Asian, why did they pick someone in the middle of the dancefloor? Why not someone sitting on the stairs near the door? Why would they single him out? There has to be something more to it than meets the eye.

I'm not defending Twilo at all, but screaming racism is a serious accusation that should not be done until facts can be pointed to. All we have been shown are accusations and no facts. Like I said before I think everyone on this board knows someone who has been kicked out of Twilo (or anyclub for that matter) for some reason or maybe there was no reason. Either way it happens to everyone.

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Originally posted by filthy_slag:

if black people had just stopped going whereever racists told them not to got i don't believe that they would have had the rights extended to them so quickly (and even then it was slow). similarly, if twilo is promoting asian racism and trying to deter asians from going, then i would recommend that even more asians go so that twilo's racism does not triumph.

here here

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Originally posted by kaspr:

Twilo's staff is rude to everyone not just Asians. Every night I'm there I see all sorts of people getting kicked out. All I know from reading the posts is that BA's friend got kicked out while doing nothing in the middle of the dancefloor. If the only reason why he was being kicked out was for the fact that he was Asian, why did they pick someone in the middle of the dancefloor? Why not someone sitting on the stairs near the door? Why would they single him out? There has to be something more to it than meets the eye.

I'm not defending Twilo at all, but screaming racism is a serious accusation that should not be done until facts can be pointed to. All we have been shown are accusations and no facts. Like I said before I think everyone on this board knows someone who has been kicked out of Twilo (or anyclub for that matter) for some reason or maybe there was no reason. Either way it happens to everyone.

Yeh you don't know the full story... there is much more to it.

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My point is that there is no gray area regarding this matter. We are either racist or we are not. We either support racists or we do not. To say we are not racists then run to support racists (regardless of how 'great the music is')..well, you figure it out. If you say 'well I personally haven't seen nor experienced this shit', that is logical. But to say you believe Blueangel and will support her in any way 'meaning not support these racists' then turn around and start up threads 'Twilo SUnday is the best, can't wait', WTF is that? SO, either you don't believe Blueangel's story, or, you don't mean it when you say you feel bad for her and claim to be her friend, or, you are not anti-racist as you claim. You are full of shit. That is my point you all.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeh you don't know the full story... there is much more to it.

You're probably right, but I needed to get that off my chest. Ridiculous rumors are always flying around this board and people are willing to beleive everything they read. If you have facts to back up the accusations then do what you ahve to do.

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It is with regret I will miss Twilo this Sunday. You see, I am friends with Blueangel and support her boycott of Twilo. For those new to this predicament, Twilo's management and Staff are.. RACIST.. people that throw ASIANS out for "NO GOOD REASON". Since I denounce RACISM and all those that practice RACISM that is why I support Blueangel, her boycott. I am sure a lot of you agree that Twilo is RACIST (Blueangel swears it is) and since you all denounce racism (from the Gravity bashing threads), then the only course of action is to support Blueangel and mine boycott of TWILO. It's time to put up, or, shut up..as the saying goes. What do you all say?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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WTF???!!! Irony is such a dirty word. Why you two face Twilo lovers. You bash the RACISTS on here, then you go and support RACISTS. I am there for you Blueangel, no matter my undying love for TWILO. Is there no decency left in this world we live in?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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