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dreams, does everyone have them???

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Last night I had a dream, very vague, it involved my 5 yr old, him getting in trouble and someone taking his coat away in 30 degree weather. All I know is something very bad must have happened in it because...

I woke up at 4:45 this morning hysterical crying! I mean REALLY sobbing! Even when I stood up I still felt so devastated that I couldn't stop, even though I had no clue why I was crying! Very bizarre shit. Usually if I'm upset in a dream, it doesn't come out in a physical manner. Although I used to sleepwalk. I hope that's not starting again!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i had a dream that divilicious and i made a visions sandwich!!!

Well you just make sure to let me know what your favorite condiment

is and I'll make sure to be nice and lubed up for ya. I wouldn't

wanna be a dry sandwich.


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look, but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone, and I... after some very bad childhood nightmares, I don't remember my dreams anymore.

you gotta stop falling asleep with floyd on!




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Most of the time i dont remember my dreams at all.

Ive had dreams that i dreamt of something and then they came true, like once i dreamt i got into a car accident, and the next day we did, that was spooky..

I hate when u get those dreams that feel so real and that when u wake up , u still think it wasnt a dream at all, but real and then u keep waiting for it to continue...i had some of those lately


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by laurensomers:

Everyone has dreams, they occur when you go into a deep sleep called REM (rapid eye movement), but not everyone remembers them. However, if you are really fucked up then you go to sleep there is a good chance you won't go into REM sleep - thats why you feel tired as shit.

I can testify that a person can dream without goin' into REM or atleast within Seconds of closing their eyes. I remember 'bout few yrs ago when I work 3 jobs and never had a chance to sleep. I was really really tired. I pulled into the parking lot of my job and saw i had 10 minutes. So I looked at my watch and timed ten min. of it to buzz. I closed my eyes and booooom I slept and dreamt a dream that seemed to have last a whole lifetime. I woke up with my heart jumping out of my chest thinking I over slept for hours! But I looked at my watch and only seconds past. I felt rejuvenated like I slept for a long time and had a really really really long dream. Amazing thing to experience. Just another evidence that there really is no such thing as time but just dreams.

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

I can testify that a person can dream without goin' into REM or atleast within Seconds of closing their eyes.

I closed my eyes and booooom I slept and dreamt a dream that seemed to have last a whole lifetime.

Just another evidence that there really is no such thing as time but just dreams.

I can also testify to that! I dream immediately after closing my eyes and it feels as if I was sleeping for days.

I know that I'm falling asleep when I start dreaming with eyes half closed.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Last night I had a dream, very vague, it involved my 5 yr old, him getting in trouble and someone taking his coat away in 30 degree weather. All I know is something very bad must have happened in it because...

I woke up at 4:45 this morning hysterical crying! I mean REALLY sobbing! Even when I stood up I still felt so devastated that I couldn't stop, even though I had no clue why I was crying! Very bizarre shit. Usually if I'm upset in a dream, it doesn't come out in a physical manner. Although I used to sleepwalk. I hope that's not starting again!

Cathyo I feel for you! This is just a theory of mine but here it goes. You cried because only God knows why. You cried biologically speaking because you needed to. So your mind/soul needed to create a scenario of what would make you cry. It took what your most precious thing in life, your child into a scenario that would make u cry. Dreaming of someone directly isn't always intuitevly or spiritually significant. It's always much more sublte than that. This I would have to say is more biological translating to logical.

For example. If i had a muscle spasm in my bicep that cause my arm to bend and jerk quickly and violently my mind would try to make logic of this bizarre movement that happenned all the sudden. It will then create a visual image (dream) of me perhaps lifting something, or throwing a punch, anything that would make sense of the movement. I hope that helps.

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I pretty much don't remember my dreams anymore. They've been mostly nightmares for the last few years, I know that much. frown.gif

Oh, and if someone says that if you fall off of something and hit the ground, you die. That's a load of crap. I used to have dreams all the time where I'd bail off of something and fall like 3000 feet, then hit the ground... My body would certainly react to it though, I'd always kick my covers off of my bed when I had those type of dreams...





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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