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don't use someone's real name unless they do themselves

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Originally posted by deanna11:



OMG I have new found amazing respect for you just for that!!!!! biggrin.gif

- Pete"jesusbuiltmyhotrod"





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Back to the orginal topic:

Don't embarass urself, PLEASE DON'T ASK THE PPL I'M WITH IF THEY ARE ON THE BOARD! Not everybody reads & posts on cnyc. If they are on the board, I will introduce them by their sn then real name. & for future reference I do not being called TG, my name is Daphna smile.gif

Sorry if that came rude, it just really bothers me when ppl automatically assume all my friends are on the board.


Trancessed!- Me

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Back to the orginal topic:

Don't embarass urself, PLEASE DON'T ASK THE PPL I'M WITH IF THEY ARE ON THE BOARD! Not everybody reads & posts on cnyc. If they are on the board, I will introduce them by their sn then real name. & for future reference I do not being called TG, my name is Daphna smile.gif

Sorry if that came rude, it just really bothers me when ppl automatically assume all my friends are on the board.

Girl, if you are so embarassed of your friends finding out that you post on CNYC AND meeting ppl from the internet...why post?????....and BTW...I would HATE to have friends that would judge me! smile.gif

Lola (is my REAL name)

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Back to the orginal topic:

Don't embarass urself, PLEASE DON'T ASK THE PPL I'M WITH IF THEY ARE ON THE BOARD! Not everybody reads & posts on cnyc. If they are on the board, I will introduce them by their sn then real name. & for future reference I do not being called TG, my name is Daphna smile.gif

Sorry if that came rude, it just really bothers me when ppl automatically assume all my friends are on the board.

Okay . . . here we go AGAIN. Why would you think that it embarass us to ask someone if they are on this board? Is it because YOU would be embarassed in front of your friends? You know this is like the second time that you came out and posted something to the effect of "don't let my friends know that I type on a message board". If you feel that funny about it then why DO YOU type on this board?

I don't get it. And one more thing . . IF all my friends are from this board then does that make me a loser? Why would that bother you? cwm6.gif



“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by risa06:

Girl, if you are so embarassed of your friends finding out that you post on CNYC AND meeting ppl from the internet...why post?????....and BTW...I would HATE to have friends that would judge me! smile.gif

Lola (is my REAL name)



"Hey there you are.

-Do I know you?

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Okay . . . here we go AGAIN. Why would you think that it embarass us to ask someone if they are on this board? Is it because YOU would be embarassed in front of your friends? You know this is like the second time that you came out and posted something to the effect of "don't let my friends know that I type on a message board". If you feel that funny about it then why DO YOU type on this board?

I don't get it. And one more thing . . IF all my friends are from this board then does that make me a loser? Why would that bother you? cwm6.gif


Blue....exactly my point!!!! smile.gif

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Originally posted by risa06:

Blue....exactly my point!!!! smile.gif

Seriously, Lola! I mean WHY do you even bother if you get sooo embarrassed over it?!

Daphane, I think if I ever saw you at Twilo then I wouldn't even bother saying hello cause I wouldn't want you to make up some lame excuse to your friends of who I am. That's just . . . . I don't know what that is!! cwm36.gif

BlueAngel a.k.a. Casey


“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Seriously, Lola! I mean WHY do you even bother if you get sooo embarrassed over it?!

Daphane, I think if I ever saw you at Twilo then I wouldn't even bother saying hello cause I wouldn't want you to make up some lame excuse to your friends of who I am. That's just . . . . I don't know what that is!! cwm36.gif

BlueAngel a.k.a. Casey

...people need to get over things like that...I mean, I met some SWEET people from here and some from Deeper....and ALL my friends KNOW where and how I met them.....and they NEVER said that it was wrong or laughed about it....they actually were happy when I introduced my new friends to them..."More People To Our Crew!!!" ...


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deanna11 - don't get it, why post here, nobody is gonna know you buy your first name anyway??? skeletons in the closet my dear?

twilogoddess - why bring your friends to a meet-up??? or why don't you preface any meet-up to your friends that they are going to meet fellow-clubbers from this board? if worse comes to worse, don't meet anybody from the board, twilo is big enought that you don't have to interact with anybody from the board.

-El Nino

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Y do u ppl take everything so literal & personal?! All my friends know that I post on this board & that I go to meetups. I'm not embarassed of SHIT! I tell my friends everything & they don't judge me.

I'm not taking anything personally . . . I don't even know you. However, if you write something like "don't embarass yourself" or "It bothers me when people think all my friends are from the board" . .. what do you expect us to think? Maybe you should think out more clearly on what it is that you're trying to say and write it out more carefully . . .in that case we'll avoid any misunderstanding.



“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Y do u ppl take everything so literal & personal?! All my friends know that I post on this board & that I go to meetups. I'm not embarassed of SHIT! I tell my friends everything & they don't judge me.

so what are you sayng then??????? whats this "embarass" shit you are talking about????

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Seriously, Lola! I mean WHY do you even bother if you get sooo embarrassed over it?!

Daphane, I think if I ever saw you at Twilo then I wouldn't even bother saying hello cause I wouldn't want you to make up some lame excuse to your friends of who I am. That's just . . . . I don't know what that is!! cwm36.gif

BlueAngel a.k.a. Casey

Don't do Me any favors. I don't explain shit to my friends when I introduce them to new ppl. There's no need too to say where u met them from. I got news for u Casey, there are MANY PPL at TWILO that DON'T POST On THIS BOARD! FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT ASHAMED OR EMBARASSED ABOUT POSTING OR MEETING PPL FROM THE BOARD. I HAVE MET A LOTTA COOL PPL.


Trancessed!- Me

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I got news for u Casey, there are MANY PPL at TWILO that DON'T POST On THIS BOARD!

Well Daphane that may be news for you but it's not news for me. OF COURSE there are tons of people out there who don't post on this board in Twilo. What does that have to do with you're embarassment?? cwm13.gif



“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by blueangel:

I'm not taking anything personally . . . I don't even know you. However, if you write something like "don't embarass yourself" or "It bothers me when people think all my friends are from the board" . .. what do you expect us to think? Maybe you should think out more clearly on what it is that you're trying to say and write it out more carefully . . .in that case we'll avoid any misunderstanding.


If U gonna quote at least get it right. I said, "It bothers me that ppl think that all my friends are on the board". All I'm sayin is don't assume, u just make an ass outta urself. For instance, Missdiva & I have been best friends for the past 5 yrs, when we go to meetups "I say this Missdiva...Rene" yada yada yada.


Trancessed!- Me

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Well Daphane that may be news for you but it's not news for me. OF COURSE there are tons of people out there who don't post on this board in Twilo. What does that have to do with you're embarassment?? cwm13.gif


It's DAPHNA. What embarassment??? If I was embarassed I wouldn't go to the meetups...I wouldn't chill w/ppl from the board.


Trancessed!- Me

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

If U gonna quote at least get it right. I said, "It bothers me that ppl think that all my friends are on the board". All I'm sayin is don't assume, u just make an ass outta urself. For instance, Missdiva & I have been best friends for the past 5 yrs, when we go to meetups "I say this Missdiva...Rene" yada yada yada.

Sweetie, I'm not making an ass out of myself. I just don't have the patience today to go all the way up and write a quote word for word.

I'm GLAD for you that you and MissDiva have been friends for years. *clap* *clap* But that has nothing to do with your previous comment or the comment you made several days ago that caused so much drama.

Maybe I am reading it wrong, but you're not quite writing it right as well. But to say that I'm making an ass out of myself . . . let's not resort to calling each other names . . . not my fault if you feel defensive.



“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

It's DAPHNA. What embarassment??? If I was embarassed I wouldn't go to the meetups...I wouldn't chill w/ppl from the board.

Sorry . . .DAPHNA. Jeez, some people just get so worked up. cwm25.gif




“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” - Albert Camus


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Sorry . . .DAPHNA. Jeez, some people just get so worked up. cwm25.gif



That's because your're poking your nose where it doesn't belong. And i'm oretty sure that she wouldn't give a shit if you saw her a Twilo and you didn't come up to her.





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WTF !!!

Why don't you quit *trying* to make sense before you make yourself look even dumber.. Once again you state something without being able to back it up.. You did write shit abotu being embarrassed... If you're embarrassed to be part of the board, then stop posting..

I don't know you..I have never seen or met you, so my opinion is based solely from what I read from you on this board....

Also, If it bothers you to have people call you by your screenname (TWILOGODDESS) them change it to Daphna(sp?) What do you expect people to call you....

DAH>>?!? So many people browse the board, and you have posted a pic of yourself so what do you expect? And OF COURSE not EVERYONE at Twilo posts here.. rolleyes.gif Where the fuck did that come from?



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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